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Show COALVILLE TIMES. COALVILLE. FRIDAY. Al'U. tnitti Ko. IS 1. U5. mmivh b trbo Toe territorial Trsbuns, met yeaterday, equalization tneiiiler ireent, anj began of ropkiderintf the t ley a returned. is 27 : . . . ' t aV 2- PCBSUWAL. ilj be lvlll.minllllMjBIOShaaraf 'f .... Rllk T ... 1 H ftf.wfall 10 Cans ,M 25 REGISTER! As 1 sheep-stealin- post-jmne- d, 1 to-da- bee-lin- am y. U-et- li -- ho-pit- al -- d ' 10c. a lb. this Full Cream Cheese, at the above low price. the fruit season is now at hand, we will make a special sale on Sugar, to wit: Sugar, $5.75 a Sack We have other goods too nu- merousto mention, but will take pleasurs in showing them, and at - fei-lo- lbs. Oat Flakes for j -- 1 1 Salmon for . Fall T i is-u- For instance 14 IDs. Rice for $1 Moi-her- u ....... the state convention from tbit place. Mis Edna Miller of Salt Lake, who1 has lweu visiting, lu CoalviPe the past j month, returned home Saturday Uv. . of hull Lake topped vvey .A, friends in Coaiville, on hi some see to way to the reservation to look after his cattle. Hon. Alma EUlredge and w ife went to saltuir suiidar last. Mr. Eldredge was one of the speakers at that place on Re- publican Ihiy. John lMiaui, whowasso severely crushed by an emaged bull some time ago, was out for the first time since the sci nlent Wednesday. Cream-Choos- e W. J. Boulton, representinu the Z. C. i M. I. of -- all Lake, was inCoslville Mon-day and Tuesday on business! HevehtT We have just made a large purchase cf up to the Bark on Tuesdays train. Jonn Frost, who it wilt be re mein which we will sell, as longas it lasts, bered had both legi broke by a fr gbtened team running over him, is now able to tie about with the aid of Crutches. J. E Fisher, who is no employed in salt Lake, and Mrs. W. F. Smith, now also of sail Luke, are in Coalville on a short visit w ith their relatives and many friends. Judge Shields came down trom Bark g City yesterday as counsel in the ase. He had the case however, and returne4 to the Bark on the noon train. r Mr. Edward Hughes ftftd Miss Maggie and of brother Ya., Roanoke, Hughes sister of Dr. Hughes, have been spending a few days in Coalville enjoving the mountain aii of this locality. Miss Florence Mosher of Salt Lake, who has been visiting friends in Bark City the past week, cam down to Coalville Tuesdav t ' visit relatives and friends here before returning home. Thomas Thomas is rapidly recovering from the injuries he received in the Bark some time ago by a car running He is compelled to away with-hiw ear a cane, however, to get about. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward, baby and left Coalville Hatur-da- v nurse of Halt for Brighton, where they will spend the remainder of the summer. Mrs: Hayward, baby and nurse have been in Coalville the past month for the benefit of the babys health, which was greatly improved when they took their departure. The Miese- - rauline, Gertie and Nettie Klaus and Miss Sannie Gibson, who DEALER IN comprise th popular Ogden lady orchestra, arrived in Coalville Tuesday to fill their musical engagement here on Tuesday night. From here they went to Kama to play for the ball in Carpenter's hall on Wednesday evening, play for a grand ball at Echo this evening and return home will go. d f - ;S"!!rStlbnt-tcrseerhow:fata-dolla- r 7- 1 Compare the following if you Tim ha .irmmjrHWOprl5BrZWrav lie me rJl known for some time that j el tilore t . Tm'i.ztin a rvpoev- -. HO. I, U't Uintah had not yet submitted its re- wa rwjueeteil to say nothing until Wo. 3 definite arrangements were eon.pl-t-port. u We understand (he company will at weuld that for a4 furiiitnr order laUwrlu An ", The Trie. wa Soon oo'e begin operating the mine on an exan that step Important M iv, e .rm Pm Krrt tensive scale, and thii will mean a long t H Up Iw tkrn by mm of otrr my1 popular , r wwi tVna step id htuiliersM prosperity fr th the as left men at Hewrv young ftoekport . ... Y t week. The salesman iiitimvted that section. The Tribune article is as foWtAwip ..... . tsri H, We t HoyunriUt ..... llow: Juhn nrfc eorge, the purenaser, wa Wilde with -rptna .. . A U Hnmm ItatU) Article of incorporation of tl e -- ait inr. e .that-ihJudd-gwould we and fciU.ia trt'Wfr joy, Heut-irCoal Company were fhed m the Lake rntmub bride is also looking for aril to to4f w W U.L tended L ttarii jM clerks office yeaterda. H A.Wj the satisfaction. with A county HeedCaoyuii. Ayo. happy event The company i capitaliej forCs',-l- 0 will render Wrtsrters Literary Society divided into !00, 0U0 skates of the ar the foMowint program next Tuesdav value of f5 each. evening at tlie Academy: Address, The incorporators and the numlerof Frank Olson ; essay, A. W. Hteele; paaubscribe.1 for by each ene re a shares will be the last day for per, editor; discusaion on the advantages follows: Henry A. McCornii k, registration before revision week, ad and disadvantage of statehood. This shares; Fred S.mon. 28,283 shaev, W. of this season, willWlhe first, meeting would arc iloH all those -- TuxTist C. Wilson. 14.183 shaie: Ua nm, and a crowded hdiise should' greet the 1'U 14,150 Joseph shares; Barneti, now registered society and encourage it in its good In Coiine prTfietTul shares, work. to come into Tue Tim i off. t a The officers are 'Henry A. McCorn.ik,a We read in the Wasatch Wave that F red president; ecretarv , JoHstnnUy, Ang. 31, whei Registrar L. Joseph F. Foreman of Ileber City aged, seph Burnett, treasurer, and these with lake to l w found ill A. hiu'th 15 years, accidentally shot and killed ready the other incorporator constitute the himself with an old pistol at that city board of directors. name. jour last week. He hall obtained the weapon Tne co:r.panyons eighty-tw- o anes Every voter ehould understand the from the granary, and while out raking of improved coal lands at Coalville, disimportance of registering for tin elec- hay with hi brother, attempted to valued at the amount of its capital mouth ball his entered Ths it. charge . stock and taken in full The a!) othert. above county payment there- tion, aiid t aiae put at the top aeat question, the constitution, ete., wa killed instantly. Asia Kick. The latest fake to be worked by should receive your attention. Don't At the conclusion of the rotten per-- , is the postage itinerant tne stamp pul It off, and remember to morrow scheme. He state that he is far away fur in mice of the Uncle Tom Cabin Comthe LAT dar fruuShonie and would like to send rorne pany Wednesday night, and while tlie word to his people, but ha not thj attaches of the take were preparing to LOCH BRlYITiiS. price of a postage stamp. When the tear down the tent, one of them, a iaige, charitably disposed have given him ten powerful brute, seeing Leo Evans, a worth of stamps he boy of 13, flecking through the tent, or fifteen cent Register business man and rushed at hiui and kicked him without seme to sells them Register e for the nearest saloon. warning. makes a " County ceort meeta Tuesday. Lehi Thomas, who was standing near, L. J. Drnby was On Wednesday i the last dsv for registra told the man he should be ashamed of on brought before Commissioner ' . tion. himself for kicking boy, and that he a warrant iwiornout by J. Wrathall, Scad the price quoted by John flop-ki- charging the defendant with driving off should be arrested. On Thursday morning the matter was Echo, this week. 00 nead of sheep belonging to Rathah to Marshal Halmon, a warrant reported week Sorthcott Ro near Castle this k, and taking them to OottnlyClerk a marriage licenee to George Wilde Halt Lake and selling them. Defendant was sworn out, and a search for the was begun. The show people had ol Coalville end Ada Judd id Uenefer. pleaded not guilty and was released on loaded and boarded their car, and the of to bail $250 appear Thursday last, Next Momlav being Labor I'ay, a train was about ready to pull out w hen legal holiday, we