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Show I Do Not Miss the Announcement Every Man, Woman and Child g Rocky Mountain Country Should f See Page 7, Mining Section. 5 Salaof Notions I Bargains! I CARRY YOUR PACKAGES AND SAVE MAN-POWER f0IJR motto is J . ' Groceries i'1 , . , . , a I t- I f gtTlgqomjiBaffiaiafcaum "EVERYTHING B Bolk Coffe, 24fi Fanc? 2hti ,. t ISe 1(10 yd. spool dewug 10c ban Dover's Si Urn, i Bargains! Yl4i Vl jfflT TN. ipa wjtW TTTP 1 Pind .White IV, Bilk, colon, ouly (m hla.-.k colora oniv, no eer or M STATE & BRODWjB fefh FOUNDED !S84 $?? TO WIN THE 0tah Cabbage,... 41. Extra K a, wluto U,W,..Sc wHte, 4 or 26c t0 visit fel prfl cr r, U ffl M SWE WAR." . pound ... ... 2B 70 e, 2 V ? j 7e Ball Dartar'8 Grorhnt ?. 4' 1 ABerbach'3 Bar- t if 1 ff Ofc PfM !W f I 9 :. Couoa, seated gain Counter M l fe ?Ly M M ifff O W i i Mill We, therefore re- pkago. . 23C v "" 3 for loc ihoe Lacea, 3 for.. ..ioc I Thoroughfare. . N Mi fe. f pi p 1 II pi ll M pi M M uest our patrons i Utah Potetoes, ; 28fi Swift" v-'" 1: 10c laro siw box of Wiro -rrt 0f one dowm B M P; Kv4 W4 fl PVS W EM feS V3 fi !fM v !9 Il3rrk fA take xfilh i ixunda. ........ . 'hti ' "!?Sal-lir "TWg 8IO STOKE!" J I. - to 32c o-.-j. j3 25c Twine Shopping (Auerbfich's Main Moor.) Zmum gAaatiTitrgiWnffiliann itnTHinl isave man-power. lO-'b. $275 ( A aerba.-.. 3 Q Rc FmhraiJpru Stoedals3 EVERYBODY AND THEIR FAMILY ARE GOING .... . , GloVBS dnig Ejinoroiaery ppeuaib o k to visit the state fair, sept. 28 to oct. '5- vjiul ., . . 59c to 98o Embroidery Fiouncings, 39o' Yard 11 ' - , Washable Leatherette Glovea, $1.25; - t- 1000 yards mrv.-, dean wkite embroidery f loimeings, of Swiss and Nain- JgiSifeIJK ....... . M " - . H aook. Widths 18 to 45 iaehca. Variety of boantiMl patterns. . .. (WM ' ' serviceable gloves m the country are Allert f; rj h3V This Organization Achieves 'a Great moos -washable leatherette gloves. "Wash like sDi5 'j 15c to 25c Embroidery Edges, 7c Yd J MW r t t LI like leather. White and colors. NW selWat ' El 3000 yards of S-wias and nainsook embroidery edges, np to 10 inches -wide. ' i-4r4Xik i UrCiiaSIXig I rlUmpili t; All nirw openwork and blind patterns. Finished with good scalloped ( gjVjjS . OVer tte a - elfrcs- yTl ; , ' ' I Auerbach's price while they last, $1.25 per pair. ' M 10c to 16c Embroidery Edges, 5c Yard '.' Wmm If LZ 7t ! I ' t' 2HO0 vards in this special lot of embroidery edges. Mido of Swiss, JtW 3 M jf f I M fi ffff . jff f S? H l jiainso'ok and cambric Widths to 7 inches. Variety of -embroidered j W 1 Isl -A f S.J AJ St. U ft.M&t g ; ri and openwork designs. jjj jlf; I Bargain .' : in Hosiery, 1 1 1 JoiTft SSjffl i'fld'JiffllM 5ftM I Bny woolem horary for bdies and children while they can be i 3 Big Lace Specials 3 . N IS fl . i iSlSiG OOfl III .U-.