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Show f I 4 tpsp js- sa p ' (T P ditMl ill H i tA i li k h em! 4t current prices, production ml year probably mill Approach $2QO0QQ0O. -aluaiion. Jfbiers gfGmalr xalllaAe ffie sail marsfia "Jamie and cement 'dust W -yiediha -much needed x-roduci v v. uadf c rArrz " " : .. jtt HAf2VESTNG JL9HA TE POTASH f UTAH , ' -HEMICAL CO. J j" 0. J. GRIMES. to the beginning of the opean war, a little more than t years ago, practically all the ifih usod in this country came D Germany. Interruption in leilities because of war condl-ed condl-ed tho United States govern-fndertake govern-fndertake exliauetive investiga-'U investiga-'U with a view to developing a lotasli to meet domestic needs. S3 that has been made in this B reflected in the estimated Utah during the year 1919 j j ely 55,000 tons, which, based y-r. prices, will have a valuation 7.M0.OO0. ' i clpal sources of potash . In !A ' far as development has pro-): pro-): i aJunlte, the waters of Great salt beds and marshes and vi,:!t The Mineral Products iMarysvalo, according to avail- itlon, is producing about twon-i twon-i of sulphate of potash dally Hnlte deposits. The Florence erecting a mill southwest of lo treat promising deposits nd by the end of the year to bo turning out ten tons or of sulphate of potash, mly authentic reports may bo nee, tho Solvay Process com-"ins com-"ins in the salt beds and " SalJuro. expects to be pro-nwragc pro-nwragc of ono hundred tons fally within tho next few j ' Burmester, formerly known al ti'O south end of Great j th SiiU Uka Chemical eom-between eom-between three and four t,!h a day. and recent addi-the addi-the plant wiil a little more 1 '" capacity. I Us. Kt3 east of Sallair is t'ie I'tah Chemical company, Tl'i is a Jay avcraso out-ten out-ten 'ons of sulphate of .tjfii"' l0,Vl''- P'udo than is pro-"I pro-"I the other Utah concerns, potash producers In the y- Portia rui- Cement company s rl';:i' ! f 'It ULke City, V't,Z rv,l:"id Ceaiont com-i com-i pl'f1' Rl,icrs. "ear Hrigiiani Vl-Cement coniptmy of J,f iiTnliie out aUmt two tons Tartly suipiuite and partly : : '"i-Olcii Portland com;.anv J'c; Uu-oo-ton j-lai,! the fi,vl . Proclui-t of itc (tetit-ii 5' k",-ly ',. t.. form of - t;;e Minufal Products little better than 95 d it is expected that f''Vl ft, ,''!oi"t'u''c company will ' " - he ! o,K"K! va,,,c,;)' The prod-X prod-X fell ccnCl'n,!i' except the --4, I.,VlM " least what Is rtarJ' So "cr nt o.-i!,:, o.-i!,:, eiU ccilnpanics makln.cr a -"a. Wlwed will proho'Wy t -U "er ''c,u- because of Vt-'.:" fuol- If applied. thC! co,ni)iny has confined "y lo tho maiuifacture of I v vfr!5! w 'Ivy l " PLANT BETWEEN X.' r- , SALT LAKE AND )75j I i 3. low-grade product, averaging 25 to 30 per cent sulphate, although some standard stand-ard grade is being made. . The current price of the standard product prod-uct is something hotter than $300 a ton, with a bonus for higher grades and penalties pen-alties for grades falling be'.ow 30 percent. per-cent. The low-grade product of tile Utah Chemical company has a market value of about ?45 a ton. The estimated production pro-duction in the state for the year 1019 Is based on aggregate output from all plants of a minimum of 150 tons a day with a minimum value of 5300 a ton. While some of the potash produced by the Utah Chemical company will have a value of only about $45 a ton, it is believe. that the much greater production of all the other plants of a potash higher than standand grade will bring the general average well above ?S00 a ton. For instance in-stance the potash now marketed by the Mineral Products company, the