Show tl I I Kfsw + smi ww i snx Jwat 0 tm o W m 14 13 R lit i ¼ 5i o v m5 l i LUCY BTONEIUACICWKLL Lucy Stone Hlackvvrll the greet In thuG but tnalnlatned her pram American reformer seas born AUR U Inence na n public a > aker and as illS at Weat Hrookilleld MIII grail an advocate In behalf of the Individ uited In lilT at Obcrlln college and it ual liberty of her own err Hhe vva once cnlerrd upon her career si a tees I roniplcuou In procuring the orinnlin turn aol reformer her apeclalty being lion of Iho Womana Kuffrngo Anocli woman right In 1118 she was em lion of lIsa United Btntea and hRl ai plOrd hmy tho AnllHlnviry noddy of ilitnl In the editorial management of Maiiachuittla to deliver lecturea la Iho Womana Journal aol other publlca varloua point of tho caitern chairs lIons Interrited In woman advance and Canada Hhe wIse married to mrnt nnd occmlonally svelte for tho II II Illackwcll of Cincinnati OiuiuIoisnthmlytoagseluus I |