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Show The Coalville COALVILLE, IL VOL THE I1TTEEEPTS OF IDEVOTED TO PATRONIZE ROSE INDUSTRY. THE COUNTY NEWS pEOAt rttth, August IMI5. (A. Hil t EY3UKATE RT - ifof leva tiiariuVw iTe' t uri. 'A.wflW'Wd' t, 1)P" xi eu nmy. .i.rflrs. abut iw 'pm of tlio Tf eel Fr Nenrly " Every Tnwn III Aamniti timnyivfcir Th Tlme'iM Rfpreettlve Hit dow n off lie lull .tod are breaking Into gram commenced this week and from now until threshing will he a bus .time the !iekljn plmes, doing more or !e Feand to Uelte A boot B. R. E. iKK. for ail hand. damage. Fruit venders have heroine quite isoi'Kl'OltT KAMA. and the fruit is of better l umeriou Rw gcoai, Utah, August 28, 1815. Kar xn Xuh, August 28, 18 5. quamy than that w hid has been offered j.fTl,K Tims- Editiji Tivts:- , Ijr m me tears pas . , Wm. Meiubridge has been quite s.ek Mm. Ainu Wilkin i quite kick. H. R. Wright weiuto Salt Uke on the dunug jJueaJax in attend the Republican con-- 1 wihwVivliialM4jUL from halt Lake last week. 22nd was quits well attended. Ttie Democrats of Kama held a tneei- Quite a number of Rockport people evening of Le 27th. lug on ttie went on tiie excursion to Saltair on the Tlie Klaus sisters furnished exce'leni .Td. music for tl,e ball Wednesday evening. Miss Maria Horton has gone to halt Bishop S. F. Atxxeid, his councillor Lake, where sue expects to Stay for and sexeral elders, went from "Kama some time. bun. lav to attend meeting at Peoa. James Peterson and wife aud Mrs. j. of North Kama spent bun- Williamson Having is mostly done and the farmers i..as a dad should be oxer the are preparing their reaper for hart eating happv Jajrhere visiting friends. teres'. mg ex out. the lovely field of grain now iisi ripenMrs Laima Gibbousis slowly recoxer-tn- g of Democratic A meeting of the party ing. from typhoid fever. Bert Cossey is Leon is called for Saturday evening, Another blacksmith shop is in course stek with the same complaint. -August olst at 8 oclock p. m., for the. r. of erection. Henry Davis i the Asdrexv Peterson of Wanship Elder the Iemo purpose of reorganizing Thig'niakee four smithies in craac addieesed the meeting fcer. ,tjL of society. our little tow 11. K, 8. A large number of pleasure seekers last. salesman Mr. Ruth, the who bate been out this way for some WAN8HIF. of George A. Lowe's, ja with hi two time past are now wending their way Vtah, Angnst28, 1895. Wanship, Lewis at Kmiths, enjoying daughter, towards home and hard workT feeling Editor Tints : rest from his soinew hat arduone duties. well repaid for their outing in this deQuite a number of beef buyer have Dr. Lawrence was called Sunday to see lightful part of eurtair mountain xaies. been around of late. so was whose knee the Eekelson hoy, We are sorry to report that Walter Mies tirade Young went to Park City badly rut some tuneagn. The wound Williams son of 11. B. Williams of this for a visit on the 27th. was in a ery unsatisfactory condition. place, i quite sick. Mr. iiliams went Miss Luetta Cornwell, a niece f Mrs. after a doctor this morning and it is to Quite a number from here took in the M.J. Atwood's, is at the bishops on a be hoped that something can be dmre balui.r excuiston on the 23rd. visit-lawn party was given there, in to ease the pain from which the young David Anderson came down from honolrofthe young lady one eenmg mun is now suffering. Idaho last week. He will stay a week (laet week. A piimary meeting of the Democratic or two before he returns, On the evening of the 21st the Re A birthday surprise party was gotten party was held in Peoa on the evening of publicans of Kamas met in caucus, and the 27th. and O. F. Lyons and Ralph up on Mies May Judd on the 24tn by a appointed delegates to the convention at Maxwell were elected delegates and number of her vonng friends. A very Park City. Those who went to Park Miss Anna B. Maxwell alternate to at- pleasant evening waa spent. City were Ives Tack, Harve M. Cormick, tend the Democratic county convention P. E. Olenslager hat taken a