understand the city when his attorney would be here, ilis the marshal appeared to serve the council will meet on Tuesday evening. attorney arrived, and the case wa again warrant. The show people" refused to 2 at to next Wednesday Theeditorial convention ajiecial train postponed let the car be searched, but Conductor oclock. paused through Coalville al 111 o'clock the niarehaL th keys and be Dr. J.J, Chamberss office is located Beyle gave "bound for yeaterday at lightning started through the train. Woen the dour south of Coalville one house. Park City, Bight calls at residence one block east offender saw kim coming, however, he The hooaehold effect of K, M. and of TiuE Orstcg. 25 tf bolted out of the opposite ead of the car " tMtt Robloesw Oil week rnmnwl and mad foe the ngin, which he It is the best patent medicine in the to Alwj where the Merer. Robinson bearded. But Lehi Thotnai was watchworld is what Mr, are now at work. ing for him and kept close on his heels, says of Chamber-Iain- s and he was arrested and We are pleased to note that Mia May Marquam, Oregon, brought before Colic, - Cholera .and Diarrluea-KernedJustice Wilkins, while the Jbalance of jCluff and little Aileen Chandler, who What lead me to make have been very alck the past ' week, are the troop went on to Evanston. assertion ia from the fact that this Before His Honor the prisoner gave at this writing much better. dytentery in its worst form was preva- bis name as O. D. Bartlett; he admitted The cltirena were out in lane nun, lent around here last summer aud it said he did not inbut the bov, liera to wit neat the I'livls Tom's Cabin kicking never took over two or three dose of Le Evsn then to tend hiro. hurt hear Didn't on Wedaeaday. parade that remedy to effect a complete cure. gave his side of the affair and stated anyone aay they were glad they came For sale by John Bovden and Son. that the -- assault wns made without out. warning, etc., wtierenpon Just ire WilThe Democratic Frtmarv. Another train of eight care loaded CoalThere fine a was of mutton with the iVraocrat kins imposed a fin upeu the prisoner of pasted through meeting ville Wednesday bound for the Chicago of Coalville precinct In duffs Hall Mon- $5 and costs, amounting in all to 14, -market. They were put on the car at day night forth purpose of electing which was paid and the belligerent balnine delegates to the County Conven showman wentte Echo to join t he Atkinson's, and numbered about 1800. of ance the troupe. A fellow who couldn't spare a dollar tion to be held next Monday night. Kicks cease pretty high, sometimes. Joteph A. Fisher called the meeting for his home paper, tent 75 cent ta a A Bwl Arfltlftii, down east Yankee to find out bow to to order and stated its object, after which A. wa Smith elected J. : chairman He this "Take Wednesday morning a min by the raise reply got and Mis Lenure Evans secretary. The name of James Flvnn, a laborer, and hold of the tops and pull." Ex. Home owe says a "pound of cork will following pained gentlemen were then who came from Newark, N. J., wa float an ordinary lUBirm water. It elected delegates to the County Conven brought to Coalville on the train on t tion: John Boyden, J. B. Rhead, Win. stretcher and pnt in the waiting room a added much that be . might pulling smaller amount of cork on land has sunk Carrutb, James Parkinson, E. If. Rhead, at the depot. Charles Callis, F. ff. Wright, Mrs. J. A. The day before he w as hurt at Wall-sutcmany afellew clear mil of sight. Ex. F ishcr, Mrs. Edmond Eldiedge. while attempting to board a train. We received a letter this week fmar Alternate- - Mis Lenore Evans, Miss The tralm was moving, and when he atMrs. M. J. Atwood, president of the Re L. Boyden, J. M tempted to board it he was struck by lief Kocietv, informing tie that the Re- Msggie Carruth, J, Wilson. the cars and thrown vio.ently to the John Faddies, w In ill held be lief Society conference The primary then adjourned. ground, stiiksng on bis