Show this llerrnelorj TO There Is I nothing like n little nerve combined with pleasing address and assurance to mako a winning move the world During n recent pleasant aft rnoon n handsonte looking well dressed lan started for a stroll up Chestnut street When opposite the entrance to the Continental Hotel the stroller mot a party of friends and ono of them playfully caught ono end of its faultlessly adjusted necktie and lulled the knot loose Then came a lug of war for no one In the party could mako Ibo tlo again After n great ninny attempts the stroller brushed bin friend aside and stepped up to n pleasantlooking girl who was looking Into n Jewelers window A few words were spoken nnd with a irlght smile the young woman deftly tied the knot remarking with another imllo Oh you are entirely welcome Ive got big brothers of my own They are Jut n clumsy ns you ore Philadelphia Phil-adelphia Record |