Show I HEPEW J THE YOUNGER < CHAUNCEY THE DUSTER HIS PATHER ALL OVER ill Mail tile llrt i t II e < rvire humor Iulillr Mm lit the llrrrnl lUrtmmy Illnnrr In Vrw 0 kII li ami nl Hook cmi IVIIIIri III YotrWIMT TI 1 I gumt at the recent harmony dinner 1 of Mr D 111 hu thui far rucnped i J 3 I the notice of the i f en nor chronicler I A who gueaaed ao much reimdlnR the aluninranpe of that memorable function And el he may lie a prealdenthil can dldal mime ulay Thin future statesman states-man la I Chnuncey M 1 1 > 01mw Jr once but no loncer known na Hunter and thin wan his firm appearance at a slate dinner Young Mr 11to1W la I a tall trimly built > outh of aevinteen who may toe tab to have deterved till In troducllim to Ihe aatrmbliRe of stoiCs men by his own rewnrrhe In lines political The dry lumber of preal Irn till meatnR nnd wtrly plalfiirni I has not ractped his atudlnua attention and lie hits coon made n comparative ttu ly of the McKlnley and Wilson tariff eels When his dlillnculihed father need n xiu ttatlun from either of thoie much dcbated Ills I of IrRltlallon he cnn Ret It from his ton much quicker thin from ooniullallon of the document them odOrs Moreover young Mr t1imW has a tOol for the ieraonal element of Million and hiss atudlrd with Interest the careers of men of prominence Ior Ilila he hiss found unlimited opportunity In the periodical which burden the am tin Hudy table where his tailor performa per-forma tile Inofficial and mail fruitful work Ho lion also foun lime to make hlmiclf familiar with the lilntory of thin and other rnuntrlca The picture of Clmuncey M Depew Jr which la I pub lltheil hrrewllh thowa n youth na much Ilka his prnRrnllor na > eventren ran Ik l like llfiy even He won horn July C 1ST lvery tumm < r since hli llflli ° llualrr na tile fnthi Used playfully to rail Mm lion male the Vnynge to lim > iK > with the family These trlpa limit I the Inairurllon of fonlgn noreen and Koverneama have mnde him very Precocious In tile knowledge of other lonitiie He slICks and rust Trench I nnd Ccrmnn aa llurnlly I aa Kngllah I and Im tins mule rnnil lernlile wiqunlnt anco with the claaalca I of the mtlnental linguaRea lie hiss nlwaya limo n J I ludloua boy slit to learn ant swift to iimlmllnte Dtaplle his political tin t I goal nnd hlalorlcnl quallllcntloni 1 which are quite lonl the Hit of I nuillllcntlona re > Ulnl to enter Yale Uollrxe bets I punulng the uual courte nt Drowning cmtilcnl rchool not will ntcr tIm ventrablo blue rlblwn unlver I citAUNCKY M nipnv jn tally two ytara hence ao well prepared flf proRnontlca are vermeil that his courvo thtrc will he na tony ni In I choniwa to make II Young Mr Depen I has nut n snub acqualnttnct nnionz buys of his own nue Too much of Isis thou has brut i1eoled to Isis favurlte atuillm nub Intrlletluul puraulti for him to Imvo won atiindlnff at on athlete on tIme riper diamond clndr Patti mr Kymnarlum He honier likes tennU j I and la I especially fond of horses nnd tie chili a toni Irl ceo well lie enjoys II Joki I almiut na keenly aa hla father but has hurts HO much the I companion of his el rl dcra that lie la I lather n receiver than a iurvcor of the quips ant whlnulra that mob the Hilt of life Wlmt with the yuunE man Inlifrltnnco of blood until bretnllnir Ibis unuaual nciulre menla which have nlrcnl lJol lo bile ambition omit thus exceptional opportunities oppor-tunities In which II mn > nnd n Held there la I nn buddlni carter wrhap vtlilch time American public may watch with livelier Interest or more prnmla log atiRurlea of a success which skull be conspIcuous Not many of the fore moat Americana have had sons able lo live UI to the full family mature In the follonliiK generations Hut nobod will be illfiiniolntfil In ae this youngest guest at the emblaee of public men Mho Blithered about the table of Ir IVpcw talus n forciuont place In future onmocatloni of bodlta of equal pruml mnco |