Show Tk lIlUuull Ietniar There wan a tneetlni ol the l > emocrali I I ol Coalvlllepreclnrtln Clulfi II all Mun day 1 night for the purp ol eltttliig nine delegate to the tonnly Coin en trout to IKJ held next MumLiy l nightJar night-Jar ph A Ililivr willed the mtetliiK I tu order and tlaled Iti uhjeit alter which J A Smith witioteftnl rhalrnmn and Slice ltnure inui secretary Tim followIng nmmil lientlemcn nero then rlwtid delegdteii I to the County Coin en tlon I John llojden J II llhead Win CarruthJiiiiifilurklnion B IIHIcml Charley Calll K II Wright Mr10 1 ruiiT MM 1 lidnionl UldieiUti AlternntM Mlii Unoro Kviuif > IUi Haggle I Carrulh JI llojden J M 1 I Taddlei John WlUnn I The irliniiry Ihejtiidjourned |