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Show POPE SHEWS NEW PL1I" JiER WHY Mill Will Handle High-Grade High-Grade Copper Ores of Big Property, MINE NOW SHIPPING Ore Bodies Are Being Developed De-veloped on Five Different Dif-ferent Levels. That the Pope Shenon Mining company, with large holdings in the region just out of SaJnion City, Idalio, is getting on its feet in a very substantial way is indicated indi-cated by two concrete evidences the shipment ship-ment of high-grade ore from the property and the progress that is being made in securing a plant to treat the ore that is not or' a grade to warrant shipping at a good margin of profit. rt was hut yesterday that the Tope Shenon company received word that a ear of ore had arrived at the sampler and that the assay tests showed the rock 10 earn.- 1 per cent ropper. This ore rajTie from the No. 3 tunnel, where the ore body, eo far as present developments indicate, has been proves! to he eight feet wide and eight feet high, with no walls yet encountered. ! Power Line Completed. , Superintendent U. M. Eakin. who is ! down from the property to consult with i President R. H. Winder of this city on i matters of business pertaining to the : company, said yesterday that the nine-mile nine-mile transmission line from the Salmon ! City power station to the mine had just ! been completed and that the electric drills i had been installed in two of the five 1 tunnels of the property. He added that. , in his opinion, the shipments from the Pope Shenon mine would be regularly maintained from this time on. while at the same time there would be no baiting bait-ing of development work In other portions of the mine. The Pope Shenon mine, the heaviest stockholders of which are Salt lake people, peo-ple, holds a wealth of copper ore, much of which is of shipping grade, as is shown by the shipment of a car of 12 per cent and better in copper, but there are also literacy hundreds of thousands of tons of ore carrying the red metal in a percentage much higher than that which is now being so profitably treated by the big companies of the country, this ore beinz of suh a character that it can be easily handled by the process whlelj is to h adopted by the company in the plant that is now under course of construction. con-struction. Will Soon Enlarge Mill. "While the first unit of the mill that is1 now being lonstnirted, most of the ma-i ehinery already having been ordered. i I only of f ; fty-ton per day capacity, it is planned to enlarge the plant as soon as possible, all the funds for the construction construc-tion of the first unit having been pledged by reliable persons. The ore is to he treated first of all by roasting to such a degree of heat that the copper pass off in fumes, and then these fumes will be caught and treated by what is known as the Crawteilt: system, so t'iat in the final result virtually all of the values are saved and the copper comes out in a practically pure commercial form. TberP is stated by tho management to be a distance of r.W feet vertical depth between the upper and lower tunnels of the Pope Shenon. with ore showing on all the levels. As t lie installation of the process which is to be used i;i t be handling han-dling of t he medium-grade ores of the property has already been proved to Cipro Ci-pro fi table when used even on a small sale. the inauguration of the plant's capacity ca-pacity to 100 or COO tons per day, as Is planned, is confidently counted upon to bring pleasing result s, inasmuch as t he ore reserve of thr- mine will suffice for a long time to come. |