Show llnir In llahl Indian I Jack now took off hi tune flannel jumi < r and overall lrounni fuel them nrtutlcally together and ilurfe then out with the coarse erns grow Ing ever where around u Then he I laid the dummy tieyand the ebce of a tlouu I bee In such away a lu lash no If the bulR of Ida own laxly were Protruding The sill old rui ueeded admirably for Initantly there ram from the cover about thirty > ard away a hurtlln uliower of arrows and no aotq HI Ton and 1 had fired our decoy shot A squats of hldwuily Hilnle > l Auiehe > sprang i up and with upllftiHl loinahanki and terrino yell rushed toward ui Hu not for far Now buys iihouleil Jack and llh crack of our rin i the three forenio brava went hmdlonir down cur a few seconds the other stool t be wllilere and then 81 One after another an-other dropped undrr the storm of revolver re-volver bulleH llreil x > rapidly in 10 rem like the work at a dH n rnemle the nurshlni warrior damns off 10 their lIOn I > and Kiirrled away |