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Show v A rrvrloes ,. High Favor., , j A precious stone which at iW-prCat lime is very valuable, I ecu use it Is J the stone of the hour, la the peridot, or It a a "evening emerald. with its exquisite shades of transparent free n, the best surgcrt on of a hose hue is the effect produced bv looking at the hfht through a dehrate leaf. Jewelers say that the peridot is a species of olivine, of the same cla-- a aa the beryl, aquamarine and the topaz, and that it is in fact the aacient topa-ciootherwise knewn at chrysolite. 1 1 is fount! in EfjrpCXAylsaeaad BceetJf food being exceedingly rare. r V thecrystals vaVidhi' shud 1 of" green olive. leaf, pistachio, or leek, the clear leaf green lathe most admired. Of all these precious atones the peri-- . del is the moat difficult to polish. 1 he final touch is given on a copper wheel moistened with sulphuric acid, a pro- v which requires the greatest care, for! if dipped into the acid the stone has the peculiarity of becoming sob able, Sometimes it is cut in r06 form, or like a carbuncle, bat it is better aud more valuable when worked ia email steps, as the brilliance is thus increased Owing to the quality of softness the peridot has bees considered of little value, bat wow that it ia the fashion fabulous prices are charged for the Mono Montreal btar. i 1 , . - a Tea Thousand Mllee or Thirty, It tnatleramot which, may subject yon to sea sickness on the "briny deep " it better you are a yachtsman, an. ocean traveler, out s tor s or - two llshlng on ihe salt water, day wirevenitn Inland tourist In feeble health, you ought to he provided with Hoetetters eunowch Sitters, a valuable remedy for Vmuoea, colic, rheumatism, nervousness tnd sak headache. Lay in an adequate supply. Ants Keep n POULTRY . Ashes are ranked first as n .vermin H killer, then gypsum, and next sand. rid is by rolling in dust that fowls themselves of vermin. INTERESTING nre Space, air, sun. snd pure water canIn yards where trees essentials. not be raised, n few shrubs will rethese will How larmilgl tarmsrs Oprrato The pay planting; in summer, form s shade, and in the event of suddeDepartment of the Farm A taw n-rain, a shelter. The more doMint aa to the Cara of Lie Stork mesticated poultry xsa be kept to the lines Of their, natural habit, the more and Poultry. profitable will be the feathered stock. U'AllAV A . A -- theijTiETT;rr Missouri expert-tnfc- nt Stalllm saysf From an economi- standpoint n farmer who has n dairy of from five to ten cowl, cannot afford to a, separator. " In a climate tuNiarm and variable aa ours is in the summer season changes take place in the fermilk very rapidly, inducing mentation and coagulation, and, in the setting methods generally practiced, prevent perfect separation, thus entailing much less.of butter faL If the tailing much loss of butter faL If the system might answer very well, but the supply being limited and such large quantities needed. It will be found cheaper and more satisfactory to save the labor and expense of storing ice and provide only sufficient to preserve the cream and butter. The separator renders economy of time possible in that the operation is performed in practically the same time that the whofe milk could be set by cal A henJhat pqdSJlJ!tdeL.AJit!jge, ana nir-o- ff ex-fo- At! .Until A&VLt "returns after n few weeks absence receive from 83 60 to 88 per bead for battalion of flie carcasseg." At the average price from the farm, with chicks flowing her. will rear ffieu'Shey are" gfttini Iff' LSndobTiiarVf&a, makes about 4 centa per pound net stronger than such aa nre hatched in this for the mutton. n coop. They get three clips The perches ought to toe of n uniform I f wool from a sheep before the carcase shipped, although the demand has height, say 40 inches: this will obviate fightings at roosting hour for the high- increased to such an extent that they foe now slaughtering er seats; will prevent the birds from yearlings for hurting their breast bone In flying up shipment.