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Show lKNli9pM f the times Br Ta Tine ), M. IIN ceuaru kl. tutw and . Cokraxv. niw. L'TAIl. COALVILLE. CORNER. VETERANS CAMPFIRE SKETCHES FOR THE OLD HEROES. iKr Waa tapiarod- - LINO IT FROM mast and steeple, Lord Rosebery wfnt up Ilk ft rocket rtifrfk'iratf idiuV fitfiftdFttf'tlft JH MBqlBI 4ftWA -- JMfifttt Fjmtxjl o'er land HridWn, the hap-- llfenf a ijr Gallantand and free. W heartily aympathlae with Mr John D. Rockefeller. It hurla moat any of ua to loan a million dollar a thee hard time. .The more the world see of "Napoleons of finance" the more It long for the appearance of some financial Wellingtons. strong Proudly w slew Us color. Flag of the breve id true. With the clustered stars snd the stead- fast bars. The red, the white, and the blue. Flag of the fearlewa-hearteFlag of the broken chain. Havana cigars" will nevei started. day-daFlag In he a abort crop aa long as Florida to pale or wane. Never In the Union, and the Connecticut eeed Dearly we prise lla colors. leaf bolds out With the heaven light Breaking . through, Mra Hetty Green was, of course The clustered stars and the steadfast Bars; praying for the counsel opporwdtoher, The red, ihe white, and the blue. who, she believes, have been preylai long enough on her estate. Flag of the sturdy fathers. Flag of the loyal sons. Philadelphia may be alow and poky Beneath Its folds It gathers hut It has retired Its last horse car Earth's best a mb noblest ones. . firom the public streets, end that la Boldly we wave Its colors. more than Chicago baa dona Our veins are thrilled anew By the steadfast bars, the clustered stars. If Japan cannot annihilate those The red, the white, and the blue Formoaa pirates. Just call on Uncle Margaret E. Songster. Sam. He at one time showed how to do It, and eould repeat the dose If Ta Sesr h for His tiiin necessary. In e few weeks an old soldier and vetThe New York Times calculate that eran of the late war will start from upon a strange errand, but New Yorkers extend annually' about Cincinnati one that Ilea very 'hear to his heart, $5,500,000 on churches, while theaters says the Enquirer. He Is Oapt absorb about $6,500,000. Tbo moral F. Jon, and his present residence seems to be obvious Is Iiloomlngburg, Ohio. He lias relatives In this city, and they are about to John L. Sullivan announces that he aid him In carrying out the one wish la "dead broke." It may afford some of hla life, and that la to go to the batcaptured during consolation to John L. to reflect that tlefield where he was his war and hunt fur old rifle that the Is .ft good many better actor than be In the last moment he threw Into a have often found themselves In the stream of water, This might seem to same position. be a very unreasonable anil entirely useless desire on the part of the old After filllngtheaummer and wlntei soldier, but he la confident he will be with noise about the greet war in able, after the lapse of over thirty China and the terrible engines of de- years, to go back to the point where he threw hla gun Into the sluggish stream struction by land and aen. It la disap- and find It again. Capt. Jones enlisted pointing to read that the whole number In the d O. V. I., the regiof Japanese killed In battle from first ment which fresldent Garfield led out to last was 590. The trolley care rival ss Its colonel, and of width he was that record and never eay n Vbrd colonel at the time of the capture of about It Captain Jones and his associates. It d. "Choice 1 V Forty-secon- was In DM, when thertglment was In the there of fifty-thre- , h ijr. e, hi m fefl gray-halre- - ,!!! Fo4 X shher ol CRUEtT Mad Har Way She'd Katigi Obmi la no use talking, we need There crematorie! for other than vegetable refuse. We need sevenfold heated furnaces for the total annihilation of human garbage. We need red-hover. for the Incineration of certain types that poison the earth. Why seek to perpetuate unalloyed evil In the world? Why not deal with cruel men and vicious women and hopeless criminals as we do with rags infected with microbes? All this Is called forth, not beciqseTf aoTblg am! brutal and blood t b lr ty.xbrf a.th ing fire-Jozone, and, shod, like1' peelzebub, with sulphur. On the contrary, believe I am as tenderhearted as the' gentlest of my sex, but let me tell you someth In g- -I hAyen't spoken of It before, 'because I couldn't bear to think of It. tor the sake of pointing a precept howevbr, I will lell ot -- or Is Your Blood Pure If not, It Is Important that you make It purs at once with the great blood purifier,. Hoods Sarsaparilla Because with Impure blood you are In constant danger of serious illness. Hoods TD C HE ST A