Show 1Ju0 or ladga eae The Queen ot Madagascar ll I known as Itnnatalonn III She lIon I exceedingly exceed-ingly ladylike person 31 tears of age with attractlte features n queenIlk manner ot bearing herself and n clearway clear-way of expressing herself when she rome to the loyal Kubary In palanquin palan-quin and ilia on her golden throne with a ROM scepter In her right hand amid her thirty ladle clad In hrllllant liued sllki trlmmei with gold and ills 1 v rr large straw ha ill-s and highheeled patentleather boot Tho Queen on such occasions Ii I tldlrlcd to a rich white silk drew olitertd wllh gold I Her mantle Is I of ruly velvet and her bonnet ot the cam color Is I trimmed with white ostrich feathers while her fingers and arms are catered with Jeweled Jew-eled ring and mawlte gold bracelets of natlte workmanship She Ii I cry popular among her itibjecti |