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Show Social Notes from Utah Towns 4 I LOGAN 4 . . LOU AN. Sept. HI. Mr. and Mrs. A. "H. Thompson entertained at dinner Wednesday evening eve-ning of last week in compliment to Mrs. K. D. Ball of Madison, Wis., and Mrs. Adelaide Sinitb of Pasadena, Cal. A basket of rose-colored asters formed the centerpiece for the table. Covers were laid for twelve. Following tbe dinner; the evening whs spent playing cards. Miss Elsa Thompson eutertained at a unique party on Saturday of last week at her parents' home on East Center, which was styled a "backward" "back-ward" party. The twelve guests included came with their clothes on backwards, and all the proceedings of the party were carried out backwards. back-wards. Out-of-door games were played. Tie-freshmen Tie-freshmen ts were served. The senior class of the Beehive girls of the Socond ward gave a garden party Friday evening eve-ning nt the home of Sir. and Mrs. David Tar-bet. Tar-bet. The lawns were lighted with Japanese lanterns. Rus and easy chairs were spread about.- - Games were played and refreshments served. Thirty guests were In Attendance. Tbe U. A. C. Women's Faculty league gave its pfenic party Wednesday afternoon on the lawns at the L. A. C. A musical program was rendered and various gumes were played. A picnic supper was served. About 200 were in attendance. Tbe wives of faculty members and their children also wore included. ; Mrs. J. K. Sbepard entertained her bridge club Thursday afternoon. Garden flowers , brightened the rooms. Two tables were ar-I ar-I ranged for auction bridge and at the conclusion of Iho guinea refreshments were served. Mis Bella Smith entertained Thursday evening eve-ning in compliment lo Miss Ruche Hyllif, he-fore he-fore her departure for Berkeley. Cat. Asters and sweet peas wptp ubout tbe rooms. Games awd music were the entertainment. The evening was concluded with refreshments. Twelve gnestd were in attendance. Mrs. Fred Thomas entertained fifteen of ber friends on Saturday evening of last week a t a Kensington. fiardeu flowers brightened the rooms. The afternoon wua concluded with refreshments. re-freshments. The Wilford Woodruff carap of the Taugh-I Taugh-I tern of tbe Pioneers met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Man' E. Smith. Following tie rendition of the regular procraro, refreshments were served. Mrs. G. F. Wright. Mrs. Arthur I Deusnup and Mrs. John Shaw wcro special guestd of tbe a f (erooon. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Naisbftt entertained at an attractively appointed dinner Tuesday veiling, ve-iling, to celebrate their wedding auniver'sary. A basket of pink and white asters formed the centerpiece for tho table. Covers were laid for eight. A social evening followed the dinner. Monday Mrs. Jack Ncwbcrger entertained at n theater party In compliment to Mrs. Laura Smith of Salt lak1. Following the performance perform-ance at tJie Lyric theater, a supper was st'rved nt Murdock's and an hour spent In dancing. Ten guesls were included in the pnrty. Mr. and Mrs. G . W. Lundqult entertained at dinner Saturday evening of last week in compliment to ten of tbe soldier boys who are encamped at the II. A. C. A basket of sweet peas formed the cent erpleoe for the table. Covers were laid for fifteen. Mr. sod Mrt. A. F. Cardon entertained at an elaborately appointed diuoer Tuesday evening eve-ning tn compliment to Mrs. Cardon's mother, Mrs. Reed Pmoot. A basket of pink and lavender lav-ender asters formed the cente.rpiefc for tbe table. Covers wre laid ffr twelve. Mrs. Reed Smwt departed Thursday for Salt Lake and thenec to Washington, D. C, afte having spent two months here as a snost of .Mr. and