- -j '1 Children's Woolen Hcse, Ladies' Woolen H. ij 10c to 18c Lace Edges and 5c Wash Laces, 3 l-3c Yard r "S 25c and 50c Pair and 75c Pair ... !' Insertions, 712C Yard COOO' yards in this special as- 1 'Lj f f 1)'8'$$$ j Wih gray heel. and toe. ' With gray haeli ud tai ;ij 3000 :irds in this assortment. sortmeat of wash lace edges and 1 3 J IfJ S.lfefliK I6&B I " .' 4 White and cream Cluay, Filet. insertions,' consisting of Torchon, , lfjs I " "4 N'ormsndv. VaJenciennes and Tor- . . . . B I 1 frSJ I 1 hon T:'ff .rent width' and at ..Valenciennes and fancy Filet, in I II OgS9 " I J tejna. new patterns. I If A vronderful purchase enables this, "The Suit Store j ' Knit Underwear i i C5C to 98C Oriental Lace Edges, 49c Yard 1 ' 0ity'M.tO'-Offer St begS f ' - i Knit nnderwea, for ladie and children should he tr : fl 5000 vards of vew oriental lace edges, in white and cream. All fine A . SGaSOIL, 150 Smts wMdl it Will be impossible to dupli- possible. Prices are Tapidly going np, anda big shortage ii. j i.et top. with beautiful embroidered and Venice edges. Widths from 4it j U . -i , , j-i j dlffierilt to procuro the necessary items for winter wear hte '.. fc to .10 inches. . . j OA CSXQ at UDlS pnce. H .. !i.A. . ....... J ,j ' ' L. " Children's Fleece Lined ' Children's Wool' ' xsS. ,em AtP Fm&3 ' KSSSd Union Suits Suits, $1.10 an; H "1.1 III TI 1 P C 1 TSM ff h Jjusfla jjitiniw Unshrinkable wool anii f-i ISeckwsar and Handkerchief Special :'j 59 Mm II jf' Lam. SLzes 2 10 10 years -89c white and pay. : Pi Sis 12 to 16 years 98c Les' Fleece 1 48c to 65c Women's Neckwear, 35c . l m M ' M k W gaits, $1.19 p.J 1000 pieces, consisting of collars and sets, made of sheer organdy, lawn s$v&' gj & Sa . ?!V Children's Extra Heavy BegoJar and out sizes, ij and reor;:ette trope; also pique and nets. Etiffersnfc stvles, embroidery & f$?ktv&''si' Ladies' Fleece Lilt H , , . . . , - - itkfjH 1 Fleece Lined Union Suits . tj- r and lace trimmed. JSaSitfJfl' and PantS, 0. h ' "When the suits in this unusual purchase are sold, r$rl so8 p811 waist attach- , H 25c to 35c Women's Crepo $3.50 Women's Neck ., , , , m jAA i " - Ladies , ,o tj, K we will not be able to replace them. Jffe ?198 - de Chine Handkerchiefs, 19c Pieces, $4.75 . g 1 fCW Sies 2 to 10 years 9Se . unabrinkabU wool 73 dozen special purchase of w Women 's ostrich and marabou These are all Hew ' fall . Suits IU the new length ' COatS, ' " '1 ' '' . Slzc3 12.to 16 y15- .-?1-19 and gray, tra ffood quality crepe de chine combination neck pieces and III d . '. handkerchiefs, in white, pink, cape effects in all black, nataia! and naTTOW skirts. Many are beautifully . fuT I j fJ . .. , - ' - - ii blue and lavender. Embroidered and black and white corabina- - . ,-, , .