Show A WI4 nick At 1 the rviicluilun nl the rotten per urniaiHtt of the tlneleTBmi Cabin Com pony VfilinJny night and while ties allattliM of thin lake wean prepirini to tear down the tent one ollhetn a laivr I inniidd l brute Hdng L o Esutn IxiyudR I 1 wklng through the lent rttihcd at him and kkktd him ultlmul warnlnif Lehl Thoma who won Handing near told thin man he ihoflU IJO aMmnied u I himself klcklncu boy and that he should IT arreiled On Thursday mornlni the nmtttr wai reported to Manlial Salmon a warrant wiiiiwurn out and a learch lor the fellow 1 fel-low wet hciinn The how erple had loaded nnd loarded their fur and the trek waa about rnuly to pull out when the nianhal appeared to error the warrant The show pfOfle refuted tu lot the car lx lenrchcd halt Ionduetor h IIv l louantlionianhal the kr 1I1I11t saute through the train Unrn the olTrnder law kim coming however he I illed i out ol the opputllt end If lIlt I earl nil ear-l nodef0e III lKrt titth Iu I boarded Hut Uhl l Thomai nat t wattle ing fur him and kept clor on hI hcelf and he ttai arroted and bropjlit before l Jmtlce Wllklni while the Wnvoof oho truop went on In Ivanilon lleloru Illi Honor tin prl > entr gitn hli namo ni O II llartlvlt hejilmltteil kicking the bnv but pall he il not Intend In-tend to hurt him Iu Min then guts hli tide ol the allalr ai m ii doted that the 11011 nil was mvl J wlthont w nnlllll tlc whereupnn Jnilro VII kin Impound a One upon thu rjjtoncr nIT l n-IT 1 nnd ciiitu nmauntlait In alj I0l4 which wai paid and the MUgcrent hut min went t Echo II jeR the balance bal-ance ol the troupe Kirk eomu pretty hlh > on throes |