Show atItenNAt I Jamei lion hairon to Iark City to work I Dr llvghei rtlnrntd to Salt Like MiHxIay I 1 Win Mloreeamnliwn from the ranch Monday to hara u felon on In I thumb trratil t I Mark Hopkins Kent h I to salt mike I Monda on badness and a > a delegate to I the convention from Ohio platw I Mli edn Miller ol Pall Lake who I ha Men vl > ltliii IN Cool vIII the peat I month returnwl home alnrday Ian A Mother of Salt Lake topttl om to see Him frleiuli In Coalrllli on hi way tu the reiertutlon to kook alter hit tattle lion Alma Eldtellj and wile went to Niltalr Himdav last Mr 1 Khliedjv na one ul the rpvakeri at that place on He publican iMy I John Utlllaui who way n retrrelv rrutheil by an emn ed bull riimo ilnu < ago tta0011 Ion tho tint time since the I I acridcnt Uedneidiy W J 1 IlHtlton reprwcnllm the C M 1 10 I Salt Uke wailnt0 lvlll Mnn day and Tn + lay on ba lne i He went i up tn the Park on Tuesday train I I John Fool who It will Ui I reinein bored lad both leg I broke by a f 111I110 < l I team running over him In I now able to he I host with the aid olcmliliti i JI Flulier wholi now eiiiihitHl In Malt Uke and Mrt 1 W P Hmllh now nit < of 811 lake arc In Cctflvlllnonn I short vlrltwltli their relatlxci null many Irleiidi Jwljie Shield am + down Irons lark City yntenlar at iounii1 In Iho iheci > ilnillni rare lie had the coot loot < iniil however and returned la thu Park on the noon train I Mr I IMward lluchei and Mln MuBfli I Iliilihei nl Itoanoke Vn brother soil liter ul II l > r llinilirn have been spend I Imt n few day I a In Coalvlllu enjo > lii the mountain air ol thli Iwallty MM flnrenc Moiherol halt lAke who hat been l Ultlnu rlendi In Perk City the pail week runitt down to Coal vllle Tiitdav tu visit lelalUcn nnd frli lull here Iwforo returnlni home Thom Thomai It I rapidly rcrorcrliiK from the lujnrlen he renlteil In thu lark mine time ago by a car runnlni away with him He li i0inlled to near n cane honeier to gel al > ut Mr 1 and Mr 1 > Haywanl baby and nurw ul tall lake left Coalvllle Sutnr dnv for llrlvhton where they will i > end the rfioilndcr ol oho lutnmvr Mr 1 llaynnrd tuby and nurse heir I Uen In Coalrlllu the pact 1 month for the bviicUt oltlie bnbyt health which wai rally liapnivr wlln they took their departure depart-ure urnThe The 1411ee 1aullne lertlu null Nellie Klaninml Mill Kinnle Olbiun who i comprliu tin popular Vdcn lady or vheilra arrhed Coalllle Tuffday to till their iiiuilml engaKirnent here on I Tuesday night 1roni here they went to Kamai to play for thu ball In Cur prntcri hall m o Uednoday e tnlnc plar fur a grand bill at l > ho thli even liii null return homu tomoriow |