Show t Illllrr lIu One if I the largest nntlencm Hint imlftlln hn user tiirntil out wutettet 1 the rankmt performance on Ui ln > > luy nlhtwltli hleh any tommnnlt Sinn rer afll1ellll l v lo jyili Uncle Tom Cabin Company wax time m ruction rii < > arrlid m Jowduy wills their dog donkey and Ostnrvii situ In the early nftvrn KJII ptiwied I ilu tnuK hed1 hi l a hrte band The intuit of the baml and onlmxru wpIOd and Ihl watkll that there ate Rood ID the wlmlo eongluumrmlon flu based I mpontlkl for draw Init HI leant 1000 people under the canviu to Itnem tlie mat horrible buuher of the lulu > ol Uncle l Tom Cabin that could po < Ibly le concocted < I decided upon with mallei aforalliouyht by company of people Not a character lu tire JlIM WM will repreMiittd l and the ndlcnra WM thankful tint the company omitted 1 a great pan of il to that the agony of will Ming It WM IIOIew lUll inortchtd I f uTtwy rrtorled to nil tbadevlow known toiDldtelrotwei to extract money from i l the people inch an churginj 10 cants tort l Mrvd seal afterg tlm their vktlnin linride the Mint elliiit iMO r ininl8 1 dents well and giving a nonotrt equally M tlrNOUe after what they termed the i e big show And l limy saooeredwl In rail Z Int In the nancy tooT I i too-T V n altogether It was tough enough to drive UMperanceaiUwaln to drink to drawn the miters tint wore force I to endure We dont under at the crowd that WM Inveigled tat I sehteeeoing the play but bow anyone after getting mull e dole pe Uto y dmlllllred unit stay for the ooiirerl It 1 beyond loU com pr h naioa The otter t will prulaily I l he ti that this performance will queer tin nextgOed eutertnlninent Is gist n hare |