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Show - 3 N J - F. Editor and Manager M. PINN'EO. Tarma of Subnortprton ... slasYrsr SliMintm... f i I .. r, w .... 1. eoiinra i ? W it 1 . lj ! 00 - jtv the autocue a Cliui 1ISH, mt at Cm,o, law af)rK,r Mr. lUrtineiuiv; ii g mi les, wi-,.f g re . upii ,'iz ,i (,) hive deci.-r- . d naif r d : v ,! j t. e it J a- ti s o-- TEKHITO nr. 6 ,7777.. AlWrin-- Marshal (iegtsior Laiid Ottlc Km eicerhand OITtce JtMticw, tit Htrlrt Justice, tnd iXotni'l native, (lit District V , H. ' ... , . Prol! lertl . ..W. lb Km ' e.. ,f s.a.s ,,, 3 ..a,.,. I. PoUH'i ugg-tKi- AWxtnfot Wrljht a Keor4r tr,,,r ,, ,, . l rVr Nr-ha- TrMrtr rmnr lb June Mwvt 4.. . M . a .4. , , tJ miIiixmi Hull Bf'Hdmfii M oh H Wtlktll A. Buftmhuii t WiUiftmJi FpwlnilJitlo a, WIUujh H)rct,M i 0iiM tliimarawW K, Me. CMrk ml ) U Iwmmif, Pi v,. inTirUor . COALVILLE n, -- I HEWLETT BROS., Salt Lake City. Utah. HEALTH -- AND ACCIDENT 1 INSURANCE. ' dny fur - registration Iwfore revision week, and all those Thc Timk would urge j ui-o- Fidelity mutual Bid your name. i ,, other. The county neat question. Hi cmmtitutlnn, etc., tdiould receive your Ueutl'im t n'k put it i ff, and remember tlie lion, above all again uienliou the fact timt a treet-i- ; rinkler would do a world of in t'oalv die, and beside furnish a good little employment to a man who both need and deserves it. W suggest that a rut that John the projeef T conshlt-rei- t Ifexter lie sefected.to do Hie work. Me would do it right, could depended ujHm. aiulpodMthlvmo Hian fit CosiviUc TV I' of fids consideration. this neck received the animat report of the University of Utah, including the Normal shool of Utah, Malt Lake. It contain the announcements TVe can eoiiiume, but quite another to And ft utu cramp colic. He whs in uth 1 1 , hastily that we have no consume! by reason of agony feared he would die. aVB a ATiamberlmn.s ,ose Colic, 1 Heir lack of mentis to acquire hat Cholera and Iharrli-eRemedy. He they need to consume. ,M,R rdshe "The first relbh fcimetalltan. If ta hat re 4iomu1T too hi auJ the mytjir;un uetp?ary, ;!u,e- informed him. A few pie will ilemand it. There i sonietliing tne taUin a! tobe said even in favor of, the fee cVm - !! ,1h''" w tack and bo r d he was neve- - witiioo: age of silver. While! cannot bring my 1 have it in nf irh the v iew, lie remedy now. judgment into harmony for seveiul years. I know it the Idea of being able to purchase more family worth and (Id not hesitate to recoin tiro- - single with a dollwr-tind- er gU standard than with two dolhirs under a mendittiMny friend and rutmers. For ufe by John liovdeti and Mtm, free coimtpe )tem is atnactive in Fire lit Cedar feature, but tlie average iiMhi'erwouhl be more likely to havefliu two dollar Ued tr Cstv, Utah, Aug. l;. special uiulev a li-- I ban fe4n4vt j lo the H nM. A p rr FtnrtpfUstio!',lV near the barn tie any part vif ope d..!iur under the single after .'! a, m.. gold standard. Anv monetary erfctv-on the lot longing to Fntuc.s Web-te- i. wl therh-t-) to gioa richer to William A. Midh.