Show WALLACE IS WIIATIIY tVhy lie lion Sot IlLs Hi Inillanapo Hi Mmiuinrnt leo Lew Wallaco who wai appoint rd one of a hoard lo finIsh a ltd 000 aol dirt monument at Indlanattolli Iou not accepted the appointment 1 I I bUN of IsIs dliaallifacllon with tho monument monu-ment as far aa It bios gone He nnd all aorta of fault wIlls III says II was de algned 10 bo a military atruclure and linl want lo lake down tho bronze alntuo of Indiana from tho lop of II wanla lo ubilltuta ilnlura for moit of how I artecled denies Oovrrnor Morton Mor-ton i 111 By a place on the monument and desIres other change his IIA1 definite Idea of what sushI a monument monu-ment aa Indlanapolla aiplrr to ahould be I and wlihra to teo them carried out Ills crltlrltml and uggeitlon have allrred up much oppotlllon and sum re arnlment Without venturing any opinion opin-ion on the inerlta of them It la safe to say that ho hues donu good service In bringing the monument under ilUcun alon and making the lndlanaHtlla people peo-ple 1 conilder what their aoldlera monument monu-ment ought to be Usually such mal Iris are left to a committee the mem hers of which aro very mragerly qualified qual-ified for their Job Bomo Incomptlent jinpoaea loll lesIons on them and ll I Intruded In-truded wllh Iho work wllh painful aol allllollng results Whether Oeneral Wallaroa Ideas about the Indlanapnlli monument are carried out or not tho monument If not too nearly completed already la I likely to Iw a gainer by I hIs rrlllclimi It more men had been willing will-ing 10 may dliagrreuhto thing to Ihelr neighbor about jollIer monument ptrhap Ihe great nrmy of military memorial me-morial wIlls which the land Is I dotted might bo more worthy of lIme dead and mor creditable lo thus living pays liar hers Weekly |