Show Tn Jrrl for Ills linn In a fw weeks an old soldier and veteran vet-eran of the late war will Mart frum Cincinnati uon n alrant errand but on thai lie very near to his heart says Ike Knnulnr II I Capl Will lam P Johns and l hl < proem rMklene la I llloomlliKlurif Ohru II hag rela 1 tive In Ihlo clly and lhy are about to Bid him In carrying mil the one wllh of tilt life and that M to gu lo the 11 l field when lie I wu entturM during the war and hunt for his old line that In the last moment h threw Into a stream of water Thl inlKht Mnt to too II very unra onill 1r and entirely UMM dlr on the put of the old soldier but lie I U I confident he will U able after the halt of over thirty year lu K < I back to the point when he threw hla mm Into lha sluggish stream and fliHl II again CIt June enlisted In the Inrlsecond II V I the regiment regi-ment which 1reeldent larfleld led out a e Its colonel and uf which he WAI colon at the lime of the capture of Captain Jon and 1010 nuoclate It was In IMI when Ih re > Intent was In the Cumberland and Just after a number lOt the Met t but sharp en cuuntrr of th caininlKit but the old |