-god from Injuring their feet when Nnrtoaa Cattle. Stopping down. The floor of the cot should be covered with dried earth, or Considerable interest has been expest mould, or sand, renewed two or ited by the arrival at the port of New The scrapings fork of twelve head of Norman cattle. three times s week. kept In n sheltered spot, will form an The Nonhans nre among the oldest A straw floor U race of domesticated cattle, and yet invaluable manure. objectionable;. It provokes damp, of- ar almost entire stranger in this fensive odors, and does not facilitate eountry. The Importation of, a breedicleanliness. For hatching the nest ng herd now may be of considerable ought to repose on humid earth, so as moment to the cattle interests, aa they to insure uniformity of moisture and are prised in their native land for their coolness. general purpose dairy and beef qualIn France, chickens nre not raised ities. They are described as noted for for the market; - eggs and young fhelr site, with rather coarse bone, fatted fowls sr the ends kept In view. long, deep body, broaOtpt, Shari leu It is best to have n gooiFhative breed, fold various shades of red and brown in lor. Among French breeds they rank and maintain it pure by eschewing crossings; Just as farmers select roots high, the Norman farmers say the first, and cereals to act aa seed producera, to thirty dairy animals. Twenty-liv- e choose the best looking cock and quarts of milk a day Is said to be quite -- Cost There are other in which ants are like ms, though'ways their bodies are so different from ours. 1 hey have stables under the ground in which they keep guess what? tiny preen plant lice, like those mama will show you on her rosebush. Tke Tight name for these little things is The stable ants take care of aphis. Them and bring them bits of tender green leaves to eat Ihe aphis is the acts cow. It does not give exactly the same kind of milk that we drink, but the ants are very fond of what it docs give. We call it honey dew. When an ant wants some he touches the aphis in a certain place and the aphis gives a tiny bit of honey. This seems to me a wonderful thing, and makes me feel as if the ants were iu some way related to us Perhaps as marly as third cousins. Indeed, the more we watch each little live thing, the more we find that each has something about it like na Everything m a nice part of the lovely, useful world in i kutton ami wool, will come from ttut land. Mr. Cobb states that up tea Jears ago the only mean of letting rid of their surplus stock was k boil the carcasses dow n and ship the jallOw. Tallow droppet) in price until did not pay to export k, and the tonsequence was that the price1 of eep fell until they anticipated haring sell the carcasses at from 13 to 18 tents each. About five ears ago the jstem of freezing the carcasses for rt was introduced, and the result has CUT. -- lAJf TE 3 4 the t'aitoe Trade, the eonaeqdences of the new relations between Japan snd Chinn, it is predicted, will be that the British sod American cot too industry will be injured by rapid development of cotton manufacturing in Japan, ltut to make our operatives accept 80 cents for the dollar in tbeir wages will avert the tredicted shrinkage would not seem ntelligiblo to any put an incurs bio For an American workman to aobalat on half rations ia not ab immediate economic necessity, nor is It ever going to be. There ar other trades to turn to when cotton manufacturing for export declines Meanwhile, moreover, domestic demand is bound to in- Japan One of fa-si- crease. Chicago Times-Herald- . GRASS in KING) TON FUR ACRE. Bow graaa; that la the foundation of a fall! all successful farming. Did you ever hear of sis tons per acre? Raiser's seeds produce such yields. Wheat 40 to 80 bushels11 Rye 40 bushels! Cut this out and send for free sample of winter wheat and grass and fall catalogue to tha John A. Raiser Seed co La Crosse, Wis. (W.N.U.) Sovy-Thl- - P U RS - - DmI fake tke Xartk, - -Wheelmen ar on the high wave off popular favor juat now, but they ahomht not demand the earth. They ahewUL1, i permit those who do not rlda- - tb bicycle to live, or at least share Ue ozone in a restricted wav. The ktnkl worm will turn, And if they do aok grant tha pedestrian aome rights W may aria in hia might and Jiaisd them. Make Ova Bit tel Os receipt el 90 seats la U. K. itaaiia, will Mod to say addram oae packac otw katas' Dry Bitters. On package make on gallon toaio kaowa. Corea n arh, kidaev dlaaaaea, aad I a great open titer and blood purifier. Juat the a a mow needed for spring and summer. Ske. a your drug atom AdrlreM Unot (L Xstzb, Grand Kauidt, likk. V -- Int I W Aa Oytiesl Det.wiao, Hammond "Mm IlasJbcrcft has bragged again today about keeping boarders so long." Mrs. Foraweek "She dont really keep them long. She keep them thin that thev look longer thaw they really are. Indianapolis JeuraaL Mrs. br A Queer Journey. Various towns ia Washington county saw a curious expedition in progress last week. A man and woman, both well along in years, were trudging steadily along tha country roads, tb man pushing a wheelbarrow with what appeared to be bedding, his wife bringv ing up the rear, carrying a lunch wrapped in a red bandanna. 