Show 11OUH11Im GUEST J Thai been pattI that C m I It Is always hI unexpected that ray J t 4 l happens and that I 1 to tie prepared fir yi 1 emergnMsa one ITi i mint Ix bath n l philoMpher and a s Minim AI I rot Hmythe tnuilcMn piano tuner ant y general utility man In a mu IcU w l avsa going to the Olob theater where he wax In play a flute obllKnlo with the snmUr nrrhrstra he would have been l much surprised If i any hint n f n flew calamity In his rundown fnrluns could have hn than and there foretold Ha torrtilnty thought he hd tonal l the Ingenuity In-genuity nt adverse fate In Its utmost asI ho had enough misery on hn la last a lifetime Hut the mUforluiw awslllnx him was of a nratM turn aid quite unlike the other which were IlMmmmniiplace one online I poverty moil hut link In everything < he under Imlc Now there la I no refinement nt cruelty equal In Ili pang lathe grip of poverty upon a sensitive nature lhat cannot tar tni and will not beg 1 the poverty that tn irenteel In well bruahed garment jwlUhi1 by the friction ot time ot loin ant hungry look because never aunt icnlly fed with pride perched like a sentinel on the thrihold keeping out the hag Charily who comet to extol her avlf In a labored account of details In the lures of want To this clan of the genteel gen-teel poor belonged Prof Hmylho who ua In utrpptd along carefully In Ida frayed onlourage would Ion been rl dlrulou If he hid not been palhelle Ash poor man ho did not know that lot wan either He had hidden his poverty Mlriehvrl and never dreamed that he was attracting mention lo It Ilealde hat being a gentleman by birth In allnrt and education he attached na < ll htnnr to his low male lie was lint Mm only man who had not mail a fl inrlal nucce of life to IM walked along In the shrinking 4pcre fashion that had become natural nat-ural tn him through habitude with mlnforlune ho wa aware of the sudden mooning of a door In a handsome rent I Vnr he was tanning and a flood of orange light beaming across his path At the aim lime a man In evtnllK divas ran lightly down the ilepi nelaal I Mm by Use arm and soul briskly i hip dr air 1 excuse tn 0 but would you slip m a croat favor Irnf Hmythi forgot lo draw Into hit bell MI sudden wa Ihl attack He tnn < 1 atlll tike the welding l guest In the Antlent Mariner but fln lly slam meted bin need of hail and the oecailon of It ItI I will ply you Iwlca u much and you will have nothing to do but make your rlt agreeable It will be a great anA an-A It L i MY nilAII Bill HXrUHU MB coinmcxUtlun and I shall never forgtl I un see by your appearance that your you-r a c ntl < man ounildcr ma a friend nail accent my offer i Mat what service is I required of Ink In-k the professor who had had a vague Mr that a grand piano had suCl < I nly none wrong Why you see I am giving a dinner to some friends It la I ill on the table end we have Just discovered that there are 13 ut tilt that would never da at all > low If you will dine with us you hall I tin well paid for your service i and I Ian uy you will be In time for your fluta Kola it the theater us you can Ie eicud when you desire You will come Think rIo professor followed Ids boat In n tlo of ibsnlut subjection as It he might hive been pnatlid but Ihs I tact was tint the poor man had not broken his fait since morning and the Irllcluui aroma of the dinner mmlnif through the on door proved Irmlitl Ja la gave his nama In n whisper was handed over too servant who took him upstairs Into a itumt chamber Itrlped Mm tn remove Ids shabby over out and whisked oft his brit suit will av sliver handled brush taking Us threadbare cllnl for duel It WHO well 1s waa engaged to play otherwlw he vruuM not have been In evening drees I In wa tieiilnnlng lo enjoy the llltla mtnody In which ha wa himself an actor e Tlirt wa no Inlroduetlon Ills has inollaneil him lo a sut between the ruJitrn lady and a xvara matron who turned her silken bark un him to talk to Tier neighbor on the other side The I Iirofewior Pride did not once assert their Ha was masquerading that wall w-all Hut fate had not done with IrofMto tnmirthe Ttir ran santfir had A dull of chain ruKne In It and new Ilte was IlItuNlt lots the vain of this profaailonal diner out The fish and Ham and pat that fnllnwnl ware all triumphs of the eu Unary art and the hungry man clojel the edge of his sppatlta not tiy the lure itnuirinallon of a faait but by th fan tlwlf It was no toast of the Ilarmacld lllwT far the vlandi were actual and the wine was not a pretense but n de iKblful vintage Mrvad In eutclSH goblets gob-lets The poor profMior foil like M Into In-to hla neighbor pinch I me1 for It woo like drmin or an Illusion Yulhtr thin a rMllty Hut the striking of the dock ramlnde him that bo had barn there nn hour soil as IM bad broken the ipill of the unlucky un-lucky II ha vrnturml lo exruu blnicl a1 nee dlflly from ilia place ant an-t > wa himself out of the room lie was followed by a servant who twnliiil Mm an envelope with Ibv r > m IUnxnu of the iirntlpinin with whom ba lud dull dined Not fur worll Htiutd he have opened II though II wa I t unomlfd l < fnre the man but he ae eotHxl II gra tmi ly and want upiialr to Rt his hat and overcoat unattandod A number of lindomrly ppolntl chamfers