Show BACHELOR OF LAWS YOUNG DOSTON WOMAN GETS A HIGH DUOItBH Slur I irtoa lbs lheouss A law > if llrnnnn In Hie lIt l t 1IIIIo Only Vloiiiii 11 IIr haaot ll < nt nuuc iliA lam lasso AYs MONO the member ms of Ihe claaa of t i of the melon Unlvtn W4 t alt law Hohool Is lad CI MIM Amy fc Acton A he cnn hereafter J lace an It It after aft-er her name Mlia 9 Arton hli already nailed up her shin 1 III te na n lawyer for I h WRO a < lmlU tn Ihe bar last Decemlirr and sInce then he haa enjoyed a lucrative practice Jllii Alton la I an attractive yuunn hdy with whom It 1 U a itfllxht to converae She f msleesee n sweet vnlce which no doubt makea due Impremlim on the eirneil juIce who tit on the bench like It I rather smell of Mature with a air completion ant an abundance of black hair At her clOse nt his Shale shred nlon hl he II biiay worker and her number of cllenta la I growing every week AlthotiRh MIen Acton wai horn In Hydne New Kouth s Valeaahe la now thormiahry lmbue1 with the true aplrlt having tlve1 In llmton for the put wventecn pence slIme la n Rraduate from the Hhurtleff Rrammar and Rlrli hUh achniU Mlta Acton seas a brlnht scholar soil an Induilrloua worker After Rraduatlon she entered Ike law pmt of II I > Oilman and durlnR the four > eara whIch she nerved him aa clerk she acquired a late for law and oat no opportunity to Improve her mind with legal lore Brie determined to prepare pre-pare herself thoroughly for the profea alon and with that aim In slow she entered en-tered the lloilnn ttnlvenlty Law School three years ann llhounh ahe continued tn work for Mr Oilman ant Mudled un der hIs direction A bashful Kill would have bn III nt coca nosslug Put man young mrn ulnl but Mlta Acton by itrlctly ntlrn ng In hrrdutlea menthe men-the meshed and miration of her elton ate mInt herr l mpularlly reaulleil In her-r rlecllnnnar 1 a aecretnry Bhe wns pMflrlrnl rnoug In law to mcceaifully lass Iho rxamln Ion for admittance to Ihe br sot plumes hr formal admit lance aho hna rnllnu1 to pracllc with xcelltnl aurrea lOse won hOT flrat rape and that was a Rood omen StIle haa appeared before Judgea In Ihe cIvIl courla with nbl lawyers for her op loomIs slId Jiaa never fillKl to attend I AMY T ACTON lo the coIn of her illent aa fnlthfuITy aa would any man |