1 hey occasionally halted by the roadside, brewed end partook of the cnp(hat "cheers but not inebriates,1 then filled their pipes and had n social smoke. They claimed to have walked from SL John, and were comlng to Bangor looking for work. They seemed to be contented with their lot. and to feel aa though their line had fallen in pleasant places Ilgmaas t aaupUur lee wills Olyeerlae. Tebacee Chewing Dag. Bupt McAlvey bae a litte English mastiff pup, eight months old end weightaqpUK pounds that has developed sa aboosmal appetite for tobacco, lie acquired this tasto-fo- r It by watching Amo chew no doubt and he is never happier thaa whe ha a "chaw." Us chews aad apdts Xtkm-another man snd has never yet bee tick. Hit tobacco habit is a very axpeaatv. on and he will be given a treatmesA eff in the hope of curing him CrawfordsvUl Argus New. 1 here ar said to be over 8,0uO,0UO deitle In the Hindoo mythology, In franco ther are far more female them ms bicyclist. I believe Fiso's Cur for Consume thna I'WS saved my boy's life last summer. Man. Ctirstu ItfiMwl IIUtllMMl FltPfi, Alus Doi'olau, Leltoy, Miib , Dot. SB, M. Immersion In sand, mud or watar pe-serv-et Tk WIm Balden. wood for many centuries. An Ohio matt who ia being sued for breach of promise makes the defense II the Baby la Cutting Teeth, that he proposed and was accepted on te an asdus thslelk ask wvll irtsd rwaakg, Kam. Wnskow-loenuM Snve tor CklUrsa Ta Sunday, and that according to tha laws of hia state contracts made on feunday Tb right kind of gooduans is ears to are not legally binding. If this defenae for somethings is held by the court to be good, future Kan eoas Kagto Corn lalva" courtship in Ohio will proceed about Warrants Is rare sr aumsg islasksk, MO fatal in this way: kraggM tot M. Cnee U state. Tha Wise Maiden I cannot consider The poor have S' thousand joy that thv your offer today. If you are in earnest rich know nothing about. repeat it tomorrow, and perhaps 1 may give you the answer you with. ,FIT1 Hntstoppekfresnylr.rWsWWraefi No I iu all- -r t ue um ee IHMimr. The Suitor But why not today? Nerve NarvrlMMrere. Trnat s an.i 2 nnl Mvtt- - lew as. In me SstHt tobf.hjia,kd AfyJtlH,. atia ,Fa Why will yon keep suspense? The Wise Maiden This is hunday. When we go out to meet trouble wenevhev yon know. I dont intend to get left jisveglong ulk- mm mmr tulw kwh iwsi billiard tab's, second baud, far sal entering into a bunday contract Buffalo Express. cheap Apply to or address, H. (X Asm, Ml B. lath Kt , Omaha, Wets. which we live. E B WALTHALL A CO . Drurgfats Home Cate Ky , say. Hall s Catarrh cute euros everjene that takes it. hold by Druggist, 7k& s bet-goo-d Three Eyes a Dav. Cassells Saturday Magazine; It is a fallacy to suppose that people who wear cork legs and glass eyes are indifferent to their personal appearance. They are often vainer than ordinary individuals A rich man, for instance, who is obliged to wear an artificial eye, wilt wear three different eyes every day an eye for morning, when the pupil ia not very large; an eyeformoon, when the pupil is smaller, sad an eye for evening, w1 n the pupil has extended to its i till size. A dealer in artificial eyes, who gave this informs--Moe give a diagram t hew Beeves twlth the dotted line enclosing c, tht said he made about aa equal proare cuL The parts are named as fol- shoulder clod, taken off); 8, shank asen of for and glass eyes portion Some lows; 1, rump; 2, loin; 3, rib Toast; The piece 2, the loin, is divided in tht women. people keep quite a stock ia their possession; ta fact no fi.'dhuck; 5, retrod; 6, flank; 7, plate meat market into a and b, as shows fewer than twelve eyes have been .snade for one individual within Three the old procesaT