Portland Cement company of Utah and that which is being made by the Ogdon Portland Cement Ce-ment company, is valued in excess of S!00 a ton. Tho significance of the estimates for I Utah In 101 tl is reflected in the fact that during tho year 1916 tho total of potash in various forms in , the United States was 35.7:13 short tons, of an average grade of only 27 per cent. The value of the 11)16 production was $4,242,730. Tho figures for 1017 have not yet been given out by the government. Mineral Products Company Pioneer. To tho Mineral Products company goes the distinction of being the pioneer in the potash industry in Utah. Operations on a commercial scale were begun by that company in the fall of V.uri. In rciucing the alunite to wlubltf potash salts, the ilinorat products company employs tho Chappel process. The ore is crushed so that Itn coarser fragments arc about the siie of iaivo pens, and is then passed slowiv through a ro-ary kiln which the- temperature is maintained at abmit 7f.O decrees Centigrade. The roasted aljnilc U .lipc-tod with boiling water and then filtered through Kelly prc:fcs. The cake, which is mainly alumina, is stored for future usn. The filtrate is placed in a modern multiple effect evaporator, evap-orator, and potassium sulphate of about 95 per cent purity, which is yractu-ally frtc from chlorine, is recovered hy crystallization. crys-tallization. .hout the time the Mineral Product? company besan operations, the 1. tah Chemical company was organised and toe construction of tho plant east of Saltatr was begun. The first potash was produced pro-duced by the Utah company the following follow-ing March, giving it tho distinction of being tho second potash producer in tho state. The Utah Chemical company is a subsidiary sub-sidiary of the Southern Cotton OU company, com-pany, and Is allied with the ."Virginia-Carolina ."Virginia-Carolina Chemical company. However, some local men connected with the Inland In-land Crystal Salt company are interested in the Utah Chemical. It was organized for the purpose of extracting potash from the mother liquors which formerly "were a waste from the plant of the Inland Crystal Salt company. Inasmuch as the parent concern was chiefly interested In the manufacture of a potash to be used in tho production of fertilizer, it was possible to make use of a low-grade product and tho entire output has been devoted to that purpose. First Step Is In Evaporation. A plant and an auxiliary' series of evaporating ponds were con-structed adjacent ad-jacent to the salt-making ponds of the Inland Crystal Salt company. The liquor received from the salt company Is first evaporated in open vats similar to those in which the salt is made, and later lat-er by artificial heat. On evaporation the Ikiuor throws down a crop of crystals consisting mostly of sodium chlorido and sodium sulphate, w-liich is discarded, and by this moans the potash content of the j salts of the remaining liquir is increased to about 4 per cent. The liquor is then taken to a multiple effect evaporating system, which is fitted fit-ted with salt traps, in order that the ; evaporation in the first "effect"' shall crystallize and separate as much sodium chloride as possible without lnne deposi-j deposi-j tion of potassium salts. In the next "effect" a solid mixturo of sodium and ! j potassium chloride is thrown down, leav- j ' ir.g a mother liquor containing practical- 1 ! ly all the magnesium chlorido with' potas- , stum chloride, and scmo sodium chlori-.lc. j The solid mixture, carr;. ing around 10 1 per cent or more potash, is- dried and J sacked f"r shipment. In the mnufae- ture 'if the higher grade nroouet further j refining is necessary. j The Salt Lake Chemical company. I which is a subsidiary of the Diamond j M.'itch company, hegan production in .lanru. ry, ;:U7. It. too. utilizes ihe waters 1 of Great s;ait lake. Tt.e plant is one cfi three experimental piu.ieccs stp.rted in l.'i6 hy the Diamond Match company to : obtiiin the potash necessary to the manu- f facturo of matches. The original capac- j ------- T7:;- ; v .".:... 