WA R D -- W OR LIk S- tAt The other evening I was Walking over Rush street bridge, writes Amber in Chicago. Times-HeralIt was latq and I hurried along a bit that I might X get out of a rather shy neighborhood as quickly as possible. Midway over the bridge I encountered a little white kitten. It had evidently escaped from a good home, for it was sleek and pret-- , ty f spoke kindly to the little tbmg and it followed me. As we crossed the bridge we ran Into a crowd of n boys and loafers, a dirty, roysterlng band of embryo citizens When they aw the kitten they swooped upon i and, in spite of me, carried It away. I followed with W about as mtich effect as a lame duck would have at a bull fight. There was no policeman in sight, and the men to whom I appealed declared themselves helpless The torture that these young devils Inflicted upon that kitten I shall never think of without a prayer In my heart that God will rid the earth of their polluted presence before they hate a chance to develop Into fuller license and greater power. I turned and ran away when I found that I was helpless, but oh! that I had the power to send those pestilential souls down to some lower quarantine before the germs of crime and cruelty spread farther. - BA 1 R. v -w'- r-vlr-'ft It now. . -- 'fc THE BEST PREPARED d. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ft-- JOHN CARLE ft SONS. New York, BffiSpffif li Fob will ride If half-grow- a Bicycle H lr it IT Con-edera- te If Aaibrr i the Cumberlanda, and Just after a Germany's demand of $750,000 fron number of the brief but sharp enNicaragua, which means $1,500,000 In counters of the campaign, but the did Nicaraguan money. If followed by force, soldier was out with several othefs on means the practical overthrow of a scouting party In the Cumbei land Nicaraguan Independence, with n sort Gap. They were surprised some disof foreign protectorate managing It as tance from their lines hf a .company hd when It was one would a farm. This may be of the Confederates, Impossible they fun for Europe, but it U hard lines een that escape was would not allow they ieterpjjued tjja ' " the Latin republics Jor have the us of Jo Cjjftleuerate IH ' - ft w m their weapons, at any rate, Breaking ICTk A R?Ti hfisloess that ! Oj lock and oyjerwls raderlnj thynd ! Wapany which offcH to tesl gas mnlfor use, they threw thlrn won the meter without chart. If the meter! ground fnd waited doggedly for the It1!? saw enubj no be to be correct, and for half j SflPtyjY ufiel. R. vr? bitter tha A wv oUlcjJ, $1 fouo4 capt. the overcharge refunded Ejr the gas nq fast, a'nd determine! that no compand on all money paid l the m- -. t should ever have any good tera are found to be flat. Tbj Com- from his rifle, beat the gun around a pany advertises that ovef $(0,000 re- tree that stood near and hurled it Into bate baa been mad to consumers by a small stream that winds through the Advertising Don It. low. land of th gap. He, with alt the Enormous fortunes have beenmade gaft companlea ln th past four years. others was of the little band, captured in the manufacture of patent medl Tho gas companies must have the In- and taken away from the place, and, There Is a proud family In clnes. ventor of the machine. as fortune had It. .none of them ever Brooklyn whose wealth Is away up In returned to that spot where the guns the millions. The father, who made all Man has natural wants food, cloth were thrown away. Capt. Jones Is now d of It, was, not many years ago, a porter notwithan old, man, and, lng. shelter; he consume, he should standing the fact that he rose from the In a drug house, tie Invented a patent He labor. hence activity produce; and carried better weapons that rinks medicine. His employers were In the thinks, he reasons, be learn, he pro- hla old rifle, he la now taken with a habit of saying to their customers, aftHe science hence learning. gresses; strong desire to revlBlt the place where er selling them a bill of goods: Why Las enthusiasm, attachment, paaelon, he waa raptured and search for the don't you take a few dozen bottles of feeling; hence emotion love. Labor, gun. He says he ts positive that he can our porters medicine? Help the old It Into the he where threw find for do to be able must It, love. Man learn, fellow along. 1( ia nothing to us.'LThe stream was very sluggish all these, or be retrogrades and degen- water the snd the bottom, ae he knew, deep, porter was popular, and many an order erates. Any state of society which pre- snd waa covered with two feet of mud. It was given. In That modest way he vents a man from fulfilling hla deatlny, was at the bend of the stream, where He advertised, and finally started. which la to do all these, la therefore there waa small likelihood of a rise or made millions. 