contract John IIoytrantiLeis Carpenter; T to le held in CoalvTlle bu September from theU Pi K. It. Company to turn Fait Lake, John Pack and Erasmus Sorthe stream in Silver creek cany n and 2nd, enson. . The members of the 22nd Quorum of fill irt four bridges with earth. a fork, ( freighted, with half a Seventies held tbeir James Beeby bad a hors and saddle regular - monthly ton of hav, was on its way to the top of in Peoa on Sunday afternoon. stolen out of George Robinsons barn a meeting a huge stack on Don Packs place the After the opening exercises Bishop few days ago. Nothing lias been heard other day, a rope broke and the mag Stephen- Wal kergave the meeti ng Ante j I t he thief np to this writing, fell directly on the donkeys attached to the bands of the Seventies and the time - Mrs, Louise Roundy and Mrs, John the load, burying them completely. As waa Elder 8. M. Tack and Horton held a occupied by meeting here on the 28th speedily as possible they were dug out, James Woolstenhulme of Kama. and, reorganized the Primary associa and found quietly .munching hay, as Avrtong those who went toSaliair on tion. Mrs. Del phis Pendleton as presi though nothing nnusnal had happened. 23rd were 11. B. Wright and dent, Mrs. Hannah Olenslager as first August On Sunday last, about 1 p. m., a fire Milliner and wife, Mrs. and Mrh. Jessie Bateii a second conn wife, George of was discoxered in the stack-yar- d Ellen Maxwell, Mist Anna Maxwell and eillore, Miss Blanch Young at secretary, Andrew Matlison, about a mile and a with Miss Cora Pendleton at assistant, and Mrs. Elizabith Marchant, haltiouthof tow n. Marian Corbett, a some others whose names together we have not Freddie Peterson as treasurer. -brother-in-laand near neighbor, hast learned. Those who your correspondent Adam Peterson was down from Park ened to the scene, and with a bucket have seen since their return report havlast week on business. Y. City endeavored to check the flames, which had a very snjoyabie time w bile on ing seemed to have started in the middle of UOYTSVILLE. the excursion. tons. The the stack of tweny-fly- e Mnlbol-lanT. Utah, August 29, 1895. and V. II. H. Pease Hoytbvillk, wile, flames had too great a staiJor one man : Time aud wife and R. B. Ensign, ail of Salt Editor to control, how ever, and the wind soon The primary meeting of the Democarried them to the hern and sheds. lake, are at the Peoa House. The a rest lor are and out cratic pleasure society of Hoyteville was held Air. Corbett worked till he taw it was of party no avail ; he released the pig and several from thecares of daily life. .The gentle-me- u Tueday evening. The organization was are having any amount of sport, as effected with the following officers: calves and tbn fell exhausted. By this full game-bag- s C. II. West, president; Miss Olive Crittheir long strings of fish-antime others had gathered, and bent will while bear the ladies, tenden and Mies Fophta Gunn, witness; the save and to their energies granary them; W m. Wilson, secretary ; Mrs. house, which were threatened for a well, they have been enjoying in selves to content hearts this their Susan waa from Hobson, 'treasurer. With these time. Mr. Mattison away ' officers there w ere four others chosen for home. The loss falls heavily on him,' health giving mountain air. as he is a young man just building up a Report has it that parties who il- an executive committee of nine. words of chronic in But the the There were six or seven loads of hop legally took nj, detained I or twenty-lou- r home. hours and about drove been worse. then have It away might comforter, pickers up Echo canyon on Thursday, C. . forty head of cattle from the owners, Concluding that thia would be a fair many of them milk cows with young average for two weeks, there would b OAKLET. Calx'es at home, w ih be prosecuted for at least 450 hep pickers te this canvos Oakley, Utah, August 28, iS95, . damages. The parties who did this alone for this season. C W, Editor Times : were seeking damages said to have been LPTOK. We understand