In the one case the dozen hens with bright ehlnlni years ' His son had got one made from milk is sweet And In the beat condi- half feathers And keep them apart for so and fitted that measurement, eye 4a reonce tion for at and In ordinary circumstance breeding. perfectly that the old gen tic nuin. in an moved andfeeding, disposed of; while In the one rock will suffice for 25 hens. It outburst of gratitnde, wrote off for titber, it Involves handling several ia good-T- o change the breeding cock eleven other eyes times. Then it Is apparent that much every second year, aa it is known that extra labor is curtailed, the supply of the young from such birds possess preA Cm for Marine. apparatus needed Is lessened, and much cocity and facility of fattening. . Pe arsons Weekly: Miss Inland (to It I old salt, who is showing the party over valuable apace la saved, resulting Jn prudent not to have too many chickens together; overcrowding is Inimical the 'flagship) "And what are those economy of the capital Invested. It for them Again, the fat is alT ebtaJned. as for other animals. Fretrolf soldiers on board ship for?" matters not whether the eews are fresh peasants give Bosnns Mate "Thim? Oh, thim-nothing to the chick in advanced or tbeir lactation periods; pending the 24 hours after they quit . the marines, mum." The la if separator Miss Inland "Marines? And what properly Adjusted it the Abell; tbii permits the yolk of the will secure all f the cream. In sev- egg in the intestinal are- they for? canal of the chick the to be digested and expelled. Paps Inland "Dont ask so many eral trials made at this station, ef was separator and Cooley creamer, it foolish questions Mary Ellen, EveryThe earliest food should be a eoft one pound of butter wax and lukewarm body knows those gentlemen are em- found that 16 paste ef pounds of mCk by the eggs and tnllk; but noover-feedin- g ployed by the government for the sail-.ors- made from separator aa compared with ne pound Later add millet or canary seed and tell stories ta" from 22 pounds ef milk by allow the hen to root about for her A man was photographed in Georgia of butter the Cooley creamer; a discrepancy that chicks through the yards and pick up while danghng at the end of a rope. would soon eat up the cost ef a aepa-mrto- r. any green stuff within their reach. Don't be a saint in church and a beetben As a rule, whether old or young on the street car. "Whore the separator it need the birds, newer allow them to te cream is obtained 2a the best rendi- to the weather. Feed the fowlsexposed tion for setting. Its passage through larly with a pint of barley or oatsregudaiThe separator gives It a thorough Aeraly per dozen birds, plus the refuse from tion and removes all trace of impur- kitchen and garden. In winter, beities. Thus it can be controlled aad i side warm mashed potatoes, add some ripened evenly and the development of tallow meltera. greaves, or chopped to much acid and the destruction And Hvwv When near a knackers yard, Toss tff a part of the Sat ta churning boiled horseflesh is secured, but this prevented. The cream can he ripened Imparts a strong flavor to the egg. earlier. Churned more quickly and will produce a better grained hotter, of ' IlMfr la Soath Dakota . higher and evener flavor and better A writer at Pierre gives rather a fakeeping qualities. As n(lk Is valuable tfhWfty for the butter fat It con- vorable estimate of the sheep sltuatlot tain. the "first object of the dairyman in South Dakota. He says that five is to secure all of the fat possible. years ago there was a sheep boom Manifestly, then, a machine that will that flooded that country and reduced do its work so efficiently order such a the price, and this decline was more variety ff circumstances will form a marked when the free wool talk frightprofitable investment ened aheep tm." He says 5.0.00(1 is a moderate estimate of the number of French Foaltry Xntna. KOTOEDGE in that part af the state an inIn the precise meaning of the term, sheep crease of 50 last two firings enoffurt andimprovement- snd there is no poultry farming jn France. yearn. The per fell in the from 84 down te price fiends to pecaonsl .enjoyment when But there te "poul try keeping. and 81.50 two years ago, and ia now about tightly used. the mitny. who lire very generally followed by peasants 