1 know a patent medifalse and Incomplete. swift current that would be able ToT ,nj fork In despair, looked at his plate. cine man who says that he can bottle carry the old weapon down stream. He and said emphatically: "It must be a sea water and make a fortune out of it will be able to son of the Rexolutlon, grandma." he declares that also social The secret of high development He says If any man the gun from Its being bent advertising. by recognise and the maintenance of a dens popu- and broken. Whether there Is any will put .up $200,000 for advertising lation la comfort and luxury Is the chance of finding the gun or not. the , lbs law of iplostous. he will at the end of two years purposes muldiversification of Industry and the A peculiarity of fulminate of mercury frienda or Capt. Jones are going to afreturn not only the $200,000, but clear tiplication of meana of subsistence. ford him the opportunity of revisiting ts that It ptoduces a shock to which all ft profit of as much more. One man is are ahd Its the field substances of for and lost sensitive, secret that the old other the searching Moreover, this It supposed to hare an Income of over olid and fortified basis of eoclal exist- rifle, which. If found, will fulfill the last supreme value Inas an explosive rests In $200,004 from his pills, and there Is a known the and of him cause old soldier and liability this fart, ence which is able to endure the ac- hope of the all explosives to be detonated by more tooth wash In the market that has regreatest happiness that can possicidents of the physlclal and commercial the' come to him. or less distant explosions. There Is a alized ft vast fortune for its owners. bly world, and to survive the ralty from current of sympathetic Influence In Such profits are realized only through and temporary closing crop failure these terrible chemical compositions judicious advertising. I am Informed Indiana. Hew Fight of markets, business depression. Industhat Is a strange as It Is dangerous. by one of the richest manufacturers Jack now took off hla blue flannel What ts required to produce explosion that trial paralysis, and financial convulhe notices wjthln a few weeks a Jumper and overall trousers, fixed them la the rapid general Pm of great heat, sions. off In profits when he underfalling and stuffed them of with together, large quantities oxvgcn. artistically along out with the coarse gras growing In Gunpowder, for Instance, the nitrate takes to economize In advertising. His The announcement that the French everywhere around us. Then he held of potweh saltpeter which Is the chief advertising costs him over $1,000,000 a government .will sanction the use of the dummy beyond the edge of a boulder IngreSlekL I practically Imprisoned year. Next year It will cost him $100,-00- 0 a lottery loan suggests In ft forcible In euch away a to look aa If the bulge oxygen, snd when It Is decomposed more. New York Press. were protruding. The along with Charcoal an Immense heat wey the advance the United Stale Has oTfilFown body admirably, for Is developed, which causes the gases to mads in public morala as compared old, bid ruse succeeded Her Flhlng Frm ts. came from the cover, expand suddenly hence explosion. with Europe during the last quarter of Instantly there "Miss Fly Rod Is the fetching name Round:- a away, Tear All about thirty hurtling yards the ft century. Much as we have etUl to shower of arrows: and aa soon as Tom ' -by which Miss Cordelia Crosby, of in the way of Improvement, and I had fired our decoy shots a squad ftchlev She Is fhtf pride and Maine, - boast ofis known. people have ft higher of hldequsly painted Apaches sprang Americana as the Rangley Lake region, the of the battle Wlldemese, During standard of political morality than any up, and. with uplifted tomahawks and feats have won for saya ft western exchange, Henry p where her fishing European people. It le only ft pity that txrrlfio yells, rushed toward us; But Lowpenny, a corporal In the Tirehty-aecon- d her quaint psuedonym. She began not for far. Ilf in ft quiet enough way as postmisIndiana volunteers, lost hts they exercise so little care in determin"Now. boys." shouted Jack, and at th. arm at the elbow by the explosion right, tress. but the physicians told her that of ing the character of their pantataa and crack of our rifle, the three foremost ehelL Hie cousin. Bradley Jamison, expolitician t. shft would not live long unless she braves went headlong down. few second the others stood be- state chancellor of Missouri, now live took to the open air. Now there Is not a For on the seen of the battle, and