5 ;s " ;-rr ! ". . , " " - - : tw . .' - Ji ' . . . i:C --t.?-. : . -"" j? I 1 S !: : .1" ; . :. I ':v '-Trvv: 1 r s ; W ' V- :V. I POTASH PLANT OF ' j Wl -'J?A CEMENT CO. f T)T -21 x ity of the plant was about 1 00 tons a month, but within the past year an additional ad-ditional unit has been constructed which will a little more than double the capacity. ca-pacity. Salt Refinery Added to Plant. Although the original intention was to manufacture onlv potash, it was necessary neces-sary to first remove the ordinary table salt ana after (he potash plant was put into operation a salt refinery was erected. Besides making1 about seven tons of potash pot-ash daily the company is now producing approximately 100 tons of table saJt daily. A few weeks a.o, not desiring to enter the salt market, the Salt Lake Chemical company turned its refinery over to the Morton bait company of Chicago. "While information concerning the process proc-ess employed is some. what meager, the indications are that the method generally is similar to that emplo.ved by tho Utah Chemical company. After investigating practically every considerable surface saline deposit in the country, the Sol way Process company de-. cided to erect a plant for extracting potash pot-ash from the salt beds or sait marshes at Salduro. In the fall of 1916 the construction con-struction of a refinery was begun and the greater part of the past two years has been devoted largely to experimenting and perfecting the process. Detailed information in-formation concerning the development and production are not available, but from apparently authentic sources it comes that potash now is being produced and that before the end of the year it is expected that the daily output will average aver-age 100 tons of potash salts or better. In government reports this is recognized as one of the most important potash developments devel-opments in the country. Workmen Have Better Health. While the manufacture of potash as a by-product of cement may be less pretentious pre-tentious in volume than some of the other enterprises, it probably is the most interesting of recent potash developments. Ono of tho most interesting features is that the manufacture of potash as a byproduct by-product of cement eliminates the (lust nuisance which hay come perilously near sounding the death knoll of some of the biggest cement plants in the country. In fact, the production of potash as byproduct by-product of cement is largely due to ef- ; forts to eliminate tho dust nuisance. ; Some seven or eight years ago the orange ! growers in the vicinity of Colton, Califor- j nia, brought suit against tho California' Portland Cement company, asking for a! permanent injunction against the operation opera-tion of the plant and for past damages suffered from thy dust nuisance. G. A. Fisher, superintendent of the ; plant, Immediately began experimenting : on ways and means of recovering the dust by the installation of treaters. His perl-men perl-men ts were conducted for more than a year before it was decided that a successful suc-cessful method of recovery and been devised. de-vised. Scrubber Added To Equipment. Upon completion of the treat er, which included a larx chamber in wh.on the speed of the gases was r-dncod through the use of cverv conceivable kind of baffle, baf-fle, it was found that the coarse dust only was l.;ing recovered. The fine dust is by far t he most troublesome and another year was spent in cypri minting. Ai scrubber w.k ncvif:d and added to the' treater. with th.? result that better than 'Jo Per cent ot the oust w.