-tun- , It and make the txr f.inmtt , caught the M-- d iU'toifc-bj;mi the amh .t'mcnve-- f "'m.ra! Under ,of tiie' t:re and ran through a nf our present rj stem Him i the tnoviUU-f1hi n and outn.mse-- , -- tat - ,.f hay and result. It La rendetevl tlie giaili to the north en lof k. xn it enormojH coi.eer.trathm of tapital In a suiiiiiigeervr'iing tafo-doing few hand, which comlitts. a t certainly t immensein Lmvge. ileaw hams, bay and grain, anti ha v tail on pot cakciated to advaiuc the piosperit of live general pahli,-- . J. J. H vtans-- , tlie follow ing t itifen ; . . Tai.lur. N. Y. Wi'iiam A. $;5), mvored of . ; of r.na firiiimf parties. It vu art ' PEOA HOUSE hantr nr toot or. i t- - IF INSURED, You cannot lwe all ymr sirt nr Itiahled by 14TION IRST OR ' 'frouev Aer ideut the lmtel State. and j u heu ! the Ah-- H altfcr Association ini to ft Utah. Tinware, Stove Batl Tubs, Garden Sprinklers, Galvanized Iron, Zinc, Copper and Slieet- Iton Work, etc., made and Repaired bv Home-nud- e - Pipe, r Joseph Jones, 5511 TINNER. Shop, one block east of Stake PEOA, Summit Co.. House. Coalville, Utah. OSCAR F. LYONS. Utah. Notary Public and Conveyancer. olkn riMiimth- ihaitfu. . I oiunn'itm. j LYONS, SewlnR: Machine tD-n- . i bv allatLif semenu tptnk yms enss gr?t tue best xnadd lined bniMied and tn the C'ff f iU: Ett tl.DIYG, Sumuitt ( iuuty, Utah. TUiTUiT tv IVoa, Most Popular -- Proprietress. v BEST 0. F. GS7THE Nut bv dvet fh 4 Times. TIN-SHO- P. (. a Walter, tie j j lttU, tm Wren TRAVELER PEOA, It ban the reiiire1 cah deMD!t will thu 2Havof ( alifornm ant MKnoun, vhieh. tt- itether with auatupl Ueene Fund and laie as'M'th, make it certificate ftnahcolute enaratrue of the dhUty kf i(n proOctiou to tta meuberw Wnt? I'tnh RtUiihle Agntp Wanted Agency Co., John B. Axhhtn, .1Itfr. Until- - j nnj, Sul Lake City, Vlah. iV M. Flniieo, Tlme Office Local Asrt Dr. Miles Heart Cor 1 11 on positive (tuaranu-- e that the tm,t Untie will taiient. C ms for k, or All SruM4t sell of pries on it ue Dr. Mxlesprepaid, MeUtusl Coreetipt , EifcUar lad. by du't.ot bcdeceivk-- AND SuHlHllt CoillltV j and ACCOMMODATION TOURISTS Mrs. Lydia E, jotarel 41D CLASS Rates In Keeping Willi j j MITl.iL u frMiM!iei!tl .iccom-;tixlauo- ns , " theimm ntOIKCriON Htt tnr'herelilp fsw an tpain9 50 ; tr lnnnTH LIFE INSURANCE. THE FHfe.LiT" Good transients. JOS. STORE'R, Prop. for Alaofotue oliHe( of Lite Iusurau t 10 of tletk'.L, ami i . A 4ft Ml per 1000 ps?r month for acuiriutit ani ftiekitewii; alaotf 1 rvnr rdtd up pilu , at death or IOOO atthe endof H vewrf 10 per mouth for avcniont or nick tie's E. B. SCTTON, Ways Station, Ga. 1 d fnrk bcymntng to take them J felt btUer! I continued taking them and I am now in better health than for many years. Since my recovery 1 have gained fifty pounds in weight. I hope this statement may be of value to some poor sufferer. a . Imi-- to 4M34 13 ABSOLV1K Miles HearfCure ' with eatlogiieuf students for lMid-i'l- . This college 1 fat growing iii putdk favor as oue of the most complete and leading institutions of learning in then nab. The faculty include many of the leading men of learning, and the faeHitiei for the coming war l.,ave lieen greatly added to. Read the announce. rnent in another i pliunn, Ill-Vim- WILL VAX. tf itfh Wlor lth huij'K. AbH-mgh- -t Wa-htgto- tn 14, Board by day, week or month. Special .rates to limiting nud j DAY. hHt auHriMita.iv if you an ActntifUUiUj fr m faint. I was treated by the best phywIieB Mr, Isaac Reece was sicians in Savannah, Ga., with no reoverpioductioiiT ruFjrfiadiU'TslsiIueto lief. I then tried various Springs 1 it not a lack of abilitv to purebwe, stopping with me, saysM. F. Hatch, 1 of men bant Quartet mater, without benefit Finally, I tried growing ont of the (net that the producer prominent I heard him groaning On Dr. ttnVnmhhsjffeft wifil dvIiTcTrto bay is one thing to more than we going to l.i room I found him suffering also his Nerre and Liver Pills. After price of ell PACIFIC HOTEL, ECHO. I WA trr 10 a week, WILlw. IAV Kic ami unaMt to wrk - VPfLt AT VKio funeral cl.