last week, A traveling hypnotist ha been sued wildered. end then, as on after ancamp In the whole Rangley district In Ohio by his confederate, who de- - other d rented under the storm of re- when hie found nestson was (Prd'e where rod, and her gun are he a built In a skelemanda the sum of $15 for pretending volver bullets, fired so rapidly as to nestlng, and welcome. Her sportnot known In the fork of a large hand ton to be hypnotized when he wasn't. Ills seem like the work of a dngen enemies, tree. On the hand waa a seal ring,maple and ing attire is modeet and sensible, conwarrior darted off to on taking this strange find home the sisting of a loose walst, ft plain eklrt, hypnotic Influence was merely arranged the survivingand scurried away. oa a promissory basis, the same aa their ponies ring waa at once recognised as his un- which reaches her ankles, a short uncle's. The latter Is now dead, but the political influence. derskirt, end tights. "Miss Fly Rod's The ties FauMtisw ' ring has been sent to his widow, who most notable catch was bqe of fifty-tw- o a lives with married daughter In Seattle, There ia nothing atrange about a - No fairy amulet, nor even Aladdin fish landed in fortyjour minutes. Wash. Lamp, could equal the result produced forgera fondness for the Sunday-schoarticle possessed by Yellow weddings are' the latest Yads, (Neither does It lit any way reflect upon by the wonderful A Singular Dreaa, hero In the following story, which which the bridesmaids and other girl at Sunday- - hools. Swindlers of all sorts Lht ts taken from a German periodical. "My big brother belongs to the attendants don yellow frocks, yellow' must needs disguise themselves In the Among the effect of an English sea I Seventh regiment," said tittle Nell, tashee. and yellow hats, heaped high external appearances of respectability blos- man long since gone home to hie re-- f proudly. an, mv. how noble he,, ok or drooped low with yellow-hue- d or they could not swindle anybody. ward ft Bible wa found la which th iwhn he sn tressed upla kisun'wmr J toms. 1- BOYS ARE s: I The ability trt the gas company to (a plain Wllltaas F. Jonow t tin ftriy Viake both ends meet dependa on the ftacoad A I. L I Mika a MUrlm-- a tatter. aa Ul.l. t Ha ia There ta ft great rush to Europe Americana don't vant Europe to be hort oa American gold. following Inscription wa plainly Wr!t. This Bible A CITY OF T1IE DEAD. ten on one of the was given to me by Mr. Ilalkee In Her. ford In I7M, as a reward for regular at the Sunday school p0P f attendance repose ashes e of which I years, forty-on- e personages. famous have sient upon the sea, it has been ' roy constant companion, During these forty-fiv- e battles sad After 1 e Tsars (iravea Ara Krdug Litjear I was inreceived thirteen wounds, tle Ihapol Ara rteatlfal at tha Tomb, engagements was shipwrecked three times; once the A Larga Ccmatry la of tha Wealthy vessel upon whlrh I sailed was burned, OivralWa and twice we were rapslxed. I had a fever of one kind or another fifteen ' HE cemetery of times, and during all this time this Bible was my Joy and consolation." Pere Lachalse is the largest, and by ( art tjr Breathing. tflfc 4RPHAVW--estln- g turesr which have fit all the in Paris. It szqerxsjt. into. tatWle notice-- from time differs so entirely to time, the simplest and the tnojtTeaay from Our American ts that which Major General Drayson burial places that described recently. Whenever he was a description of It In a vitiated atmosphere he was able cannot fall to be to get rid of his headache end IncipInteresting to those ient palpitation of the heart by taking rho Jure jmUit Umg breaths tslca as -- rapid! y.aa-- b would upon ordinary occasions. He Red it It Is situated on a hill in the maintains that In a very great many northeastern part of the city. The cases pain, sleepleaanea, headache ground that It occupies used to be the and many other Ills which flesh Is heir county seat of Lachalse (after whom it to, could be almoet Instantly relieved by la named), the Jesuit confessor of Louis this simple process Moderate exercise In the opea sir, XIV. It covers about 100 acres and Is the burial place of all the Inhabitants all doctors Insist," he upon wht-serts, "Is quite unnecessary; all that of the northeastern part of the city, ou need to do Is to breathe aa raptlly and the atrangest part of all is that aftas If you were taking moderate exer- er ten years the graves are redug uncise What does moderate exercise do less what they call a concession a Trlncrem-- - theraie fyrtfesrhthg.and Is purchased The spaces hence giv's a larger supply of oxygen perpetuitl are tery small, "being about 22 feet to the blood than Is given when