-is rtrcov-rL About, this t'nie the orance growers in the vicinity of Kiverpide started trouble for the Riverside Portland Cement corn-pan;,'. corn-pan;,'. Mr. P'ishiir then became identif'r.d v. ! t h the K i i u e torn n y in the capacity ca-pacity of genera! supevhitendtnt. a position posi-tion which he still holds. Tho K;verside went the (n';''omi:: company ope hotter hot-ter and InstauYd the i'ortio'1 system, n hi rh a '.50 rc covered a hoi; t ?5 pe r cen t of th? dL"tt. This wj? in two yc-ars N'i'ore ihe firing of the firpj rnni j- f n European con fin i and wh i i-j not;ish fuppl'y of the I'n'.ttd ts.t.t-.; was burg obtained from Ormary. Research Work Made Pos&ibic,' For m,ny ycru-.- 1-cfore th l--tci.Tr.inc of 1 the wr-T it was kin.-ur. .v vcri-r.i p-. ,i u -f.-.t-turori i;AP-nr'y lhrt thprc was ome rot.-ish in ma tf ri.'is u.scd in th- r.i:fjf::r-ture r.i:fjf::r-ture of cerium, but m-o-'ery was nf-t at- i 1-iMptcd- Thi ,.'-y-v pr:i-e uf poinsh of-fi-rtl bitlo ;nd ji'en-.rr.t for n-ii'iv re--srrh work .i id Th r-fvery from :r,t cisi1; presen ted ni;'f leu Irics not easily Sui'm'Mii:tt'.;-". i K--, '.'.-. crAy j.boiM t.-ui HiV pi.M-;i in t!,e raw mr.:..r'--t. is drhen o:!" in the- kilvt. oti.cr h;:f roma:r.s ,n t;. cnvit. V.'it'.i li'.e bic fi-T'-.anri for potash fo!-lo-'-ii- t:i- I riM'ni'i'.' of tl.-' "-ar. nri'-er j- 'arcU s.if.'iuK itlv t P:ake r-Ti.ci', work worUi wr.iie. The Ri?tr!:ioe compai.y en- POTASH PL AH TOP 1 OGDEH PORTLAND j , CEMENT CO. j BPGHAM CTV gaged h. " . Huber as chief chemist to conduct eexhaustive investigations with a view to devising a method for saving tno potash contained in the raw cement materials. ma-terials. After several months a plant was constructed to leach the dust and the product obtained was a sutphaLe oi potash pot-ash of about SO per cent purl t v. Ihe ne.xt step was to increase the vol-itabzattori vol-itabzattori of the raw materials. Ro-agents Ro-agents sucn as salt and iluorspar were introduced, which brought the voiitahza-tion voiitahza-tion to as high as 96 per cent at times. Peldspar also was added, but it was found that increasing the potash content did not result in a corresponding increase in recovery. An investigation revealed the fact that the electrical process would recover re-cover potash only up to a certain point, after which the electrodes became coated and the pota-sh passed off with the dust. A water scrubbing -device was added and about a 73 per cent recovery was effected. ef-fected. Plant Erected In Salt Lake. Aware that the Utah raw niaiciiais carried car-ried about 1 per cent potash, the Portland Cement Company of Utah arranged with the Riverside company to 'devise and erect a potash recovery plant in connection connec-tion with the cement plant at Salt Lake. The plant was completed about a month ago, and, according to figures presented by Mr. P'isher, who was in charge of the construction work, is now turning out about one and a half tons daily of potash pot-ash (K20), having a current market value val-ue of approximately $350 a ton. A similar sim-ilar plant has been erected by the Kiver-sido Kiver-sido company, under the supervision of Mr. Fisher, for the Ogden Portland Ce-cent Ce-cent company at Bakers, near