Show A lliMtnr1 Ineollerlel Ire Several car ago I was studying under a Ir Smlthers ot lateiuiirg III wily n writer In Iho Kansas City Journal Jour-nal Ono day he wa called lo treat ft patient who had been seized with a evrro attack of colic The patient was ono of the richest men In Galesburg and was noted ns being very penurious Ir Smllhcrs found his patient hardly able ta lalk but bcUccn his groins he managed to say to the physician Oh doctor I dont think ou can do anything for me but If Soil can taro my life I will give Y011 JMW nr Smith era smiled and started to nlnilnlitfr relief In n few minutes the pitltnt I remarked the doctor that he did not think II no tiny un but If ho was curod ho would owe him his life SU I month later Dr Smlthers sued him for I n small Coo ot H for ono shaft I |