Mrf. A . F. Cardon. Mrs. O. W. Stakker and lit tie daughter of T'ocatello. Idaho, spool tbe wnek here as guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. It. McGee. Mrs. T7. S. O a Higher of Salt Lake is here, visiting her daughter. Mrs. . .1. T)e Sanders. Mrs. George B. C'aine departed Satnrday of last week for San Francisco to join her husband, hus-band, who Is at the Presidio. Mrs. C. W. Nibley and children arrlvrd Monday Mon-day from their ranch at Rcxburg, Idaho, where thev spent the summer. M1f.s Tonh Vlatch of Franklin. Idaho, spent the week here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hatch. Mr. Yj. S. Budce and lmteliters. Misses Ivalco and Cloteel, and son, Stratford, arrived home Wednesday evening from a week's visit in bait Lnko. Miss Laura Smith of Salt Lak spent the week here as a guest at th? Beta Delta "bapter hoiue. Tr. and Mrs. ;ere Fister. Jr.. of Petr-nlf , Mich., arrived Monday and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Flster. Sr. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. G. Thatcher, accompanied by Mi's Marie Barber, arrived Wednesdar evening eve-ning from a two day' motor trip to Salt Lake. Mrs. Thomas Smart relurned to Salt La!e Monday after n few days' stav here as a gne.st of her' laurhtc. Mrs. J. S. Powell. Mrt-. E. P. Ball departed Saturday of last week for her how In M wdison. Wi. Miss Jean Cox of Salt Lake snout last weekend week-end here. Mr. and M-.. C. W. Bees and children and Ms Rachel R.illlf will lo:tve next Tnes.iar for Rerkpioy. Cal.. v here Mr. Rces and Mist RalHf will attend school. I farWiton f FARMTNGTON. Sept. 21. Mr. and Mr. A. T. Clnrk ntori.iined Monday evemuc tn honor of Mr and Mrs. Archie Brown. lm are moving to North Salt La'.e. where they will mVC Their fliomo. A musical progr.-im was rendered, after which luncheon was vcrved to twenty-five. Mr. and Mrs. Mirion Hess, are moving from Vernal, where they have been living for the pat year, and for the prei-ent will mftke their home in F.irniincton again. Mr- Otrelta McJ)tnaM returned durinc fhe week from Bic Horn hisin. where she JpC2 summer wl'i b-r diinc-hter. Mrc. J. W. TyW visited iu tealvOIc during tb"- Txeek. Miss Louia .Tame. i spermine the week m Salt Lake guest of Mr. and Mr. James. fiss Modern Chuff-ii is visiting in Salt Like ; with MiM- Beatrice Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfon Uarl Twin Td.H'o M.m n few rinys in Farminptfa this wek. c-iests of Mrs. Rhodn Taylor. , , ' j t CT T(nli!iK" Ill MISS PRICELLA SMITH of Smithfield, who will "bo married mar-ried to Brighani Blackhurst in the Logan temple, September 25. & " I i id X r r 1 A . " t i t ' .3 I " v i L ' -" S h t V ill h K I: a Lhib wecli In visit friends in Dixie and St. George. Mrs. C. A. Miller spool the week-end in Og-deo Og-deo with b?r daughter. Mr;.. Lionel Farr. Mr. and Mrs. Vorn Bourne of B.ear Creek are spending a r-w works in Faj-mington. guests of Mrs. Vrancis Hess. Miss Lucv Hess is visiting in Salt Lu-ko, guest of Miss Edith Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scha ffcr arc spending a few weeks in Salt Lake with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood and son of Salt Lake visited friendt iu Karniington Sunday. Mrs. James Dunhar speut u few days visiting friends iu Salt Lake. 1 SPANISH FORK ; SPANISH FORK. Sept. 21. Mrs. B. J. Evans Ev-ans entertained t!ie members of the Self-Culture club and their husbands Friday evening of lat-t week iu honor of her husband's birthday anni-rersary. anni-rersary. A chicken diunci" was seoed to thirty guests. The Misses Laura aud Lucy Andnii. