Show Menli III If I toll of neneral Tlionnn J Jack I I eon who became famous an Hlonewall Jackson that he wan n young man of blah Ideal Portion nf his diary written writ-ten while a pludent nt Taint have been published and In these he map i out with decldeil linen tuba future life I hid aim hl < uleeleee Ida moIRe and ll < motii > e < Taken together and tlvwed In the light < if hli whole life these Illiiilrale forcibly the grand truth which waa aim the molt Mrlklng of hli mnlloe Vou may be I whatever you re eoiea In be Other of hit ma lm were Shea Hacrlflce your life rather than your word Lei your rlncl > al object I dlecharge of duly Dliregard pul lit opinion when It Interfere with your duly lie had aim resolution written out ad Dealing Jumlee sincerity mod Titlon frugallt I Industry I and silence I lie had rules for conduct even In email etall inoihe for action and thee I rltten down with clearneii and pre elon That thin work nni not an Idle Ion I-on but the determined revolution of a young man lo bring Im I conduct up to he hlgheM > ndanl till Imagination could conceHe the biography of Stonewall Stone-wall I Jackson seta r e The i lemon Ii 1 hli What one man hai done other mn and women can do Not1 vary nan and woman will grow to tf turnout > aln every man and woman tl In thli world capable of working out the Ideal hloh he or she ti t capable I of concelv nit and revolting to be llarpera lea oar v fit |