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Show AtUck by Thomas i Unwarranted by Jontana Man. y's Decision Final, inion Expressed in "alk by King. . 'gTC'N. Sept.. 21.-An attack in rerentlv "Pen Srrrrlary I,unc Thomas nf Colorado in con-s con-s h tM Calif""11"' oil I"') eon-tras eon-tras renounced as unjust and ' i tiay liy Senior Myrrs of .tiairman of th! pul'lic lands Senator Thoiras prctcstinc ay' final action on the. oil g bill, critiri7.Pi' thr ntliludi ef Unr. and Punie.ls and At-erJl At-erJl r.rreory, and assorted that lrt have hcen sivoidcd if Mr. lily ran the interior dep::rt- Kvfrs declared that S.-rrr.lary ' "miy had acted properly in the )at'ter, hut had conducted his ' ' (tenerally with the inmost efficiency in the public, in-'i in-'i .akl the secretary had no lrevent the puits hronpht hy "Vi'M of justice to hold up -4iad proposed to issue to opera- g California naval reserve. Scurrilous." of Secretary Lane before, the ""ic lands coinniiltee hy HYancis .. assisla.nt attorney general, "'rfi said, way "outrageous and 'anri should not have- been dig- notice h.v Senator Thomas. , 3flnlt of Utah paid, in proposing the California, reserve opi.ra- ' itarv Uine's decision is, tin's tin-'s and court precedents, final, jted that the department of (tone greater injustice to many ; (reed Into bankruptcy by the I's suits. , thomas, conceding that ho sa.id l;iwas secretary in name only, r his hieh regard tor the secre- declared he had not intended sient as a personal attack. He. I l he testimony of Mr. Kearful precedented Httafk," made hy .irent of the government on the 'iinlher and declared that it lsrimed that in making those t,Mr, Kearful was speaking for ey general. 1 Replies. la number oulside the senate llnifrt my remarks as an attack itcrel.ry of the interior." He j. "rhere is no more upright, iapahle official in the govern-by govern-by than Franklin K. Jjane and I Sarge him, 1 cannot charge him. tndoning Ihe duties of his of- Iub not done so. Wha t I said other heads of departments have Borne of his prerogatives and "ot protested." Ashurst of Arizona, Democrat, H debate with high praise of Ine, whom he commended for rlntf "hazv, unsupported and f statements" of .Mr. KearfuJ. ary Lane needs no defense," said prtt. "He has the confidence of thinking people, not only be-I be-I his stalwart Integrity, hut be-hls be-hls remarkably wide conception m confronting our country, johabiy is one man and only l Wilson who has a greater con-( con-( the obligations and duties of h." |