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Show I GENERAL CREDIT SERVICE NORTH OF VIEHNACAFE E. A.' HOAEE, Branch Manager. S. C. COOMBS, Sales Manager. I P Greatest Brass Bed r tT Unheard-of I Value Ever Offered Lff It IT H Ff ff 14 ValUG a ! in Salt Lake W B Continuous Post j Guaranteed Bed I f P I f. . 1 iJ '. U ),,,) ... , J..,.,J, Comes with 10 heavy 5-8- v d? , 'm finish; 4-foot, 6-inch size I g A & - WJ,X fU i0. For this week ; f 3 o : - yf'Wk onl7- ; , VvwvVv 1iti.4s p-i ivt Only one to a customer. No deal- :. . "vUjj 2"lncl1 ContinuoTB ors euppUed. Terras $3.00 cah, l ' Posts balance fS.OO monthly. :j 1 t fill Ei mm wm v jc: mm h$ mm I a yard iLM$EB mmm ym mm (2 YAEDS WIDE) f ffT R f f, J, J'.r.ehtn yoar kitchen U llf JA U ll MVi'-l 'A M i' ' fW ? H uir,:; aki;lr: JMW:MS$KLMD on your floor f. i"Z variety of patterns, at srSbfl!w. sT'i'Sv ' ; a price no low it will pay fX--vGVl' AV!2 t (, yxm to tl.row awav yuur II Y i -ti(-:' AVtA If AAlVJS. I: U olci linol. un, if it com- J' Ay ftfyl&W'h f H -"y thi price ii. r&sMM ' tr .,....lity. Hriuht. cheer- (f$S A ful pattern... tl.at will reMW V'-4tiWt-- V; J'i'.'i' l well, wear well and miM? i U alwa) look well. WA;' i'-J j! J. yX i.,J 'vVAVV i tl.e,,, Mo.ay. A4 to your .:l -y$ l I account or open a new on X' ?U3r,.t. TZ "..'.wvnUW'i'i- n-,t,.-,;--i-'i'v . ,-r. if j by paying tl'.V" 'k. . BiaaS; Don't Pay Cash Have S'?; Your CRDIT I, Your Clothes Charged! Good Vith Uj, I VRS HEADGEAR in the most ',tJpw ' fefeJ$siM-'.4 u pi..! V i i i J&&vv:$ From Fashion' ;, "J approved styles, fi j'T.-t-' ; 1 r Wm ' of unequaled , f ' ' - 'fKiifSli leafing make, value. K - 1 MSKi well as : Hj Ready-to-Wear 11? lely Hats VELVET HATS f Ijf ad, by our ' h o1 in all the .1 M0mf1 m , j i Mi fit , itSj s u . i ; ' own skilled : 15 wanted colors. $0? W r " K ' w. VT. MS U,P workers, are FELT SPORT V !li?Jf U HATS - ': I W0nW? sold here f0r . ;;1 gP Just the thing I WfT' IeSS than tWs 1 5 for town wear. " ' . "Pf.. same class of . SILK VELVET and jT ON ' ' ' Mniinery f PLUSH TAMS ! f fL, I brings elsewhere - -V-j CREDIT g !p So becoming to youthful g TERMS M from ..ft d YOU WILL FIND , i "M THE CREAM OF THE CITY'S m Autumn Hillieery Here I Lj - : You know the reputation we have guined in the past for our clever, beau- l, tiful Hats. We are not only maihtaining that standard this season, but rJ because of our vigilant study in women's chapeaux, have surpassed all our I previous efforts. Your winter Hat, no matter what shade, shape or ma- I pTM terial, is awaiting you here, with all the distinguishing features and subrle l-touches l-touches so necessary for proper Millinery. I ": P llTaS I Jail . . . . . (' . . ; Musk Ml Help Win theWti tewH0 MJ'c MOST V ' ADVERTISING '7-T'""":''n' IS A BAROMETER OF BUSINESS CHARACTER. The fliamctrr of a MAN van be judged bv tho clothina he wears-the cha' BUSINESS bv its julvi-rtisius?. Kxtrnvnpaiit claims a.ml iniil untruths in .advert kins: indicsto tho slip-shod, "'"J business as surely as uarish or soiled apparel disclose tho independable man. Duplicity is short-lived. Pair denliui;, tho u ifailinK' perform;) nee of hont ! the i v i 1 1 k f "vahw ns represented"-this is (he only way to PERMANENT ' It hn.s been a policy of this bouse, in force f o more than Sti vears. t nv" NOTICEABLY snlisl'iiclory service .o t-ivo F-TTPKNT vibie -- hether tl"'' ha involved the invesl.incnt of a few cents or a thousand dollars-that 'vi'r-v '' , would mark tho bej;innins,' of a PERMANENT pairoiKie. 1 Values fairly advertised and honestly piven form the foumiation stone of su'0',f music, business -s'l.s well ns in anv other. Tho nio,t:,l rcprortiiii In (lio llhiM rn t l.-n vo ..rv. hh n t t lm,.nl.M tn .nw to lh -)Mrw' 1 c,f I mi.-oli.lul,-,! Mi. .Mo I nim,:itiy ,1 v Ivlnr. U Is ,nu, .r 111., Iw.-lv., ni,-,l,l:, i-,1,M th" V" . "'r "f ,'",!",': ""'"'I ., "f ll.o Vnllort Si;l,v. f,,r m..-.u ,lv,i i I -.:.-' '' '. ,,, n .x.miilliiiont t.i Sull IjiIio Illy Una io ,,r lh,-:.0 ui,-,l.,ls :-luil,l K- won l.y .ii.w'.l.l:tl M 1 I 1 HRsr oi'.mj. uv'if.nitrrr IU.1 v. SI.'.. Men. ; U-W I-:. KIHST SOU TH SX ' |