Show They Iainurril Him 111 AlllHin Jr nuns In from the llrform School Saturdav In rearch ol Chain btlntlon a boy who iM pwl from that inilllntlon IOIIIB threu month allo On Suuday Mr I Alllton and Mnrphnl Silmun tuck n trip up lo thuheiid ul the Itetor total eaptureil this runaway nt lilt fathtrn houu In that locality He nni then brniiKht down to OnUlllc and on Monday Mr 1 Alllnon relurneil Oiidcn with hli chariEoanil again placeil him In tlu Itifirm School Itiv King who It will 1 remembered rciided 1 In CoaMllelor IOIHD thou on parole and n ho nni returned to Iho ichool and uftcrwnrdi made hli ercape hno not been eaptureil nnd It li thought li new out of the terrltoty |