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A!m:ie Andnib. left Tbursdaj. Miss Laura romg to Sueur City. Tdlio. where sl;e has accepted a position as teacher in th? grade schools, end Miss Lucy io enter at tbe t C. -it T,o-au. Mrs. Kanpersoo of Park City i:i isit iog her sister, Mrs-. A. F. IMvvi. of this city. Dait1 West of l'le;is:ni! Grove snd Mr. and Mrs. Black hum of Salt were Snrdsy din ner guests of Jhn Moire rt the home of his daughter. Mrs. i.'-org Yltiglies. 111.. Vid"lis cb;l spnt Thursdny aflTiocn :it t ho humc -f Mrs. Lor ii) t reel a t L.-daod. Lunch w:is served. Mrs. Binoche Holt Neils.Mi. a recent bride, was tendered a miscellaneous- show or Thursday ovpnins: .i-T the 'vimo of her . parents. Mr. and Mrs. lhoin:i Holt. Befrc-lunents wore curved at 10.3ft o'clock . The bride received many Prau-ih'ul Prau-ih'ul and nrtul pnventf. Mrs. Shippie wns Hostess, tn the Bridge club members Saturday nftcrn.n -f la -t i eek at her V.oni- at the power pMnt. Supper 'u;. sen-ed n: H .-'cicck. Mrs. Dan V illian'.b was a tpec1' uet. Dr and Mr. T V. H.-r--? Jnd family sp-Tf Sund.iy with f.lfndi- at M-.nt rie-i-.i-r nod Fairview. Mr. and Mr- J.icU Hnbbard ire Mating w,t!i relatives m thi.- city. bIcr- rTunnng to t m-cac". m-cac". B J. Joii'r c,p, Jr. . of this city and (-!! Banm of B:uu-. formerly ,hl" ",r-gene ",r-gene to Mount Plcar.t. where rr: scroll as sttiden; M t.e v-a.q'ch ac.idetri Mr--. Ti'O' :"id r:. J. I'.i-kard &ttcc.ied ' CUTICLE A Jf D COSrFimOS S?rCIALIST ! late Dr. L-t-r. '.-xi r-.nit.fy- ! fcllo fori:M:!.-s. L ' .:ig Carjs. srv : the noted Y;'$ ' N3v . w strDg-. -; C7. ! original Frecci V,. ; -W. iu i rinlit. for rir--V f;.-ac.;:,-R ; .-g rGy ?v i v Vl,:it, yy:r t-"-;bk-, from i..rc A U.K. v airea y'z. frf.crt to t F'.r-v "i i-o. r.v. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes visited Sunday with friends at Mapleton. the missionary tea given by Mrs. .T. C. Patterson Pat-terson of Springville. Thursday afternoon. Misses Cynthia Burratt and Malty Thorwald-son Thorwald-son left Tuesday for Logan, where they will at teud the New Jersey academy. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and children of Price, accompanied ac-companied by Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Baum of Hains. spent a few days during the week in this city. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Russell V. Lee. son of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Lee. to Miss Dorothy Woraack of Minneapolis, Minne-apolis, Mine I PLEASANT GROVE j PLEASANT GROVE. Kept. 21. Mrs. E. J. j Swenson entertained a number of ber friends at j a birl ltd ay party Sunday even ing at ber borne, i Luncheon was served find tbe evening was , spent in music and games. ! Mts. Chrfstena Williamson and daughter. Mrs. , James Peterson, and Mrs. Walter Baxter mo- tored to Provo Thursday and spent the day vis- i iting at the home of William Williamsou. Miss Sadie Mills of Bingham was the guest of her moiher Suuday. Mrs. J. J. Hayes entertained (he members of the P. N. O. T. club al her borne Thursday. Mrs. ,lames Peterson entertained al supper Friday evening in honor of her husband's birthday birth-day anniversary. Covers were placed for forty guests. . Joyeph Monson is enjoying a fifteen days' fur-lou fur-lou gh with his paren ts, Mr. and M rs. S wen Monson. Mrs. Thornton was hoKless at luncheon Wedntisday. Covers were laid for Mrs. Alma Rowley. Mrs. Isaac Wagstaff of Ajuerican Fork and Mrs. Sanford Walker. Mrs. W. J. Beck, Miss La Vina Olson and Miss Ardcua Atwood were Provo visitors Monday. Mon-day. Mrs. Bruce Allyn of Salt Lake spent the last week-end visiting relatives ln-re. Sirs. Swen Mod sou entertained a I a socia I Tuesday evening, in celebratiou uf her birthday birth-day anniversary. Miss I in bell Bit lingo re.turnod to her home in Man Li Wednesday, a ftcr spending I he summer sum-mer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Holman. Sir;. A. K. Thornton and daughter. Mrs. Claud Shtirtluff, spent Thurbday and Friday visiting relatives io ShII Lake. Mr. and Mrs. ,lanie:j Chipnian. Sr., of Salt La kc were guests a l I he home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Cbipmun Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McComie lefl Sunday for Paysoo. v.