head and neck. Coalville, September 5th, instead of He was picked up insensible and taken Th most delicate constitution can lloytaville, as heretofore pgbliahed. use fir. H. McLeans Tar Wine to Ogden to the railroad hospital, where Coalvilles Brass Baud bids fair to safely Balm; itJ. is a sure Lung leuiedy for Dr. Berkinseewed upa great gsah in the sink rapid improvement, kkiwe of the coughs, loe of voice, and all throat and back ef his - - wounds. Hehead, and dressed the other latest music has been purehaaed and is lung disease. recovered consriousnes now being practiced. Frank Olsen has while the doctor was dressing the A On Tim. been added to the band and will herewounds. The authorities then George Beard and family have after do the directing. We nay look decided c.mld not keep the inweek two frurn the thattbey outing up for some open air concert soon. the river, where they made can.p near a jured man, and he ws accordingly Attention is called to the adWnite of excellent water lu the cool placed on the train and brought to Coal- spring nientof Hewlett Bros, in this issue, Shade of the trees, and gave themselves villa Thl firm I pretty well known in Huin- The injuries seemed t be confined to up U Solid comfort. Mr. Beard did uiit county, and that they are successful emu of the beautiful scenery hi head and nek, and the shock has sketchiag in marked degree is due to the fact In that locality, a little fishing and hunt- paralyzed hit lower limb solhat he that they manufacture the best of ing, and had a general good time. - He cannot move them in the least. . Me articles and let the peope know it seems to suffet no great pain, but he is says pine hentwere plentifsL and that through the representative paper. helpless. completely of member hie killed mme family every McCorkl Th injured man was taken to the or leas of them, and all thoroughly enCodnty Superintendent held jii teachers examination in Coal- joyed th trip. county courthouse, and Dr. Chambers ville on Monday and Tuesday, and When just starting oat one afteraoen and Hosmer called in to treat him. The bewere certificates for leea aspirants lo fish, be was met by a party of Halt physician yeat-rd- ay operated on him, fore him for exami nation. The result vf Lakers who had been fishing all tlie and removed a pressure At the base of the examination will not be made know a previous day and had captured euly Ah brain, caused by th fractured skull. He is in a very critical condition, and On Wednesday and eight trout. They asked Georg how until "V Thursday examination were held at many he expected t catch and he told is receiving every care,- l'ark City. them thirty. They langheuat his stateMr, C. G. strong, principal of the The Waalch mine excursion from ment, but changed their tun wheuha public schools at Cab, say : Anderson, Coalville to Garfield Beat h last Friday r returned In th evening with fwrtv of ' I have ued Chamberlain' Bain Balm beauties. a well as the L. I. S. excursion from the and have foiintLh excellent remedy for lameness and Iark City to Saliair on the same date, slight sounds. are There accidents and diseases many were successful in every particular. Lameness usually results from a sprain, which effect elock and cause serious inMosV-o- f tlte excursionists remained at convenience and loo of the farmer in or other injury, or from rheumatism, for the beach until Sunday, and report hav- hi work, which may be quickly which Chamberlains Pain Balm is esremedied bv th use of Dr.' J. If. Mcing had a delightful outing. The town Lean's Volcanic pecially intended and Uneaqualled. It Oil Liniment. dealmost seemed three the affords almost immediate relief and in day during populated. Eight cars were .well filled Dr. Prices Cream Baking: Powder a short time effects a permanent cure. from th Park, Coalville and inter- - AnrM GoM Madat Midwkww Fair, Saa Fraadaca. For sale by John Boyden Soil, k " X.7,Wwt Look Here! James atones ha gone toPark City to woik. The