Show 1 tire rap ft flay CnMcHn hnturday Magnilne Ill Ia fallscy to supimto that pcuple who mear cork legs and clnut ejtt are Indifferent In-different to their per onol apprnramt They are often valnerthan ordinary I Individuals In-dividuals A rich man for Instance who It I obllreil lo wearnit artificial eye will wear three different eyes every dayfin eye for morning when the jiupll It not very large aneyfor noon vrhen the pupil in l tmaller eye dutt eye for evening when the pupil line extended ex-tended to lu I full tlu A dealer In artlllclal I eye who gave this information informa-tion mW t ho made about an iual pro I jKrtlcn of glass eyes for Seen und NY men Santa people keep quite u stock In their poktcttlon In fact no fewer than twe 1rhaeLalon hare been intiln for ono Individual ullhln three years lilt son had cot one made from measurement unit that eye tilled to perfectly that tile 1 old gentleman In I nn outburst of gratitude wrote off for eleven other eyes |