-ut- that the eerious (feline in to wfk timotTh Mil MILL 1R tthe a h t fiL.aiMU. froia PalpitationoftheHeart Register! FLNTS : ILL ti-.- LAMT day. is more deserving :F0R FIVE - u-- ed Every voter thauld unJerauml the ImpiirtaiHiw of regiateriiiif for thi elw for San Francisco, Cal. cmrv-pomllii- Saturday, Aug. 151, where Registrar J. A. fiith will he found ready to take flss9Qy , ) In Coalville precinct nut no re!stered to eom.e in IoTuk TiMto'Iiie r in the end. After August 15, 1895, there will be a Blue Label on HEWLETT BROS IMPROVED HIGH the cover worded: GRADE THREECROWH BAKlRG POWDER, IK verv can guaranteed to be equal to the best in the market or money prefunded; and ask you to kindlv give it a trial. I last- CO-O- P. manufacture the RtkesT asd Best Cream Tartar Baking-Powdethat can be made, and though the price will be slightly advanced, it will have more leavening strength and will be cheaper com-molio- REGISTER! us- - After a careful test we find that the grade of THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER we have been making is the best that ran be madeforthe price charged. We have determined to n the , .5 t..!g. ir.irijiniiuuh, a , will Ja f-i- ers. Western Washers, etc. Call and see vl 11 Thmn s , . ' . 2s cents cut to 20 cents 50 cents cut to 35 cents , . 20 ccn .s t to to cents ,io cents cut to 5 cetls ft. 25 cut to i W,e 1 H f Twt,tht CITY Wycif . . . ..9 C7 ? cents o-- fr jHiikin 3 Harrinrou lr .cs H Afformy WtUh, Thtn WUUm AreUitmld. tUrtnHn-Hnr- y frfiluwti H c ,. , N'orntftl K. J 3 M i ..4. Tpurrr...... fonmef , 4.r4.s..s Htrvor . . ihUM ..H. , ........ Suuimei.SIiniit:riiioiu i4 -- . . - . It. W. am Mil O W Bartoh . . , .as. Hreunirf A mVKt BI 8MnfF hiic. Rjfmi i,r,a .. grack Harris (vvm 4 hr iliid 4, R. Thurftisn .Si, M. Hritliuin ", Aseiswiit Attorney V, ii "i;.2 . , Merrill 4- - . 1 Vt West Kn hunlii 4 , . 15 have a Large Stock of Ladies and jdrens TarrHose,, Mens Tan Shoes, ChildrensTan Slippers. Screen Doors, Ice Cream Freez- ri'i-k- ,.C, C. . . cents cut to 30 , White Dress Goods from Smuttier (iloses from Summer Suttiuee tiom ... . . I, p.t-- from vX - i 1 Jii-t- te fjn-- s.-- j,t ,ll OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, b'PFtftry Chief from es v j 30, isti5. COALVILLE. FRIDAY, AUG, Ijr-et.i- 2, v tiu, - We have Cut the Prices on our an aggie h -t i, T. (.' I - Co-op- SPECIAL COT IN PRICES A iyna , a- -d cunts per Hue for ftrsUsx-- r tiiwr-tlofloat i eeut jier line to each suhse-ja-efhese rate attl be strictly adticcgil to - gstsro ' in-s- t Local ..... mgre-oma- The people there are lietild hot merelc take an off hand ea I in ( 1 n i . i,ght ahead, and the t planattun. . fnm..vthwV children Wr . , i tc..i Hijs,risr , tile ailver afioCld make it a bnmev to know. If we tmve in adam-lnt1 o ng to untoiaue Is is nicr thevineinihe hahitof etayiii out of at men who understand it, We have sh- t..i r,..t I .M- l-.1 her ....-- i 'o ij'o iidntni nrgaitir.ed a hiin'-b'l.jleague there, and" IfhifVd iuelit. thing night the lltinfi en-- t - ml adcMi to the wlieii wea and tham tfinOnie, to- -i itahaa: n TPQnen III 1. 