son Is sitting still. Hut why take the square only, and cost $150, and each miter additional costs $400 square walk to Increase the of breathing By the action of the will the rale if For a "concession temporalre one has to fifty to pay only $80, or half that for a breathing can be Increase breaths a minute while reposing In an child s grave. armchair, and I can state that I have The graves are dug very strangely, driven away headache, toothache and stories deep six to eight other aches by breathing rapidly dur- being several coffin one usually being placed directing several minutes. Another effect 1 over to the other within a few feet ly have experienced from rapid breathing Is the cure of restlessness and sleepless- of the surface. These are the common ness, from w hloh those who Use the graves, but the more wealthy people have little chapels with places on each brain much not Infrequently suffer. side below the floor like shelves or berths In the steerage on our steamers Meals. It is told of General Thomas J. Jack-so- n They are fitted up often very elaboratewho became famous aa Stonewall ly with aa altar and candles in tall silJackson," that he was a young man of ver candlesticks and photographs of high Ideals Portions of his diary, writthe deceased and huge, ugl glass bead ten while a student at West Point, have wreaths of floWers. been published, and in these he maps The grgves of many celebrated peoout with decided lines hla future life his alms, his desires, his motives, and ple may" be found here, among others I Is mottoes Taken together, and Rasphll, Gambetta, Massena, M Bal-?aviewed In the light of his whole life. Chopin, Lafontalne. Mollere, Belj these Illustrate forcibly the grand truth, lini, Rossini, Beaumarchais 'and Casl-mwhleh was also the most striking of his Perier. mottoes. "You may be whatever you reSome few of the tombs are very beausolve to be Other of his maxims were of these "Sacrifice your life rftther than tiful, especially those In fliemory your word." "Let your principal object artists, with bronze and marble angels. In attitudes, of grief, leaning over or be discharge of duty .Disregard public opinion when It interferes with your about their graves. From the entrance the main avenue duty." He had also resolutions written out advocating Justice, sincerity, modascends to what is called the Grand eration, frugality. Industry, and silence Round, In the center of which is a He had rubs for conduct even In small broken column erected to the memory details, motives for action, and these of the soldiers who fell in the late war written down with clearness and predion That this work was not an Idle between France and Prussia, heaped one, but the determined resolution of a with huge wreaths. Here a fine view Young man to bring his conduct up to of the city maylie obtained. the highest standard his Imagination Just back of the cemetery is a large could conceive, the biography of Stonewhere bodies are burned crematory, wall Jackson sets forth. The lesson Is the and ashes placed iij niches In dally this: What one man has done, other men and women can do. Not very the high wall. On some of the tablets man and woman will grow to be Jaraou. were very tender Inscriptions, but a but every man and woman in this world teS were left blank. One was marked is capable of working out the Ideal only with Regrets, which he or she Is capable of conceivBesides Pere Lachalse, there are ing Jnd resolving to be. Harper's Ba twenty-tw- o other burial grounds In sar. Paris, the next two In Importance being Mont Marie and Mont Parnasse. On AU Souls Day these cemeteries are visited by great crowds of peopl who bring flowers and mourn and pray for the rest of the souls of the departed. ' Uufvn of Mada ganrar. The Queen of Madagascar is known as Ranavalona III. She is aa exceedingly lady-llh- e person, 34 jears of age, with attractive features, a queen-lik- e manner of bearing herself, and a clear way of expressing herself when she comes to the Rojal Kabary in palanquin, and sits on her golden throne with a gold scepter In her right hand, amid her thirty ladies clad in brllliant-hue- d silks, trimmed with gold and sild ver, large straw hats, and patent-leathboots. The Queen on such occasions is addicted to a rich white silk dress, broldered with gold. Her mantle is of ruby velvet, and her bonnet, of the same color, la trimmed with white ostrich feathers, while her fingers and arms are covered with Jeweled rings and massive guid bracelets of native workmanship. She is very popular among her subjects. OEMS OF THOUGHT. f . If ft Of course you will ride. All the world will fashion, pleasure, business men, women, children. It takes a while