that Dr. Visick and done by the slock ; but as the proceedmountain air Urroit, were the been Utah, first from to have August 29, 1895. last illegal trying lady ings they had to turn the stock loose after driving Editor Tires : up South Fork for sometime. The beautiful new house of A. H way for a disW. H. Stevens attended the territorial them in a tound-a-boof tance some miles. Partiss f eight Bloudquist is now completed and re'convention at Salt Lake as a representa-tive-othe Republican party of Oakley. should be sure they are right before they ceiving its lust coat of paint, too far, in matters of this kind, and it The erection of a commodious social Born, to Thomas Stevens, on August ge save them time, trouble and ex- hall is in win of Dr. Williams Mrs. contemplation in Upton a 24tb, boy, . in attendance and under her pense. Every effort will be made to have it - An amusing incident took place at the completed by Christinas. advice all are doing well. Peoa House Die other evening. A party Elder Erickson Marsh of Grantsville of Malin V. U. Stinson and Bishop of Fait Lakers are etopping at the hotel and Willi Weaver of Echo were the Slater in mill will the start Rockport and tome of them had been out fishing, speakers at the afternoon services oa basin in a lew days that was owned by one ef whom caught a crab and took it Sunday last. J. C. . Kidder end Bro. of Park City.'- up to the house that tna ladies might at the BEIEFEK. 24th, On last Saturday, boon, see it. A happy thought struck one of the cry of fire was heard through the the ladies, whose hnsband was not presIIenkfeb, Utah, August 28, 1895. streets. Everyone gathered - all the ent at that time, and qhe determined to Editor Tires ; buckets they could find and isn to the have a William Bend, Sr., is visiting hia sou, joke played on him upon his reresidence of, Thomas Stevens in the turn. Fhe there fot took the crab t Professor Bond, at Park City, northeast part of town, where they found her bed room and placed it between the Joseph E. Foster is attending the an old si raw shed on fire. The shed was sheets ; her husband came into tbe room State convention In the capital. supposed to have been fired by some soon after, disrobed and turned down It ia well that cooler weather is apsmall children who were playing in it at the w hen the crawling, nasty proaching us, as it will be absolutely no was there time. Fortunately that looking nab was brought to sight. The necessary to keep the political pot from wind blowing and the shed was all that gentleman, through fright, jumped over. was consumed. This brings toour mind back, gaye a whoop that would have boiling fer sent a large crowd to Faltair Hene seen in we have cautions more the once done credit to one of tbe noble red men, with the Summit county excursion. But The Times about children having access and cried; What is itf Just look some of our folks wqre much chagrined safe. to the match Good Lord, what is it? As be on the return there trip, as tbe train stopped her is of Park City Wm. Richards turned towards his wife, who was a mile and a half below the Henefef 8. with laughter, be tumbled to tbe J crossing and our visiting relatives. folks, men, women and Tti Event , . well-know- n V "" c . 7 A - w " d ts -- -- ut Wan-sbipw- as - bea-clotb- 1 ccj-vule- ed t t CCTTXTTT 7 ES. FREE COINAGE OF SHYER, 16 TP SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1835. - - j.Muarv mj NO: at d ELECTRIC SPARKS t-r-- way fab nt.il - j thunz qt'S'-- s: irf uhmj u( --' x ext. Jt was fun for the rested the most of and They made Tl.etVoi Relief Society made and Ybe bound a handsome and sen usable quilt betook it UT good part, In Win on Tuesday afternoon. The cutting and stacking of w ild bav City cwniiiiuon. Tuesday .. OEG A. 1ST The bad t,. Hulk luiu-shirt dance. 