Brigham City. This plant made its initial run last! week. These plants are the first of their kind ever built. The gases, which at times reach a temperature of 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, carry the potaeh and other materials through a flue which settles out the heavy dust From the flue the dust passes through a series of chambers where it is subjected to heavy spraying. At the bottom of the chambers are hopper-shaped tanks in which the fine dust is caught and drawn off in tho form of thin mud. The mud is pumped to filter presses and there dewatered, and, with the water, any potash which the mud may have carried, is recovered; the water wa-ter is returned to the spray system. From tho first spray system the gases, which aro cooled somewhat and heavily impregnated im-pregnated with steam, are drawn by large fans and discharged into a second set ot chambers; then they are "subjected to another washing, which condenses the steam and washes out any potash which may have been carried over. Spray System ! Great Factor. As the npray system becomes lad tin with potash it is withdrawn and evapo-; evapo-; ra ted to a point where the potnch will crystallize in the form of salt, with the general appearance of brown sugar. The pola.! h crystals then are dried, ground and sacked for the market. The building of the plants presented many difficulties, including the handling of high-temptiraturcd gases and dust, practically cement, and which harden aJ-itwi'.t aJ-itwi'.t as soon as they come in contact with moi.sture; also, there were innumerable innumer-able mechanical problems which had to be solved. However, it is announced bv the. designer? that all the difficulties have been surmounted and the degree of success suc-cess attained is far in excess of expectations expec-tations when 1h work was undertaken. Kesldes the advantage of eliminating the dui-t nuisa life and converting it into a revenue of SsOO to $.900 a day. It is believed be-lieved by Mr. Fisher and aer-ociatee the amount of raw materials necessary' to the nianufact ;i:c of a barrel of cement liac been reduced from SoO to 600 pounds. Or'gfn cf Name In Si. p!e Work. In l?-t;'. Knapp wrote: "Pnta-she ore rover obtained hy a chemical decomposition decomposi-tion of r-ny other pntnsh yn.il or as a pron-ii. pron-ii. -t ready formed in nature, but a'wuvs from the aslus n pUnts." Tins coner-V-i hn-1 'rrj horn accepted as a fr-ict, hut v -or. Afterward v. as c ha n seel hy the cx-plri cx-plri tat:on the salts it t St.frf urt. (n non h-c-Tiirai G'-rT.any. The n jet hods of r-roduir. pot; ?h from v c-r .-sbt. (.:,jt. the lees of vine, tho redue of brandy dit;;,rics an- t h' r en'jrcfs were crude. Tho total pr-j Section in thoj-e u;:,., was r.ol t,'reit The r,:iT.f .ir:.h" was fi-M us'-d because be-cause this r 'i t-sta lie? was originally pre-par-.d c vn ir-.-j n l.- 'be eo.ution of l ln'-.s of plan i e i- iron pf't?. aij.j the rami- thu.- or:'naily d e irna ; ed a prjr-t.icu'ar prjr-t.icu'ar f-ro-J-JCt. m-'.-- an Impurp. potas -.iiin car i-OH.H tv, derived from sshe-s, !"-,' iif Levard waj, .jed f- ir.rh:de cauf'c poUifii tc-l. n;.;r:ved "' 'rn'inr t."1 !-t-,). cur v ;- ;,rr-. T.