Show tiltrrlUInc sirs It Knormoui fortune have been made I In the manufacture ot patent medicine medi-cine There Ii I a proud fimlly I In Ilrookbn whose wealth I ol Ii array up In I I he mlllloni The father who made all of It was not many peara ago A pare I III n drug home lie Intcntcd a patent medicine Ilia employers were In the lablt ot saying to their customers after aft-er iclllng them n bill of goof Why dont fOil take a few dozen bottles I of our portiri medicine Help the old fellow along III la nothing to tn The porter wai popular and many an orCcr was given In that modest way ho ilartod lie adtcrtlsed and finally made mlllloni 1 know a patent medicine medi-cine nun who paya that he can bottle sea water and make a fortune out of It I by advertising lie ia > n If any man will put up 1200000 for adtertlsltiR purposes he will nt tho end ot two poor return not only tho 200000 but clear a profit of as much more Ono man Is I suppoird to Into an Income of over 200l > 00 from his pllli and thrrc Is I n tooth wnih In Ihe market that haa reo nllznd a tail fortune for III owner inch profits are realized only through Judicious advertising I am Informed by ono ot the richest manufacturer hat he notices within a few weeks n falling off In profits when he undertake under-take to economize In aihcrtliltiR Ills I aiUcrtlalnf coal him over 1000000 a year Next year It will cost him > 100 I 000 more New York 1rcn |