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Show iologist Gives Complexion Secret jt secret of keeping the face keep off the dead cuticle." j Mortimer Mitchell. "It is that the surface skin Is con-l con-l falling off in imperceptible ficept in somc diseased con-i con-i the siinie appear like dart-. dart-. the imrticles do not all drop 1 tely tlic.y die. being held tor ke Hvo skin. 'be dcrmatoluKical surgeon entire outer skin at one time expensive operation. The obtained bv applvina or-oiiwd or-oiiwd wax. as you would cold "IK this (o remain on over "king it r.ff ith warm louncc usually suffices. The 2 M'nless and inexpensive. S,n,c." Is procurable at vour wena the natural shoddintr i I fntdually absorbs the dead Smw wealinB the new. f'Mul-lookinir skin under-lAdvertiscment.) under-lAdvertiscment.) p" ' ' . preparatory day and l'ool for girls. Gymna-flm'nj Gymna-flm'nj pool, tenuis and S JJepartments of homo t art and music. . rcnovated building, geoicn.t. GARTEN fer bovs and 10 h. Boys admitted to rVns September 4th. onis Buckner, Principal LFrank Hale Touret, Bishop of Utah, Rector Wasatch 824. I Imiss i'TELLE tNSEN . "n 3 and 5 p. m. isT SO. TEMPLE". ST. I THE DULL CHILD Needed Glasses A!! that ir.any children ft! B need to get ahead m tl ; school is the glasses that g It will give them good eye- g l?J sight. It is far better to lSi !ia-re them '.rear glasses ard succeed than go . Ji d without and flunk. Poor vision in children 5 is hard to detect. The f k, only sdre way is to let -i 6 me make a thorough test j-E j-E which will determine their E trouble. I never advise fl- 0 glasses unless needed. K Do not Nenlect Your ri g Child's Eyes. ffi 1 J. E. BEOADDUS, ; S Optometr!$t and Optician y 312 Walker Bank Bldg. S 1 S-' Tel. Wasatch 3201. H U The Outdoor GL-I ! xfTT1' Protects die skin aic ji-li complexion from all j IStslX v"'atl!r ( condiliorss. U&p'' . Soouiing ' and hraiing J$fc sunburn, tan aid rough ''A X'" " Of chaoped sUnr.Tr it f-) Svuraud's ' i I;1 t-end 15c for Trial S'zc j .y -;. - - - - ; Superfluous Hair j The or: m rxzl lifjnld rrever d s p-I p-I point.-t. Only depilatory Ht rnorrv ! ' IIDupremacy Wlillf5 ' as a Cleaner and Dyer is due to a l0t!s!::!f "Mg definite idea. Backed by ample fe' i i i'iJ capital, witli the largest and best iJillfl equipped plant in the state, with J4 ! j a force of experts numbering over J. lSj Si:'frj5 seventy people assures you guaran- W f If MtM teed work and absolute protection V V- wf against loss or damage. 4 1, VThen a cleaner offers to do your f !ipvt work CHEAPER THAN MYERS, V I 4wvV think BEYOND the price THINK lkC l in WH1AT WILL DELITER? rvBsNfvy J I 'l T8 dainty Gears;ett Waist and sheer "tla-SiStS I 1 Dress, tliat are soiled and mussed, may be I I ma-de like new a.t Myers. Qt-Ey H I rl16 fad6d suit or dress may b dysd a tfOCt n new' fMt color by Myers Experts. IT Don't wait too long before sending the (J L Fail Hats, Suits aad Overcoats in for dea.rting an renovating. You'll soon need (L g&Xif them. z . PARCEL POST BRING WORK IN ! Special service to out-of- , , town customers. Send jl you can faVe a day's time, avoir) mis- Myers your cleaning and ; understandiugs aud prevent mistakes bv 5 dyeing by mail or express. ; making it a rule, to bring your work to 5 We guarantee work, insure ;! our plant, 114-116 East Broadway. ( clothes and pay return charges. "" ' -,'ur-ri"1ru"'-'"'-r,-1J',-ru" -1 J y FHONE WASATCH WOES GUARANTEED. CLOTHES INSURED. Sleep well at night; be of good cheer Tho war will end our way! The San-O-Tuf's without a peer You know it, anyway. No Tufts Outside. Absolute Ventilation. Beal Never-spread CoUEitruction, t? Our New Patent Protected Design. Fresh Air Ventilators w:rsf ' "fi fx Jfff" f i y ygfih&W Tabs That Give Uniform iw&is- ff Thickness "Tr0 'psk J0 Tbe Heart of the '-- J V0 Eelcforced Nerer-spread Strip "jSifSti.dy this cut ' . -- w 1 1 it great j tesrl care. The San-O-Tuf Mattress Did you ever notice how all (he other mat troscs finally ?pt. lazy and sort of loll about like a good-for-nothiu ' husband " Bprcad" out, sag in the middle, and luojpy on the sides. Ever notice? Well, tbe SAN-O TUF is like a doughboy trained right up to the minute, every day and night the same, year after year. It is raritary. clean, will tu'-cr Lprea.1. hna tui.;. iir..dr, not outride; full of pure ir aiT-a'S, made of the be.t materials. Your dealer yells more S AN O TIT 'S than an 7 nthpy nia'i.f-,. Made by tbe Utah Bedding & Manufacturing Co. SALT LAKE CITY. ! Independent Paper Stock ! PAYS CASH J For MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS i 12th North and Ogden Highway. 1 j Phone Wasatch 9168. j |