Show nee liy llrrnllilnr I Of all the curea which have emerird 1 Into puhllc notice from time to lime the elmI beat and the meet yIn y-In I that which Major Oeneral Draywn dMcrlWil recently Wheneer he wIn w-In a vitiated atmonphere he wai able lo get rid of hl > headache and Inrlp tent iMtpllatlon of the heart by taking tonic breathi twice rapidly II he would upon ordinary occailoni lie malntalni that In It very treat many cane loin steeplennes l headache and many other III which nh Ii I heir to could Ic I almost Instantly relieved by thin smile irneeiii Moderate > tei 1cr l In the OH > I tr Ulan whlh all doclora Innlnl ho u sect In I quite unneoMwiry all toot you need to do la I In bretthe an tall Ily as It you were taking moderate cues ctn WMI lice malervle eacrelae d It Increaoa the rate nf breathing and hence ale n a larger Costly of oxygen In the Moo than In I given when a pr on IItling l llll Hut why take the walk to Increase I the tale of breathing lly the action of the I will the rate f breathing ran he lncre < ied to fifty lirenth a minute while repoMng In an armchair and I can mate that I have driven away headache toothache and other ache by breathing rapidly lurIng lur-Ing several minute Anolhrr effect I have eiperlencrd from rapid breathing la I the can nf reatlemneiia and sleepless I I neon from which Shone who I uae the I brain much not Infroiuenlly puffer I |