12.60. The advaare t considered alwith life more, a others writer ta and small farmers, saya on mutton. The avThere are, h ew- most exclusively Jess expenditnse, by truoro promptly Colorado Farmer. erage wool clip la that section is about ,ndsptlng the world's best products to er er, a boot half a dozen special breedlx per fleece, and last year the fibe need of physics! being, will attest ers and rearers of domestic fowl es- pricepounds was about Utk cents per pound. be described the of tablishment that might to pure With value liquid the men generally estimate wool te If poultry are to Sheep laxative principles emkeaced ia the aa poultry Ktwds. the expense of keeping flocks and pay extensive an three on . ' be U scale, kept Figs. gemedy, Syrup on muttoa and Increase of their Its excellence is due total presenting rules are te be observed: Scrupulous flocki profit The- - dry climate makes that te attention aafi feeding a the form most aosep table and plea- ventilation. rieaalinees, especially favorable to sheep. There Is nothing new etste sant to the taste, the threshing and tmly The Pierre writer thinks that to the deRomans in poultry breeding; the Looeficisfl properties of a perfect laxof amaJl means there i no surer systess. voted special attention to the matter and safer ievestment than a flock of ative; effectually ekawring the of and fowls the of the dryka Gaul, and headaches in that part of the northwest. feyem 'spelling colds, and the geeae of Egypt were ebeep Northwestern Farmer. and permanently curing constipation. Catharge, , renowned. and has given satisfaction to millions Jt M. In of the Croene. departLemoine, the medical . fart with the approval of on keep la New Zataa4. the Kid- -i ment of the Seine et Oise, Is one of the profession, becau it nets leading poultry breeders ef France. He - Mr. Robert Cobb of New Zealand, weakwithout Bowels and a? v, irer has yards extending ever 20 acres, de- who has ening them snd it is perfectly free torn voted to the breeding and rearing of land somerecently purchased in EngRomney Marsh cheep la gvery objectionable substance. Each yard fowls of various races. large mutton breed) for export to New all drew, sale for is by of Figs yrnp is aa orchard with wrlre fenced divis- Zealand, gives. the Kentish Express mangists ia 50c and 1 bottles, but it is ions, provided with cots for roosting (England) an Interesting summary cf ufactured by the California Fig Syrup and with grass plots and his view on that on growing part of oaras is every whose printed Co. only, d walks. The droppings of the world. Theysheep are of Interest to package, tlao tb Dane, ftyrup Will the birda form an excellent fertilizer American breeders for the reason tnat fiol for the fruit trees. M. Lemoine outfd being wall Inform!, rou tbs strongest competition with AmerIX oflered. ica in the English market, both in put ii then poultry, eggs and fruit. jfcpt any robstitutfi ap n. s - well-beat- en to eet an end-enjo- mi egg-layin- g, well-sande- I e. iKS by the dotted line in the diagram. d Resolutions From a is cut the sirloin steak, and ft tvs Park, Colorado, Nerves irritated by tobacco, always craving from b the steak is tor stimulants, explains why It la so bard to Bixty-flv- t miles northwest of Denver aoA porterhouse ia r the BWBas Ol taken. only guaranteed rest bed bv a two hours ride rail thence tobaccobnbit euro betausv it acts dlreilly oo twenty mllee by etage is EtesbyI ark, as of SBected bervo centers, certroys irrllatloa ia It most retreats delightful pomiU t divegtion and refreshing sleep. the Year by year its attrectieos bein Ml days. Vourunno imagine common, and the butter made com Many gain 10 poundshealthy, Bao la sold snd guaranteed by come more widely known and each saersetk manda the highest price ia the Paris rk. Book tree. Address ing season witneaeee a larger influx mt saw everywhere As beef animals, they are DruggistRemedy market York Cltj or Chicago. mer visitors who find in tbs whuisaoan noted for early maturity and great Wrung life that it there the ml lank English Mnfflna. weight, but have more bone and offal most need and they their what system One quart flour, one-hal-f than the English beef breed. The teaspoonful themselves most enjoy. The fishing fan chief claim made for the Normans la sugar, one teaspoonful salt, two large