-. origi n- I pot.i' ''' j .i ?.!",: s' : l i.s : 1T1 p " i -d in . A' jp i.TaJcs of ttnr.e-i-si1. n ir.i p jrc ni i -ture cf cauttic a-nJ ca.r GonaLc ; as potash, PCfTLANDCEMmx "7 . J lea OE UTAHh J f PPEPARHC PRODUCT EOK SHPMENT UTAH CHEMCAL CO, or blak salts, or black llux, and as tho redisaolved and relined material known ae pearlash. Although potassium Ions before had entered en-tered ;onimevc In considerable quantity as Indian saltpeter, this ordinarily was not called potash. Not imlil 1 SCO Lo IS'i'J did the great deposits about Stassfurt be. ' gin to produce potash, and from that I timn the meaning of tho term potash has gradually been extended to cover oxnrr commercial compounds of potassium. The deposits at Stassfnrt formed the world s clilef source of potassium sails prior to the beginning of the European war. Potash occurs principally in the rocks and talts of the earth, where It is widely distributed, chfmico.1 analyses of rocks and soils show Ui.it polnsh (K-2-0) forms from 2 65 to S per cent of tho entire earth's crust. Most of it occurs in combinations com-binations that are insoluble or oniy sllsht-ly sllsht-ly soluble in water, and so Is not considered consid-ered available lor use cither In aKrlcm-turo aKrlcm-turo or In many larce industries which utilizo the salts of potassium. Is Much U:ed As Fertilizer. The sweater part of the polafcb consumed con-sumed in this country Is used as fertilizer. fer-tilizer. Of tho various elements essential essen-tial to plant growth, potassium is one of (he few that Is likely to become exhausted ex-hausted or deficient In cultivated soils. Used under proper conditions. It stimulates stimu-lates plant growth, and for certain crops a special application of it Is recorded as almost essential, a fact illustrate) by the present agricultural dumand, even at abnormally ab-normally hlsh prices. The need of potash in certain manufacturing manu-facturing industries, however. Is pressins. For making Ihe best liuuid map and some hiKher grades of cake noaps It is essential, and it also Is needed in the ma.nutaoture of some or the better grades of pla:-H. It is absolutely necessary In the manufacture manufac-ture of certain e: plosives, thougil the great bulk of modern explosives is made without poUush. i'otash now is used extensively ex-tensively in the manufacture of match's, and there are many Particular applications applica-tions of Its stilts in other industries. On the whole, the chemical rc.ulremrnls. though they consume only relatively small quantities of potash, are tho most urgent of ah. and in any abnormal restrh-tiori of t-upply they are tue first to be provided for. Utah Becomes Big Producer. j Prsirles tne potion opcrat ".oni ;rt Utau already mentioned, ihrre hue hucn n1.-inrniitE n1.-inrniitE announcement" of dls-ovcri's "f pota-sh-Dearltig micoal and w a ; r fT-oui variuus t-Hrt.s of t'-.c 'afe. Int'Tist ijas i been displayed it" t-ux f.f i:;sl ;:r,un.j j: t j saline inrust.ilior.s nu ;oi 'n.a ia b jr cii.Ts. eithrr of nitraf s or other s;!t'-. sucti as alutn arid sluip'c '.nii.lvi ' Tue prospectors of siuh '.i.eru.1 tat Irct fie-rptcntiv fie-rptcntiv fa:i t' corvldc- the v ''i: c':st-;r.u-tinn of pota-Mi in sci.iii a i.; nt it ics :n soiu. bio as we'i as ms'C lU'e frrr,t ,-j,ci j disposed to rcas'in t ;.a t a .-:',,!,! .nic.eiuJ on the surface iivj'.cat' s a hue ';'-a:'- titv aL il'-utn a m:-c r v .'t-.i'c', wiiirU s.-i- j d"m yr.olie to mojt sir f-r. hni at ton- j of potash. In oro-r to citer li't- rcir'ct :-i ' o:n e-titinn e-titinn v. It1! foreign pro. u-e's. E .u.iie ih- UictK' pO'Ji'.n litp U.t.et i.i- 0bt:;.!i."ti I'.' cr:c.ip!y and ia Urk-c o j;, :,t i t lt- c p. i.-, .ji cot;rsc. impijf s: " . t" !or'",t.-t f-orn ''.bat ne v .".ocrces p'if-. .-.i j m .;:lt. may .oon be rc ovcrc'!, e;i.ff o a l.y-prn o; ... - I ta.'Ps'.icd ri r-c-: r o' ' et- -"'is1-, '.t t i'j re 1 i " . 1" or r.o i ':h;'.a tiun tor f n-ro'cacac n-ro'cacac thfe jc'.'.ve.