111 the dark. joae and cea'eil hi to It i toll hoped tliDe will not success w but trying a a xery noyltr jok Tom's nerve and he w.ll n doubt see ?v' C AT H ERE D jMSTX) ri DAILY LIST OF HAPPENINGS AND wi''1i !wv-- oieued by gnitLrce, jwreTn-aTt-- ,29 'M gadoxitr, the conn bunker, exploded tenng hi right eve of i he clt-i- r OTHER NEWS. t i litigH i iuu winch Hist nr bed the col sttd Knights of Pythias during their repExeats af the Vterk convention at Chicngo w a fin ,h ! ttterii) tlfepalkj' C'ololeiou-.illy t From the l.ate.t Trleraht when Judge fietiaiti, oi. the motion f II Fri.ia r s wAp-li- dir-8oniFPTTI7? iojid p Uum-, isvoed-wwo- rder Pm Lues who fLru.er.xT i(lnatlh,. Every where. missing the bill of Dliy proctor and in Reliefer stated oxera day or her ou Sheir return trfp. discharging the receiver. Frlttsv. Xagust 83. The bituminous coal miner of InAinu a lot of the grain is cut here and Rev. W.J. ClexeiaDd h left Smith diana having tluesnmg tomuienced on the 28ih. The u)ejr pultll) fU;r Dakota for The scene of the recent In- suspension of sreond crop of lucern looks well. operations for more than dian trouhes at Jarksrwis Hole, Wvo., a month, A number of The ordinance of baptism wasjer-forme- d operators have to investigate the cause leading up to agieed to pay !at here on years price, tiO cents last, nine new the difficulty. He g ie at the requ-- st d long at they can roll coal on members being added to the ward. that th Indian AssoTtatiim of J basis. No contract are made. aged i n ' lie to icSr iif i m by Unlu-i- l p tit fruit peddling business ani is tnak State 8an Francisco, Aug, 22. After making Mi nistey Terrell, made to i regular the for sell Tutklslt to fruit here. trips an exhaustive examination ot the Aide Government, have resulted in the reThe Democrats held a primary he cedents pf his California daughter-i- n lease of the Arugucwi, Arakelian, outhe 27lh and eletted delegates to the I law, Marquis of Queettsbury h nuturalizexl Amernsn citizen, ins Democratic las CO tventiou county to ptououuced Lady 8holto Iknigblas fit to prisoned at Mara-xseveral weeks, nn held at Coaix tile. take her place in the ranks of England der su.pkion of belonging to a revoluMir Ada Judd of this place left for rito racy tionary society. halt Lake on the 27th for the purpose of The acting Secretary of tbe Interior Monday, Augu.t bemg joined iu wedlock to Mr- .- iseorge ha deride 1 there are no meuiiFwTiert-b, A dispn.'ch from Wild of Coalville. Their many friends tbe w oik of the United States minNaples says that in this vicinity will wteh them long life eral roimuivHmiert in Montana and statement had bren lie tween and prosperity. V. B. Idaho can ins continued after Septem- IVince and Princess Colonns, The princess, it i said, is to have charge of Ihw be,-- ber 15th, when the appropriation XVAHHATOt. children and pay the prince 60,000 franc come exhausted. Wamsatch, Vtah, August 28, 1895. yearly, Ewroa Times: Charles R, ..llivhfip, firt A document reived at the" of tbe bank of California, ha cen state dT WilbsuMay was a Wahsatch visitors from Minister Kill at parlmcnt to tributed schools and societies f8(X,000 few daxi the past week. Seoul, in the Hawaiian islands. The money is Korea, incloses four new postage stamps, Our genial lady agent, Mr Wheadon, the first issued by Korea for domestic leaves here this week for Coalville, to te tired to promote the interests of a of number institutions sustained by the purpose. Hie etaiiipsare manufactured where she goes to Uke charge of the in Washington for Korean Mrs. Bishop in her late government. Coalville stat on. Ve are sorry ta lore is reported that Algernon It material ohtt The Browns Mrs. Wheadon from our small comSartorls, composing fort are to tie taken back from Chicago th only son of Germ Grants daughter, munity, 7 to Harpers Ferry, Va., early in Septem- Mrs. Nelli is engxged to W of this end of the county are a wealthy New York. in ber. Public-spirite- d contributed lady people loung glafi to learn that the cattle growwia tbe necessary funds in response to Miss Her name has not been made public. has oeen organized at Oaklex, Kate Fields appeals. The contribution Young Fart oris is not yet 20 years of No doubt most of our cattle growers will of the Baltimore It Ohio