140 theorera, 1 ! ini- - f4o theyoang folk home whenever thev mator ali overihe L'nitl iatea, gn,j lU tes- - ih ifi 1! e it tv lute the siHtisii where tl e .. areseenon the Hreets i.Ue at night parin-tilarite.l 11,11m of t'o'iirm u. wrl do not nnderst.ui I the imHin.iiic, j voter without an eaeuae, Lsgan Journal. or. .t iicr t'n ;i d t'riti,.le V the people ne-- d S ' i a nsi'x iio-- i! i 4 have had oan) leBfihta Lcssoni of of tlie istie. .md , late. The jnetion is, why dont par- - j eu.uaiioo in the matter, and that-- i s.il.lSt le tl ,n. ien e best wav to spread n ent take warning and keep thir gV probahly of Mm nu, u i.m-cc n- hergeit ' at home at night, and rt'nD,'e line Thmisun I of voter are just in that i r ?!' l i , (it, a jlu.ssi .i t:i incuuating eorrist unraf principal ; toi.dimm wheie they can lie vi.oio.ei . "i n't i instead of - allowing them to roam unre-- 1 lo the ailver causeit it pm l them e io im: e. lbinl-id- v F.g.iri mil by lueu.w luf have inveaUer limits, and ).r,,'its 4.44 hat wenn .ret trained in bad company? There is a t .if three tigttrr, is it ywwger geriemtinii grow ing tap" juihu.T gated anilmuiprcimuduiu all tUdeii;4- - ,?. ,, the Tl areare agreat many unrvaomatiie to as wrt that Utah enforce t j an side name may, and a curfew ordinance would have a who'e- - j argument to answer and one nui i j i 'tli greatest m.idug region " In the some moral effect. We aug.-e- t to the mtoimed to state U dearly. Utah ea- - United Men Ttue.it may be con- of a city council, by ay leaving tome pect to do her abara in righting the tended that in the other state men- good doed on record bv w hu-bi- t wiong of 1H7J, and with that end in view tinned tlm prufitt of uninrorMjiated may retmtulred, that It paas one foithaitii. we are marshaling all the forces at onr mines are not known. That iasNjtrue Han FrsndwoCulL i a Logan Republican. f Utah i imt-- it (otiiiiund. fair pfesumptom We dip the above parngraub that, aveagingH Utahfvie indivi-deithe HI l KIEV AUMCA SALVE. declared, it can keep up in reaoiin that they give giwl ad dee, and Tbs liei-- t salve i the world for Cut, dividend suppressed. Mail More. $riiise. Ulecra, Rheum, are eapedallv anplicalile fiere. We also Fewr Sore. Tetter. ('hapied Hand, . 011 Lau'ltuurli Con erdoroe the, curfew and nil Mkin Erup-c't,i l.laiiu. Corn, and : An d I hmtliuai k in the city, Herald tl in, and positively cure Tiles, or no Iteva It i the verv thing our citvcounci ' , Tpav iebUire l. "Ir is guaranteed to give the Blair building which stand on the peifm-- t aatisfrtcti'in o ( juM adopt. inonev refunde.1. corner of First Suit It and Fir-- t West Trice 23 cent per box. For tale hy sto-els- , is being torn doanto make A ItASKEll Foil SILVER. Juii Hovden A Mon. room for the extension of the Whitie-mor-e I flat. Tin- - Bhur building wa "While it W hereiv' to express art erected in 1SA4 and wa oneofthe old Tiibune: No more fascinating spot opinion in Wall treet not in harmony of ion. The with the head of monei ml institution i ever opened liefore the emigrant than time stmctuie house which will apartineut 1 and capitalists, shall venture my ow n that which Is embraced within the rock-o- take it place is designed to be the our monetarv aittem, inviewofthe IhuibI conflueaof Mt raw heir) valley, largest tenement in the city. When etfect it wide ilicusion i having on oienitig into he Uinta!) reservation, completed it will have cost 125,000. The addition of eleven house winch now the general butinea interest of the wa the judgment expressed by Mr. being constructed, will cost $11,000. ' count fyl f Ale Wood yesterday in the presence of It i certamiy an on lUpuled que- - a go tp that w gaH.cred at the Coition in economics, as shown hv tati j ien. tic in thy financial hitirv of every The gentleman hud a short time L- of a the i value fore returned home from the locality. that gold cmntry, g w hich was appreciated there i a explored not oulv for the in tlie prices of comiuishte. nml portunitie it aflorded the homeyeeker, j a conclusive e- - i fence in lavor hut those that were aiforded the mint j it i 