-hr-rr they will make their home. The members of the Lindon Second ward en-jo? en-jo? ed themselves al a war. reunion gien in (heir new meeting hoi;se Thursday. Dinner was served and the remainder of the time was spent in game.-, and dancing. Mrs. John Lowe and da ugh I er, Tinnle, of Beaver are spending a. week with Mrs. A. B. Walker. SUNNYSIDE 4- . . . SUN.VYSIDE. Sepr. 21. Mrs.. Samuel Dugmorc entertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Ncpui Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. George Wells and Mrs. Aaron Demmiek. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Overson of Cleveland have com- to Smmyside to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Burton and family have moved lo TV a t lis to make their home. 5fr. and Mrs. Nickols Knouf have returned home, ai'ler speeding two weekb in Salt Lake wiib relatives. Mrs. Lth. '.ray lor and Miss L.vdia Horsely were Price visitors over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Diirruore left Monday for a week's stay wfth relatives a t Terrou. Mr. find Mr;. N'epM Jensen h;t v e moved to Salt Lake. From there Jlrs. Jciim;d Mill go tu the shipyards ur San Francisco. Mrs. Alien Anderson bus gone on an c.TtCDdcd trip to Moroni. Miss Elizabeth .lens.-P and Phyllis Bishop entertained en-tertained at a watermelon bn;t al l.'ie Snooks boarding house Monday evening. Twenty-five guots were preset t . I dTTchesne 4- m-CHUS-NG. Sept. -:i. The workroorii- of the Red Crc.n ave be':r oneod again each da y nnd a lrrc .:i"ount of finished work hv- becj .-ent in. Seerl bo.s have been t,ent during th week to head' pi a rt err in bom er. Mrh. J. lldi'it Zimmerman gave b-:'Ire lunclioon Saturday aftrm'n of h,.-t .k at ht.r home, 't i,rn .'overs were 1j: id (T Mrt. . 1 1, C, Steele, Mr,,, f'.'inrjo Mrdr-i. Mrs. P. U . Bil-lircs. Bil-lircs. Mr--. W. 1,. Oe;in. '.rs. i. N. Mt. 'ijss .i;,-P VoTi!, Mrs. O. C. Lock hard t. Monte Y'"-tr:g Mr'. O-cr- ;.m:":. Mrs. A. Pio-a-cC Mrs. F,. w . Vh'Tian. Mr.'. H.irr r Di:berst'ir. Mrs. P. Mcpi-orion. Mi;. IbPma FtMi. Mr-. K. C. Kelso. M's. H C. Cammerr aad Mrs. H. V. . Vi-'n i kT. I. 'inch con u served f rorn i o large tnb'ev ccircrod with vas nf gard": f Ion -ers. the crlr ;-c.,.;ir,o of yfiiow fi-ri hirc b'.dre r.f rried om in the decora t ion . T in- pl:;cc r;i rds were arranged tn be ti-d for t-core cr;rds when bridge foploed .-.r f-ir table. Fnz-.' w r" a wardcl Mr:. ).'.nt? Y-upg Mrb. W. C. I"! " Rev. vv-. h. P.ee-. and Mrs. Re:-e of StIt I.i'e invr s.'n r ,nr;.h hun vi.it.re di'--:rg T h -t!-.. O.i S'-ndv. :iior dfijverinr a tcr-m tcr-m mi here ;ir SV Ty' T" p8; -"pil i-hurc'!. .:-. ij. ncvci-, r'-'firng t-:- P, c ;e-:ir :-n I r'rja; , ! w'ii: ;rs R.ese zn- r T" rearing snr i. I nffv.. talk nr rburct, v r- icr.mn I h t.-n oi j'i;-,iir.7 v.-.s f tb' LpT-T'iIi Miss Am Wei-.-,,er. ii;.,. rv.c., stot' ii-- I ri'v'.". M.Tk'ei. v;tJ r.-'v AV,. T-i '.n-J N.'.-l . ;) -l.'j-n -nd 'n pv.n Mfl!"v e r-D 'o ; ; .,;ve; ro a: H rd rPo-d Hi';- "-.;-- ; r.s I'.tt L:J P--'1 ?T rv" ' . 'j Cr f,,- '. -' n t ,t ;r: Pi-.'. - in M r p-ri M.-f. J l id r z-- .h .. rc- v - srri M-s r. ,;0i..n I - r sMt I.:l.c. Mr. i F. S- r.-rpp at .if H'-Tm bs- h-rr jit-rr cr - fr-.- on: "i'h Mr Mr; J- A. i f--. H . "'ffhi'k of K.'jn;.s C::- M- r-. |