wen nn the upper hall and lha profaMor 1I1tH1 I I Into each u 1s paniwl on his wy to the Irtlrulr hamlwr whore he had left his lielonglnir Prhi lie wa a trifle nvfrora by sherry snd other bevel ngeo but ha thought the room had bon larkn1 soil Ihlll he wss tight Its el nee l a moment In the doorway and ooke1 cnullouily In peering stomp at the luxury but at the sonic time noting not-ing that It wn not the drowlngrnom for which Iro wn looking Itofora he could step Hick and turn down the cur rIlor again the unoxiieatxl hpp nd lie reralved a sudden and violent push rom liehlnd width flunif him forward out of the doorway Into the room the door WB ln lntly I Inckoil uwn him and he ws a prlnoner flmylhe luck Mil 1 the poor man 5s he trial In vain In open the door and knew by the rumpu lie I could her uUlde that the house wn In a allot all-ot excitement I uppow they will think I wan Irylnit lo Heal aoiehlng Then a frlihlene1 thought look pos cession of him which causal oil 11 drop of anguish lo land out on his gaunt cheeks Did l they uipect him Hid he linen obwrve < l T Ha opened the envelope In his hand II conlalnd a nvodollar note ThAI wa generous and he wn sure his hot had uipected nothing I but the mere thought of the iltuatlon III which he wa plural drove him to the verge of dlilrcllon And to add In his terror ha hoard the alarmed household coming up lalr and the next moment the door of his clam wa one < and Ida hoot backeil by all the male BUMti itood In the open doorway What are you doing here was the first question hi host propounded loll ha truth now a you wouU hone for mercy I came here to get my hat and coal sold the profeiior the dignity of all the Hmylhe line Mount Ararat In hlo l thin rasping tone A likely Mory Turn your Ikoto inside out commanded the host I refute lo do II Then I will end for the prtllee I WHI wllllna to give you a chance but It you lefui to Iw noarcbed you are guilty I am not a thief I do not know Your action ore very unplrtnut You can explain matter to Slat chief of lattice Then inuit 1e I enniix why ou refuse lo Ix M rchrl II you are honod you win have nolh lug in eoneonl Waif cried the unfortunate profs cur I ram her lonlghl nt your earnest ear-nest nllellatlon to do you a service and you trap me at If I ware a bum tar I You nee caught prowling In n dli tnnl part of my hOIlnu refill tn be I earched an Innocent man would lie glad lo clear Ids name from suspicion how do 1 enow what valuable you hove ocretMl about pout A hollow laugh rang through the room Wn It K > nlbla lha bold Intrud or lured to liugh at them It wa the augh of depnlr and no uch It mol UIMIII the heart of the host who looked troubled and prrplexcd ills enforced guilt aw this look and It luggeiled n line nf nrtlon to him Hon Ihoie men away be 1 nld minting to the group lit alarmed Rural rowdlng In at the door Ha was Rind the nomrn had remained tielow itnlrn soil not come tn lease u > oti his dlncoin llure Ile did not know thai they were arkcd up In fear and trembling In n ltant imrlor Wr wont 00m rhoruiod the group he may want lo murder you 1 dont think he will sold the hoit who wn really xiflhonrleil 1II trust dm and you fellow can Rn In the la lie Ill roll If I need help They went rather glad to bo out ot II and lha two men left together eyed I each other one walling for the other 10 speak They were exactly oppailio In pl > rarnnoo one root and rubicund the other thin and nnuloua meager rnvely on a aurrrjiful man I refUMMl lo let you lenrrh me tab bite profoMor slowly became oh my dod how ran I acknowledge 111 nin a IdefP The other man tarti < d nnd moved nwnrd the dour Then be nnlleil I have stolen from > inihirr let me how your and you will know why I could hivv died enilrr ban to have hone people RlonllnK over me Hoc her mid her and here Ha took Iho valuable nut nf his nickel one by ono They made a it range exhibit as he piled them up on the table In front of him They were n roll ol dinner bread a plate a wrelbrenil ndled In n leaf ot lettuce n thicken iroait n bit of tnmted broad and a ens lore Mndwlch lie brought out In the bait crumb with a manner ot ono who lay his Ufa on the nllar I of Mcrlllao treat heaven man what doe this lIIoallT aiked the nilonlihod host It means replied the other solemnly solemn-ly that my Irk wife and my little children ore starving and that I phi I feral from my food ut your table to Rive I them for my rent II I overdue mid bite money I earned ha already spent 1 Hut what did you rat yourself More than I lave amen for many n day Hut now do with lilt what you willWould Would you mind putting these lWng hack Into > uar ivocket Inqulrod ails host vaguely Now come with lure Ha look him by the arm and led I bin down tabs and Into the pretence ot Iho baking guests 11 made a lust Inlitnk my frlendi he sold this a etdlenon 1na 1sal iitminse1f u rfeell Y 1iincent oh nnY nllsm1t at crime mint I must tK you to reuunh Alenl AI W the nI ot Ihll eenlhg lie is I under un-der IIII 1oIHIIIIII from tail hope nod you wltl allmanse lih ins Ihlll we sure eslnneh Parry that uh n Ielliko allnlll1 hovo omrrI OC rutlree II bey oil lIrMd with the Mnlllllnt ot their hail whatever they orety 1111I1 lrot 1111I1100 ores nUo1 10 take ale 1 eve onmlt profuse nIOII |