railroad takes age. be glad to join the tame, .Thanks, Bro, the form of free transportation. According fo a siaiement just received of Oakley for timely information. t the slat department from Consul-Gener- al Salurrtsv Mrs. tlullier, who has been here for tl, of Ilenefer were c - eoeI Ihr ld to gad jh - life-tim- e. Graiii-Kartori- s, Aut Morsttsat Meliamrine, Aue tralia, the toint tier received 537 914 ounces of .luring (he first ix ! month of IMG, m sgamt 8 10,2mA mi rices for the same wiitfTbt year, Butte, Mont., Ag, 2v A man who gaxe his name Gory Mtlkitu committed a bold ul btry of ilia labl office of the Montana (.enteral depot at 3 o clock this afternoon. An excurelou train was pulling out for Anaconda, the English - Labor party,' arrived at when lie ran up to tbetickev window NewYoik. He came as a second cabin and grabbed a li eon inning about ("VO, passenger, and will lecture in this and before anyone emild catch him he had caught tlie train and was gone. A country, ' A Bulgarian editor has been imprisoned switch engine, with several police-mefor throe years for publishing an article wm toon in pursuit, and afters liotrace declaring that Frince Ferdinand was of ten miles the pawengnt was overtaken morally "fesponsible for the .murder of and the robber arrested.' The money, however, was not recovered, a he had Stambuloff. evidently passed It to a confederate. It has been arranged that President Cleveland will touch the button at Gray Taawlsr. Aagaat ST, Gables on September 18th and set in Count Mataugata, the Japanese Minmotion the machinery and unfurl the ister of Finance, has resigned. flags of tlie Cotton Btates International Kir W Cleavar Robinson, Governor of Exposition at Atlanta. Western Australia, hat resigned. The Navy department has been InAttorney-Generdecides that th Informed by Commissioner Price of hi dians have a right to kil game in Wyoaction in not saluting the French flag at ming. Tamataxe. His cause meets the apAsiatic cholera exists aiTarnopo), Gaof Tamatave is proval the department. licia. Thirty deaths have been re not a French port. ' orted. Dr. C. C. Wiley, a Pittsburg physician. The English press denounces the scproposes to destroy typoid fexer and other disease germs in water by electro- - j Dn f France in the Waller cm at persecution, cuting the water. Ills plan is to turn j a powerful electric currency liito th I A dispatch from Rome contradicts the water, thereby killing all germs in it. report that the pope intends to establish nmneiature in the United Ftate. Mite Emma Rrockfeller, eldest of the feur children oi William U. Rorkfeller, Mark M. Harrington, late chief of the one of the two brothers who control tbe weather bureau at Washington, D. C., Standard Oil company, it engaged to wm elected preii lent of the University marry Dr, David HuntetMcAlpin, Jr., of Washington, at Seattle. of New York, ton of the millionaire toLieut, Alexander McKenzie, corps of bacco manufacturer. engineers, ha been detailed as a member of the lighthouse board, vice Maj. Bandar, Asgstt tS. Adams, transferred to New York. Viceroys are responsible One hundred and sixty cases of smallChinese massacres. and forty-fiv- e deaths have occurred pox wortl Fire destroyed 1270,000 date the negro Colonists opto among CinclnnaiL at perty Princeton geologists may be .nested quarantined at Camp Jenuer, near EaglePin. for killing game in Wyoming. W ashington, Aug. 26. The report of Fifteen Bannocks said to have killed in Oregon by cattlemen. thekillingof fifteen Bannock Indians Five .people were fatally injured by bycattlemea in the neighborhood of collision of vessels at Mauhatten Beach. Diamond valley, Ore,, is now bellexred The president issued an order abolish- at the Indian bureau. Commissioner Brow ning says tnere is no reservation ice age limit so far at ing the civil-ser- x within 300 miles of tbe region where the printers and pressman are concerned. affair is stated to have taken place, and 1 A dispatch from Lima Peru say. the (ar tbe In,liar) offi,er ,, conce;ne(i. United