Show IliinUn nn VVherlh Stales that have whlpplngiota or uw floggIng aa part of their ponal sys lent lire fortunntvly rqulp > ed for Iho trmtmtnt of blcycllula who run over peopla 1 nnd Ihm lOur off on their wheel without apology or confuaalon of Idtnllty Buch iwraona when caught might IM I materially benefited III to Iholr manner by a few timely laahea well laid on It Is I Ihe lOll of punlah mont which aulla their conKmpllVIe of tons Tho nw pairM loll of creature who run over little children leaMng them whore they fall nnd whli amity without a word Aa n Insane of evadIng evad-Ing rlflllOhlhllll fur careleaaneaa Iho blcyolo bcati IK hon n ah or any conlrlvanm hitherto Invented though I cases are recorded ansI not Infroqusnt ly I when tho bloycllat I tIme victim and is I knockrd down by earelei boors In wagon who itralghtvvay whip up their nags nnd dlaappcar x I I I |