-, j 111 jf) Garments t m8' BDy sU niT" SarUbl fOT " " ' trimmed, but there are also many strictly tailored UL 8 complete stock' of approved l. tx a Garments, in wiater ir vommi ,io mi. n ng wear. models. All are beautifully tailored and lined. . lv! I 8!!i sizeS5 " low6St Price6- (! I i n I (Anerbach's Main Floor.) jj ' - They are of broadcloth, velour, silvertone, men's wear IJ M " ffi ,,n,iin mm mH ' hot - Ribbons and Veilings serge, poplin and galardine, J 111 A- 3 Cases of Mill Ends of 8 36-inch Comfort C ii 50c All-silk Satin Ribbons, " 38c Hair Bows, 28c Sizes 16 to 47. ! Wi rnrktth Bath Towels at Less I . ' 25c vorrl ' pVH -M u c -Ii H l I than One-half Price. g Cretans and Challie it V OC xara Children's ribbon hair bows, of ' ...... Hi WJSMl I 9 of patterns - .1; MPt . . : . WARM COATS FOR WINTER .V ; W t Mld Finest WMte j ITrl tJiT 58c Fancy Ribbons, 42c l ' flours, eviots, mixtures and novelties, with self SfS 16 2c, c and 39c Each "jjjf ; sasbes or hair bows. Yard and Velvet trimmings; all Wanted Colors; at ..$29.75 . . j (Auerbach's Main Floor.) I (Anerbach's-M 0 ?L98 Chiffon Ank) Scarfs, lOOO yards in this lot. Special! jj (Aoerbach V-Second Floor.) Ml . Si 1-l:J 1-l:J . SI. 19 purchase of fancy ribbon, con- I - , ' I Colored Onting, 35c Yard D Dress Ginghams,- 1i yids lone. All the light sisting of light and dark colored I nr CTATT rAIO A MI CCP TUT M . ' Extra heavy colored onting, 36' Mil lengths. To be k U anj dark" staple colors. combinations in Dresden. I COME IKJ 1 Mt OlAlt TAIaV ATiU SE-E I Ht . inches wide. Light stripes only. 1 are, 2 to 10-wd rlfM U . (Aneh'slainoor) - J GREAT WAR EXHIBIT. EXCURSION RATES. 1 l.O to 2 length. ,t S6c yd. J they last at 25c , 1 i Ii . W (Auerbach 's Main Floor.) 5 (Aucrbach's-M'3 ffS Big Sak of Silks and Dress Goods Housefurnishings and CMna Dept. ( A Real Shoe Offer (or fTTi ft AvMN I .o- c SATIN CSSPE MSTECS, $2.75 YAEXJ I Aluardnnm Sonp Straer, fJXt CHINA. I MONDAY TUESDAY AND ' A ;l V W: ) i L"1! Pe T- ,Prettiest this season for gowns. Bega- 5 - .. 75c size." . Hanging Baakei r 8 rtUAI, f . fil i iV,; lar $4.00 value. Special sale, $2.75 yard. 5 i Carpet Brooms, 59c "aJiguig Easfeets, S9c 9 WPHNCQnAY Y i P. Afl W WTTT- ' " I Almninnm Percolators, 4-sewed; poUshed ban- Hand-painted Plates 8 V? lUl.,JLJ I V ' ;, 1"1 V WILLOW. SATIN, $2.25- YARD 1 die. 6 for $1.13 ht k,t o a A ! ' U f'.f 'A he3t- Very popular 'silk for this faiy.in a tho lndlag ahaea. 6-eop bio. . Universal Bread Murer. . , 1 Women S Novelty Boots, $4.9 , ' ' L; I V a VV? liegniar $o.00 vainea. Special sale, $2JZ5 yard. . I uameal Saocars B ' fi r-F VtA CHIFFON- TAIWA R1 4 VA-DTk 1 No.