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Show SPIES AND GENERALS. There are no more resourceful strategists than are the kaiser's iecret ! emissaries. With all their training, p.x-perieDce p.x-perieDce and asoranfe. the German generals are bunglers compared with Germ an ppirs and propagandists. The reason is obvioas. Their military an-thorities an-thorities study tactics and school themselves them-selves to the tricks and brutalities of war. The sc-rrt, agents jttody human nature, and practice the art of deception. decep-tion. Men wbo cannot be intimidated or beaten in an open fight may be deceived de-ceived and rni.-lcd. Thr wbo Vnow no fenr and hesitate at no obstacles may have an abundance of rrHulity upon whirb a master hand might strike a note of suspicion or n chord of nclfirh in(re';t . IVrman rf fort n lo ware the allifh brn failure from tho time they tn wc' TJ.r.'fci inn to the l;i"t ma tsa'-re of A rmrn i:i ni bv their coworker in " f rightfulness. 1 ' But their prriagHnrl-iMs prriagHnrl-iMs fu eerHn d in disarming wnd difinem bering Kir si;i aflr their army ,hA failed to n'-romplir-h anything worth while. Self .tanking politieinnft who roveln.r powr, who held t hri r own Htfrnnd io rnent above the freedom of their people peo-ple or the, glory of their country, sold (heir influenrn 1 q t.hn kaiT Jind K-rjjlrd K-rjjlrd to faefinn;i) prrju rr. until Tiufl ';i was divided find doomc. There may ha e b-en AOrnr pol it irnl n ta t ors a ho had long look nd f orwn rd I o re vol I , hut. thr'V wrre induerd to rice ahin t t. h i r own projile ;it, a time when il mr;mt, -hame, (nr t hrmrrlvci and aid to their enemies. Hirnil.ir ta,cti'.s have b'-rn employed o Lnjfland and 1'rnnrr, f'-ut ther gftv em rnriif i havn hnndlrd the kai,':r cminf :i ric-; wilhout. glove-4. All 'Aho hi r. ilate- in 'iutl;' to the i(, w r n H)f M t thiir i-riruplrtc l.;,filtv in Knland hitr ! '-II 0.t rjirjf , Ilir ,''i1otin' e. ,, I r:i n r nirn w lio - c fii 1 1 uir n t :t w ft r nj, pluud'-l in llriri were givm trial nnd, upon fiini Ktinn, f rr punirthrf w i 1 h im pr ),oli tnr n t ir fr I h. 'ropfin i'.l Wfi nni n At work i n iMw. Jt n ijrf-U."" in I this counLry after an interval of severe fighting on the front. They whisper vague suspicions about the way Ihe war is conducted. They dwell uvin the mistakes mis-takes of the aircraft commission, regardless re-gardless of the fact that t In: Liberty motr is a success und that. Judge Hughe3 has been given full pnwer to conduct a thorough investigation and to prosecute anyone guilty of fraud or willful misconduct. They expect to make considerable hay while the coming campaign la&ls. They count on meeting with some measure of tho success which crowned their efforts in Russia. It is the duly of the American people, peo-ple, to be on their guard. No division or discord should be permitted at such J a time. The desirability of filling some j office with thifc man or that, man, representing rep-resenting this faction or that faction, is inconsequential compared with the one great issue before the people., the issue of war waged to a speedy and victorious vic-torious conclusion. Ket neither propagandists propa-gandists nor politicians divide the people peo-ple until this issue is decided. |