sometimes for the world to recognize its privileges; but when it does it adapts itself promptly. Therefore, you who are in the world will ride a bicycle a COLUMBIA bicycle if you desire the best the world produces; a Hartford, the next best, if anything short of a Columbia will content you. Columbias, $100; Hartfords, $So $oo , for boys and girls, $;o. POPE MFC. CO., Hartford, Conn. Rost a, Hew Tflrfc, Cfalcaf, ftaa Fra arise, Praridaace, Baffala beuwful romprebaiisiva, aaj afaaey fraa. or by mail In laawnt stamp. Tb beck tails of all th nw Colombia and Hartford A taudoffoa I Many men of many minds high-heele- er Good nature is the very air of a good mind, the sign of a Urge und generous soul, and the peculiar soil In which virtue prospers. Goodman. CUM Truth Is at varDree with our natures, but not so error; and for a very simple reason. Truth requires ua to recognize ourselves as limited, but error flatters us with 1heettcfthat tn one anotl er we are sjbject to no bounds at all Goethe. Despair makS r despicable .figure, and Is descended fiem a mean ongmaL It is the offspring of fear, laz.ness ar.d Impatience. It argues a defect of spirit and resolution, and ofttnus of honesty too Jeremy Collier. Sten would come Into company with ten times the pleasure they do If they were sure of hearing nothing that would shock them, as well as expecting what would please them. Sir R. Steele. Books, while they teach us to respect the Interest of others, often makes us unmindful of our own; while they instruct the youthful reader to grasp at social happiness he grows miserable In detail, and, attentive to universal harmony, often forgets that he himself has a part to sustain In the concert. Goldsmith. Beats all other kinds Climax Plug is much the best chewing tobacco made. ItsLorlllards. CHARACTER. Many a plain face looks positively pretty when lighted up by animation, and many a heart has been won and kept by one glance at the right moment. Should the forehead be rounded oft at the corners you may take It that the character is considerate, kindly disposed, and, as a rule, , gentrous. Hair In man or woman Is always a sign of energy of some kind. If dark hair the energy Is more pronounced and should It be curly or wavy It Invariably Implies musical taste Women have always smaller mouth thaw men, and more frequently larger eyes. They, as a rule, feel more Intensely than man and their feelings are kept more In check, and are less material. A broad, square, upright forehead, re ceding just slightly. Is Invariably the sign manual of a clear, vigorous mind. Strength of mind Is shown in conjunction with a well-cu- t, slightly rounded chin, The-eyshow more plainly than any other feature-o- f the face the intensity or our feeling; the direction toward which the feelings tend Is displayed by the size, shape and molding of the mouth. A mortal le not such an objectionable individual as one would ex peet frem the many derogatory remarks that are passed about him. You will find the one lively, chat d, and. usually very ty, shrewd. - In spite of authorities the writer has always found the eyebrows, as such, to Indicate nothing! Whether they be arched or straight depend on the shape of the brow. A low, overhanging ridge of the brow usually shows perception. But If this ridge be arched Instead of straight. It Implies sensitiveness. g, es rod-hair- DR. W1NCHELUS TEETHING SYRUP Is the best medicine tor all diseases Incident to children. It regulates the bowels; assists dentition; cures diarrhea and djsentery In the worst forms; cures canker sore throat. Is a certain preventive of diphtheria; quiets and soothes all pain Invigorates die stomach and bowels; vvi I vV o alt itml w Ind lng In the' bowels - child augur wilts nights your reach to cure your child and save your own strength. Dr.Jaqnes German Worm Cakes destroy worms ft remove them from the cyst era Frepared by Earned Proprietary Co., Chicago, ML ftOLP ftY ALL owuaaifttft. FOR PLEiSlvr WORK Hv amre oarlz .ppllouloa lor Lon! arm? 1.rkrras mi tho DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS lOMfi a4 W1I7M. 00 Myl tho.a t last number t ua Iwmi. aUmc,uwill ool. llMawklio, writ for HumImim. Inw. tr.M4 Book Proo. Davie raiixui buhl oju. c.-- ,. wa. kaufMtr M W. to m 1.0 CVL-O- VWED SALESMEN PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM iii m4 Waotifr tha Ml Pun tom hnma fwvth. Varar to Clfi fitli Qm Bair to Ito Tootfeftil Color. a baft taiunL Com MJp disease red-hair- warm-hearte- ! Ot loyally a4 ow to travel. Uood aalarr auotoas to rWM mn.,. w. m( tuwU.rw AdBiew, wltli tamg, MAJtLVacrimau Bo. rt. Dm MuIom, la. W. N. '.. OmaliatS, lh$. advertisement kindly mention this paper When antvrrrlng |