- 1 -Electric Sowing Medium size. Whito anVi!5 1 Over 1000' pau-s women's novelty style boots. Made T 4A , ' i 1 AcJllSS SSelfSrs; fane H..50 Boy, Bgg Ska p'l. w 38 Hr5 des of b:wn or gray $, A H i '' striped silks go m this lot Values np to $25 yard. Special sale, $1.48 yd. I No. - 3 Electric Sewing Clothes Baskets, $1.98 Martha Washington shape; 1 h topS 0n newest style narrow toe lasts, , ij I f, V 'j CHIFFON PAJNAiMAr $2,75 YARD I Ma. china, 553.50 Family size; willow. gold band. I with leather Louis or military heels, with medium C' ' f f I f. ''II S an Wool Chiffon PaairTa. Not hiig belter for"- and service, g Alumtama Bi Sew the New Way With the Jp Ait Pottery. I All new high cut lace patterns. These y J F I y''f ResnUr4-00val,,a- SfecJai at $2"75 yanL - I Boiler, SL98 Electric Portable Sewinsr 7flc I are a1 Sood quality, good fitting shoos made by a W :; jj 'f, SILK AND WOOL POPLIN, $2.25 YARD" 1 2-quart size; pnre Machine S ,eadlDg mmi-facturcr. All sizes. b'i'rh IX"oo pfal" i alUmilmiD- 4 Cak Parow, Rember, these shoes are quoted below their red value al n "" Remnant Sale, i to Off " l M lfid ,J " ' SHOES NOW AND SAVE , . C 200 ta Con., early Monday f l felTI Cap, X - Q . " re Bound to Be ttjhjr e. " (AnerbachMain 5w.) Antnum ooe, M4 12 .. setf. 0n Sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at j Bg52ir)miragMPBj 8 Pots. ?2-20 VpA fcori-ij$S scaling Pjik exjr S (Auerbach 's Main i'loor.1) s& r.-cTT r,rr,j fi . d . , fi So-cup size. " &. V ft frTite-rarr-i-rrr c g cgagg!luJgMLa'a; ..; LilEX RUGS Cocoa Matting, Linoleum, B Inlaid Linoleum B m ' aVTZ T i , , B t b- ' B N rtraoor? fi I tauvi. imoieuxn, g M H A faJ 31 .electric sewir,s 12 Vr-gaL Mason H Larffc Size S 72-inch Brown u Cretonnes fl mons racrs will open g veraJ rolls of ofvin. H The bluest and best I Auerbach hejiw H Medlum t A so UKht you can carrv t Rton fwv, 63c Each 9 Dtl- R . I 39C n oo Mondav. S heavy cocoa fiber line of srenirine Amer- t V fV , 77 B 5.1' wherever to rtr to Crocks B Meeting, D Small lot of heavy E ; ' ft mattinsr. Now inipos- ( iean linolerun in the i lTUaid Imolcum. i Alnmlmrm SiSSt." sw. Attack to any eleo- wlu Coverts, H 4gc Yard I drnporv cretonnes. Small lr i i-j . 0313 313.-) 3 sibio to pnrchase. I city. Ann-bach 's fa- 3 Wonderful pat- 8 Steamers, $4.50 gg!iJ S',, ,li,ht ,sockc am' 25c per Gallon ! 7 2 x S 4 ii,h Jrn i , . . S lOxcollont quality for B drar"? t : I w.., o,1ft ro I Auerbach,'? will sell 9 mous pjades still eell- y e i ,. 5X7 c ('xlci(y cIor., the hnrd t 1 n C n e S fl MiU lengths. Alonday E draporv and covering g sstecn 1 Si ' ' ' S 9 I M r Monday at i ing at ?"59 yanL 6 i 7 Te 5 6 S . Jt7 -' n One-fourth Off on full comfort size 'i?1 f., to I Barain al f'.: bi.., 6x.i ....$ 9X0 B bayard. 5 fect wide. feet wide. AlanHnnm 8-Hole M No.1siz0.. M1, All Candlesticks tttr 10 I 2Sc Vrd. g d.y t "! (A;'i'orT S ( pi5 rr i,lf1h (AnCrlTUl8 r i (An0rtB'8 r Fifth 1 MUffUl PaM 89C Efc N- C naU Lamps (Aoerbach - Wain (Auorbr-c'hN -Alain 1 (Auerbach '? -' Fifth I (A LJ I ; R Jrioor.; g ( Auerbach 'a Fourth Kloor.)- I'loor.) ! Floor.) I Floor.) I |