01.1 single goM ehpnhu d that tin increased purchasing power of a dollar enable tlie tnan of moderate means, or ley Mr. Wool found munv evidences of laboring man, to live 0 much cheat r mineral that will lie in time developed, tuat it mote than counterbaktuc nny ami returned to the city convinced that leductioniu the price of luior, which it will yet ' populated by a thrifty peo- foilon a rcstfh iu the Jpe, volume of awnvumtltg medium. This Air. William Martin lias returned from b atb very well, but the basis of nil an expedition along the margin of the human or personal pro.perity i what Uintah reservation, where he joined in we produce. tiu- - chase for bonunra, and has decided I it poM'We fur any people to prosto suspend judgment until the result of per w hen the product of labor is liow further ex idor.it ions is made known. 1 tie est of prmlm tiun? Ask trie cotton He rejiort number of prosiwetors ia plant r what lie has left after marketing the Geld who have found evidence of Shortness of Breath, Swelling his cotton at 5 or (1 cents per jxiiniJ fw' gold in the bar along tlie stream lead-iu- g - of and Feet. Legs Nesr York. Ak the termer in Tennsyl-va- n into Wyoming, and oilier who have For about four rears I was troubis, Illinois or California what he has gmie into the hills iu search of the hide led with of tlie heart, left after eollmg his w Wat at 00 cents Mr, Martin, however, will not shortness palpitation of breath and swelling of Is bushel in hi Sew claimed York. It per the legs and feet. At times X would trip until this season. rejKirt w ' - o' M" 7V s 4 (0 av ns tx m 1 4 , 1, iTu3 $ Coalville rtggi-egi- ' - Jht i . Utah ha a j'd ,lS ' ! t4va.jmTwhuJKa.UiLjUfiiitaliieyituiiiage iaJutwh U7 ere 7(7 ,CV , t , It t V- - 4-- TrTft a' t t. .T'1' tleta n i hi! 11 , , vr s, 1. t abtr. lent other,,. Itarlllti figarra. ..Sum j e i . - Advsnlalng R s, 08 l no .... 1 9iwe XUatht iagte Cofer U po r ten imMrtoirTd Upholds j Trthnne; the rah, and alwatttpr uuihH by dm g ndne. These in'ji-c !tijta!ition of 7,-5- 7 that aw which v irt'iahy doe not punish 1, iv an ttn rich. ('owing Nath-h- . 1'ion, and have tWieied and pnid in d vi ends the enormi,ui su:ii of f2i,ild, Itsrtlu. ia Wea iaa,Mis. 50 rt . tmrline . arrhj t d'.rid.i loa riirtv-ejg- l I incorpar.itcii u 'hecl.y yceohn from halt Lake to i.'.einl n.iii- -, mth a attend tint WH.a.admnvemi,,,,, Up g, 401,1. , joiaiu'.i'h,;!. if ton 'il.i.Ui'ii to a itiiiu four uiotitiia ugo'Yfr. Rarti,p. i : lone declaridaivi p dd tJb.ldj.tiv' via a resident of A'evada, iv'iece ;i lend. hatjie began, hut of late. he ha been MiManaht se'clteetr ill O'JH'rai-- i ' 1 COM PAST. PUBLISHES TIMES on I ir violating it. Tii vote for social system (4 the olt TMil'p iji'hv 1 on.'i tr ! with the Time and Jleri'. ! of Slit hake we wish loots? that h- - i at tb saom mao and i no fetation to the other. .1 investigation shows that bn - cashed rating is boo!, tut che. k and hi hank rs know or nothing detrt- lueiital to hi -- v)ii4 ti r j lain-- , fi.ian hC shh h M ciaTy or COALVILLE TIMES. llMtSB Zut PlftT. r TK Alt tf a y FOR THE tmiiOFALL. J STflTIOjiEBTi it-- Tiifc.Tiuj.sim -- 1 in ion w entered into businessa it h - J 1 mold W, p!er Thilii- Suit Lake, in timt rt has closed a contract with hint for adwrttsing matter v Rich will from time to time j pear ip these columns. ' We have every reason to i.rhev that Tit Tyt Thillip and the av ertfer w ill ail prdlt by the artai-gem- t r.t. Mr. Vhiltip t a join nal-1of much experience, and recognire in Tint Times a valuable advertising jne-tiuAVe join w itli the Manti from