following taken from the Tribune returned to halt Lake Dr. "flughe of the 27th will be good news to the peo- -, Monday. pie of Coalville, as the Incorporation reWin. Moore came dm C from th ranch ferred to will likelv put ia .opera' ion to felon on Ins thumb its fullest capacity the Wilton Bros, Monday to have a d. treat mineral thia place,. The with all the work of tlte w a j, (.wags at CualvilU, board of It Br )MM,rml,l, Uv-zte- t Park City U 1805. MO, SALT LAKE COAL COMPANY- - medial points, an4 at Echo two mor coarb es were milled. Everybody seemed weH satisfied, nd repirfttivl'Bjr been Prices that Defy Competition! j Call and examine and be convinced. Respectfully, Mer. Co.. Peoples ALMA ELDREDGE, Manager. JOHN HOPKIN, General Merchandise, ECHO CITY, UTAH. They Captured Him, E. Xf. Allison, Jr., came in from the Reform School Saturdav in search of Chalet Stintson, a boy who escaped from that institution some three months ago. On Sunday Mr. Allieon and Marshal Haluion took a trip up to the head of the Weber and csptnred the runaway at bis $x oo cwt, father's house in that loeahtv. He was Potatoes, per ' -then brought down to Coalville, and on Cabbage,' Mondav Mr. Allison returned to Ogden Onions, 75 with bis charge and again placed him in Beets, ihi Reform School. Turnips, Rav King, whiv-- it will be remembered Parsnips, resided in Coalville for some time on parpleand who was returned to the School and afterwards made his escape, Radishes, per doz. bunches : has not leen recaptured, and it is Lettuce, per doz. bunches, . . thought is new out of the territory.' bchs. Prices for This Week: Produce- Green Vegetables. Lent Lat Friday night, either in Echo or between Coalville and F.cho, a ladys gold breastpin with the word "Annie" engraved on it Fuider return to this office and receive reward. It Wuutnl competent girl for general houseLake. Must be a work, to , go to good cook. Apply to Mrs. H. Hughes, Coalville Hotel, before Monday. It A Never was leather so high as how since 1872. Never were Shoes' sold so cheap before, in this county, as now sold at Cash Bargain Store, Coalville. It 'DR.' T ".JAM" Mim . MOST PERFECT MADE Crm cf Ts-tFr or any other adulterant TEARS THE STANDARD. , A pur Grape from Afrvi, 40 :r Po-vJ- A v ... . . . Granulated Sugar, $5-7- Arbuckles Coffee Green Coffee Bakers Chocolate Sweet Chocolate Raisins 7 ........ 25 25 45 40 6 . Currants. 7 Yeast Powders, etc. $ Royal, per ftiT. . Calumet, per ft) Silver Gloss Starch , . . . Corn Starch. . . . . T - I Syrup, per keg, .1. Syrup, per gallon can . . . Pickles, mixed, per keg. 1 AS ... 35 12 10 75 t . Soaps; etc Nickel Gem 22 bars. . . $1 Olive Queen 18 bars. 7 I Pine Tar 6 cakes Saponifier Lye, per can Eagle Cond. Milk, prean Utah Tomatoes. . Canned Corn ... 7 Beans Navy Lima Beans... ..... ... Rice t ... ... Corn Meal Full Cream Cheese . . . California Evap. Fruits Pure Candy. ... .7 . . : 12 yt Hams Evaporated-Peaches- , ia Breakfast Bacon . Evaporated Apples. 1 2 yi Salt Bacon Evaporated Plums . . Lard .Tra Evaporated Apricots.'. ........ CREAM : Utah Dried Fruits Apples, per World's Fair. Peaches, Plums, . Apricots, Awarffd Highest Honors Green Onions, per doz. Green Peas, per lb. String Beans, per Ih. . . . ,JL. i 7' Butter, per ft) 1 2'. Eggs per dozen doz . Spring Chickens, per .j, OltJ Chickens, per doz bucks, per dozen. .f. . Wheat, per bushel . . . Oats, per cwt Barleys per cwt. High Patent Flour, per cwt . Bran and Shorts,' per cwt. . . Groceries & Provisions 85 15 00 00 25 10 20 10 10 A XA s'A 7 3 12 r. .77' 13 22 A to 12 - 13 Above we quote prices on a few staples, in addition to which we carry a full line of Groceries,- -' Tobacco and Cigars," Patent Medicines, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware; also a complete line of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats,' Caps' and ' Clothing. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders will receive careful and prompt attention. joiensr HOPKiN. |