Ktates will be asked to be iibi no Indians were in the vicinity. trator in tbe dispute between Pern and si Itawllas, Bolivia, Rawlins, Wyo., Aug. 26. Won. WilR. H. King, president of the Cash Insurance company of Pittsburg, and one liam Bryan of Nebraska addressed a of the wealthiest men in the - country, large and enthusiastic audience at the upon tbe financial and was killed. lie Opera House fell down-stair- s ' question. was the theme. Bimetaiisra feeble in been had and 80 was years old, He talked for nearly three hours, being health for some time. frequently applauded. He believes the Paris, Aug. 24. A serious attempt has United States large enough and paatworb-thsilver of the been . made on the lie of Baron Al- triotic enough to world at the ratio of 16 to I. He leaves A and large phonse de Rothschild. in tbe morning for Denver, hence to heavy envelope waa received at the Grand Junction, Salt Lake, Boise, Ida., addressed to the baron, and the Paci6c coast. bank 0 Fire at OsceolaTNel,, destroyed several weeks keeping house for her son, of worth releft here James, property. onWednesday to turn to Hillard, as she was feeling very There was a terrific rainfall in northill. It ia learned that the died the fol- western low a. Great damage has been lowing dayBt HtHardr which wae very done to crops; sudden and lamentable. She leaves a lig iron lias advanced ft in ritubnrg husband and son, who have the in the Iasi three days, and is now quoted all im theie- - bereavement.- at 113.50 tier ton, tbe highest since RfO, A. D. Wheadon has been w hen it sold at (25.50. here the past few days, packing ready J. Ktre llardie, M. P., president of 59,-00- sym-jjrtht- for ij? removal ' Want e Clack. Now York, Aug. 27. A special to the World from Washington says: There s ill be a strong fight over the successor to Captain W. 8. Davis, late member of tbe commission for selection and distribution of lands to Uintah and Un eompahgre Indians. A combination ii laid to have been formed of New York, Sew Jerrey and St. Louh capitalist Lo control this appointment for the purpose of securing, if possible, a monopoly of -- the tast gibonite deposits which lie the eastern boundary of the along reservation. Under tlie law providing for tbe opening of the LTn eompahgre reservation no person ia permitted to locate more than two claims of ten acres each containing asphaltum or gilsonite. Re pi esenta-tive- a of the combine, however, hope to have the ear of the commission and to know in advance the exact date when the reservation will be open. Their plans is said to have a stood pigeon on named, every deposit within tbe are ready to file h is claim on an hours w anting. While those claim will be ostensibly for the benefit of the individuals making them they will in reality be in the interest of the combine. There are iese than 1,000 Indians to whom land will be allotted, and those allotments willbs located principally among the agricult oral sections along the Green and White rivers and np tbe Duchesne river in the fertile valleys where irrigation it possible. As soon as the allotment to the Indians shall have been made the remaining lands, containing tlie gilsonite deposits, will be thrown open to the pqb-he- r " t Gilsonite is to valuable that it pays to haul it from fifty-fiv- e to one hundred miles to the nearest railroad, at great expense, and then 'to pay heavy freight rates on it across the country. It it th purest known form of asphalt. Tkrre H usd red Vk-tlis- s. - Three hundred out of 1CNX) people were poisoned at t German Lutheran mission fe stivel or picnic in a grove at Tracy, thia county, yesterday, A picnic dinner was served, and it is thought tome miscreant poisoned the potatoes or drinking water. The victims were attacked with fearful print, purging and vomiting, and reeled and stumbled on the ground in Afony until medical aid waa secured. A Jet none have died, but many are itilhvery ill. Two hundred and fifty were present from this city. I- - Tort, Ind., Aug. 28. n al high-hande- d 1 Squ to-da- - |