which we dip the iullow-log- , In him eaccessa Ye note with lunch satisfaction the announcement, that "Tlie Western will soon lie publn-hefrom Salt Tre Lake City. . Th editor is Harold 'W. Thillips of the newspaper service fame. Tie U a young man, recently from New York City, and thoroughly competes t mad capable in every reiH tv Using connected w i'.h all the prominent advertising agencies he ii one of tlie tan ,!,. n le tii-li- ? i I d ! s j 1 f ii wn-hiii- d - - new-pap- Liht Running - ' Jra V Thero is none in vrtRsl to - tfce woril that --- work nj; beauty partu fineness of finish, in ftpoesTrence, or has aft , i? ne hour of hi lit. Nu violation of j William C. Higgins, Ltur- R, 1isr, $3j 10 insnriini-s- . taw should lie cf.n eiigd hr payment 0 riie tire ran nmng the ime a .m vu mcncv, Ifehottij atwavs ta in (lavs f 'lerntir force that several of toe houses A HO fine is nothing tp a punishment. tinght some little tlanug- ,- n. rich msn. llcau tiolat any law at hreexe blew from the son: h that hn'ted . 'I h K.vttrd it, 1 uTn poor man i's ferre end pleasure that ( ,m,o r, pri-yre- iii. e t a,. , 'To. I v vf- j I tall, CorncUU?. Park CltV, ' - ' . iC.A.SNOW&CO.! Knvelopts, Tablet. r Blanks; ttAVEATS.THADEMARk j, Jt.u-ixx- i. xvr cuates, - ; LAW 1 , Fisliuig TaeKitor V an thins rJ (nut line, give me a call lx. fore :,k1 MAG1NNIS & WEBER, r.lfi. purchasing. .... Postoffice Building, .. .A . run M1 , I er 1 Want COPYRIGHTS. I fiHTNin A PATEVT ntJ opmmn. "w fw have ihwIt Bft TAV - ( iiii-o- . n- - ; t,: If You School Book1., Note Boqks-Paper- New Home inur - I , Csvtau.aBdTradc.Msrl.s&h-- s . ; 1st- sent Business cwmiuctea tor MootSATE Mrs. JOus Orr.ec OSSOS'TI U 6 PTtT Orr,e f seute - ent liKiCsts Uaat Umo ihost i 4 an,:i remote from H .si.irj;on. v J bend motel. or roo., vib dcnp- araw,; J if tateniaDlc or Jtlria. tOurftavtse, of fee not toe tU patent is secarea. $ Liurge, J A FAWPMtrr, HoWyto Obtain Patents.' with co&t of sane in the U . S. ami foreign couatnes 1 9 sent free. Aatlress, J 'mi s inupruvemeou at the ?'l . A XIV ! It ti at Automatic Tension, Doobe Feed alike ever Mop to think htnv un - f o ttk i tv ft if reetlie trfrwsLtio other tits vu.h no in Henry irmrei-o- n n ; N cvr brand t nrfcrr. dnvi.iy when e.yul amt utiju-- t a uchh-- gwtareriuw adjuvaUe cenursjtiiaireducm fnct-o- lo A. f. laim, I'NW; insured io- - $!ui. A fit) hue on aroun getting $1 a ; v.4 tniDimara. tVihmm Tinker, $500; inu-aiy. day Mean takiigteu day of hi life, FOR cmCULARS, WRITE nu al.AIIight. w bile a $10 Cue on a man w !me iiu'oise y Maeinriane, l).imd HOME SEWI5G MCHIE CO. .&REW ny ingUris $HX! a day, for the same use, me a 1,5, 1U1(.0 Did von umm cd -- rm'l ,! children turned ought not to escape jul feoy ftnj KurkeJ have money. They are less excusable j with a hearty good a ill until the fire wa tmtilliarica the for violating the law than the poor, ta- - subdued. can have in Malt LakeUify. A re use die taw 1 to pro! them, tint the Dr. Prices CrcSnf Bakin; Powder loJUEX Worlds Fair Highest Award. many of thfc Utah publishers think llal T'oor.nnd they XBft hot ti-- nurn reas intr-mountai- n that 'la.-Jna- e s for hVu. Tn.iH:i Web'ler, $1,5 0; so'ie- sneer lit it eoMcst to rnuodcc ana u e st r, - t TEOA, f - 1 l ' ' C prt LonH. A Trw m. rH 6ftnmmtcw Handbook of fGrnwtins owfrtm PatriM tad boa to ob. i ft entfclogoeof uu.4an. Abo fre, k', ir.ft setenf Ic b'koku petit free tnka tbrnnigt Minn Co. Weitre kpwftiBotrfAr,tbe JV tifia UTAH.d hul S fc 4, m. j a nr i i Law . in enlor. snJ plsi. .ia pmnt eintmn4tuiki,r n1 wursfswtMrsa,, to- - tofc. 3i Bkim fcaak |