Show i tPantcCleek ISO j I-SO York Aug 27Apelalto the World from Wnthlngton toys There fill be n ttrotig fight over the nuccot or to Captain W S Datlt I late member 01 ihe commliilon far election and ills jrlbutlon of landt to Ulntah anti Un jnmpohgrc Indiani A combination li I ce to hatu been formed of New York > w Jerfj nnd St Louli unpltnllMi to control thli npinlntment for the pun xitn ot securing jionlble n monopoly if l the vast glltonlte dcpotlti which lie long the cantcrii boundary of tho Un rompthgre reterratlon Under the law providing for the opening open-ing of the Uncompahgre rewrvatlon no person It 1 permitted 1 to loratn more than iwoclalina ol ton acres inch containing contain-ing or gllionlte Itopi etciitu tires of the combine hoxcvcr hope to bate tho car of tho coiiimliiton and tu know In ndvnnce the uxattdate when the roertatlon will be open Their flam It I laid to han lUwd pigeon on every deposit nlthln the urea nnme < l ready to tile hit claim on nn hours warning warn-ing While thoioilnlmi will IM oilen dbly for the benefit of the Indlvldimlt naklna them they will in reality be In Ibo Interest thu combine There nro leu than 1000 Indium to shout laud will bo allotted and throe allotments w Ill be located principally among the agricultural tectlon along lie Urcen and White river and up i tlieUuchtino ri > er In the fertile vale Ifjt where Irrigation li i possible Ai loon at the allotment to the Indiana In-diana shall have been made tho remain Jag land containing glltonlte de potlli II 111 lie throw olell to the pub Vie Ullionlteli no valuable that It pays 1 to haul It from fiftylive to one hundred mild to the nenrett railroad great CT pens and then to pay heavy freight rite on It across the country Ills the purest known form of asphalt |