-b'r to S":iri'h t);c ull). fr-r sar.T'e incruH'.H : l"i - I. -at nia v, crj I. r. l. Sis. Si-.OW r.Oir;C pC'1;:.'1!. tr I'- t-- Lirr.ate the a!ue of 1o.j.i in rcuds or i cUiyy that i-ontuln only u little moro pot- j ash than the average, earth' 5 cruet :ia a. whole Many Prot-pects I Are Investigated. ; Jiirin tho past four ; - i 1- r !i.io j a npaicii concerning potitbli In Lililc .Suit hUv. nc.ir F'arowan. The lake is a shallow shal-low body of saline wat'-r that iw nor- I maUy about (hrt-.c and a half iniloii lonw, Je?fl than a mile wMc. and ah"ur. a foo ; and a half rhep. The' ha sin is without I outlet, and tho wn t cr t lie ''".ore v rion i n nuantily and concentration from scson ; to sja.'-on, a ita lyscH .-howintr a ran--.'" of ' ten lo t wonty-povf n pci- cent ni' Mtysnivrl salts. The potash in I he. dissol pd : ti i of this water N saiil :u rane from less than ;! to per cent, and n.nal.i'3 of the nnidy t;iiow a a line, content timiL-ir to that of Iiin water. Some, two years ar.o t'n? otteiit'on of 'potash prOKpeetors in I'on coui'iy fshiflfdl ; to tupposcd denosils in rock form, Jyin't in ! ho mount.-' his c;ist of 1 'a rowan n 1 Para cot in h. strata ol' whifp snlino Knurl-1 Knurl-1 one that lie litwiy :i h-l- of u:i n zito and conlorncra t e vfre npno,d for a time to ai-ry potash. Tf;, however, showed thai I n 1 1 d.sl nnc i'uf 1 1 a i ncl only a small ."naTii a ;.:- nr snlnhle matter, mat-ter, chiefly aluminum t-n'nliatc. and snmo of iron, but only a net; lit; i hi c a mmui t of potash. Qui Lehipa, lake, a f nv rnil ivk. of Cf-dar Ci a I so ha m been p o i ted lor pn la.'-1 1. jr. 1 c- (j-, rci'ort r . I ! m r v contained about tlwve p- r ' 'it of dissolved dis-solved Kali.', i'-s:-; tean o-'r (-r-:- rrj-t of i tiie dried residue !ein:' fotte-'i. j .1 -a l in p'ti-;i I pro '!.- r. er v- TK-ried f ; fi r, Mdlard fount y. Tlie friod." ! and walfi-:. of ' ule hd.i . )!-"tir t'nr t;o;,:k I ni:i:rc or - ri '. ..doj mf-uf 1 r a 1 n:-, a V" : ' - I pMt-U-rf to l:;ive t. .-n s-iriol-d ami in x-.) i and fof a time considerable -ui iisui.n v.mh ma 11 iff o er m'iI v.u iu-ur-)y 1 only a nornal porrentae of r"' rj ' u. j Development in U. S. Is Kapid. Kor n liu.c a Mi.a!! -..)' J piant wii? rPprr- ! a it-'f ?1 ! he 1 .a v id- - alt ma it-, in ' '.e e-'Ktr-rri pa; '. Mrd;j)-,j rmini;., W . 1 r ! u :-na t; v a t".j.. ci,-M - o i o' h- r Ij J o f'-ci ri.-'-n ovr a ua : 'L of -r- ioar;-a. yi.,i- tlM'M i.ri.-u' rntr.-it'-d to K;1 1 u ! a I !' fl i wiM. oiemon t-.i r.f u r br;- fTO rri.oi :, , j.-ho.. t-tee to four "r n t rot a: h !n t '.e fl r , r-.- d,ir . u;t fC ! : er tie ' er rn i t I is l;oi t d 1 h1 J e ; I 'j't 'A'O r-.,;t p...,-. J '!' i-iivi'v o' r-obi.ru ;tnut tt-ji'v npeii f-i j j i Ml of V, iu liul'T rriiny, u-i ;v;s !j'i;n -,i--f'rt''f Tiic flm-ofi "'.as d..--r'd.ed us U 'hfj shoUr.7 an r"Vr-f-.- -:-(-: of a'uni ;:id "'t';i:-i'. No .-rfhvp f : -,n t nr in . htu-a t jo us. : e1 . 'J a: br - 1T,:.., '",- ,j .-,o7iTn',:it r-f r'fiO i 0 - ""'l ' r " Ut ' !-. country !ia-. h' u p' -'Tt y- ''"s' i ,i i :--;n 1 :n: ! t-ei io:i or: , 'f w,-.r, Ml'lb-et," ' nt d..;::,n U'n "'I'd in i .r-,. vnV. u .'! I j :i i !i' r'" t 'o-j r.f p.;..,!'.. ail r.f vbP-:. -i! ' or .K -li- ;U- r.iuc v. b( c p :j. ::. ""'''r-f j' e ,e r -i prod-' ;-.r- cnrn,i ti n r.r: fb'-jnan ''-.:; i: ion. Uf.,-e "i,." 1 i n f. -v 4 inn;. I., r -"U ; Kor,,, - .' r--; t. fill' rj,,s rr.-JV ,' h' to pt P'.:-.vb r, t .... r.vrket 8t vr'ar pru-in pru-in , r !',;:' r-o'i ip;i n i' a r m;,n' pof r.' 'v a i.'--orodoct ;.''rlr;jn rlu.'.M-y .-! U, i,-, i''P ' -1 ." v. H! 'fK-,,y,.-. to r ri'-nnaiiy v. p-TmV''J to r S.jt it c i-.rd v r-dl'-vrrf '3 , i:on -.v4 , t;;la-n h h'.- ('f : r,- to :: 'n"-l"HP V i at t 3 ri r,". ea br'!'. v, ' pro-lur r,. j |