Este 1ark is unequalled in Colorado, hardiness and freedom from taint of teaspoonfuls bakibg powder, on Bbedy nook abound. And tb hotels, and ramping facilities ar ail that cam the modern fad of pampered cattle; and pint milk, hift totuberculosis. Ex. gether flour, sugar, salt and powder; beAdesired. copv of a little book containing afl (headd milk, and mix into smooth batter, lp formation about Este Fork on raqalran. cakes trifla stfffer for than .griddle A Desperate Bltaatioa. address on applicawill be mailed to heated regularly all 6cfc tion to J. Fran is,any O F. A T. A. Bariing-to- a It was Paddy Kelly who walked Into Have griddle half on muffin and Nebgrease It Bouts, Omaha, lay rings, the sick room of Mickey Dolan. Mickey fill them and when risen well up to top end the lay there pale, with hla eyes closed, and of Worry digger get oa well grave cake rings turn over gently with heard Pat exclaim, Mickey, it"a 111 yere should not be too brown, together. tnrner. They looking. Fwat'a the matter wld yer Just a buff color. hen all cooked, Do you know that spalpeen av Wld e You can carry each open ia half, toast delicately, dy OBriens second busbandT asked Cull vial of Dnrtoer welt serve on folded napkin, Fiercc's Pleasant Pet-l- ets Mickey. piled high and very hot That I do." nght fas the I kowo tried Farker's Glaser Taale pocket of yo He bet me a pound to a pint, a mother la ark believe yoe well M,'ey suit, end K wiB not. couldnt sch waller an Igg wldout break aad say whee familiar with iis raruslultg prupeiilss make even n littie-lumIn the shell av It" The PriVcte If there is any dog in a man it is sure to Did ye do art so email that ga tw is not to hie taste. his food when growl "I did." 44 of them go fat a vial "Then fwata ailin yer The wise ran learn something from the scarcely more than am inch long, mid a l--g "Ita down ther. laying hla hand ou mistake! of a foot as a lrad peacsL. round hla stomach. Is set If I Jump Ill break Ihe ! kaee hew It It eaestlea. J H rnlrrrornr tekrs out tha They tun ceawti poand cut me atommuck wld the ahelL If It I ruuerb to km-- ihsi relief U la Uo, ai kruggkia tion. silk a vert pleating so 1 kape quiet the thing 11 hatch out, and One " Pellet le m Minnesota has a variety of wolves Ill have a shanghai rooster clawin my . laxative; two n which so closely resemble the Siberian insides. Montreal Btar. One takes, wolf that many people beileve they after dinner wiB ulate digestive art mat, A Dairy Ration A writer In the came from that country. and palliate the effect Cant-ste- el in In billiard are ue ball Jersey Bulletin give hi opinion of of over eating. They the best ration and treatment of milch Sweden. They are made hollow, o that act with gentle effiI a same their the that about weight eow, jt being based on an experience ciency on stomac h, , liver end bowela. of fifteen years. The best ration I ever of Ivory ball. used was composed of one part peas, They dont do Uto Aa The tier's Farad lea, work themselves. two of corn, and fourof 'oats, well Northern Wyoming holds out very They simply stinntlata mixed and ground together. Of this I ere ial Inducements to the summer the natural actxjo give from eight to twelve quarts per if he be a of the organs these-elv- es. (ertkuleriy sporting day," according to the size of the cow, turn of mind. Its streams teem with the the hay, of course, included. I give, in greediest trout that ever roe to a addition to the above, about three rlent. pounds are not infrequent and times a week," wheat bran all they several fish weighing over tlx pound have WELL LlAGIIIIIEnY been brought to bank. Will eat besides tb parings of pots fishing waters are to extensive end lilosestsd estskm sbnwtag WXUL toes, turnips, etc., from the kitchen. tothe accessible that it is not even necessary ArOSJiH, hoTK iKiI.I.R, HYbhABUs) Te make a good, pnro milk the cow to go to the trouble of making yweiiminary and maohinert, jrrriNG Fan. liars must have pure water. Kindness and enquiries about them. Just purrhaM a good shelter are also prime necessities round trip ticket to Kberldsn and place Sioux City Engine A Iroe Week, in ths management of a cow. The yourself after arrival la the bands of on b accessor to Peck Mfg tc, guides who make finest Jersey would prove a failure if of the numerous capable Bisax I Ilf, lawn. tbeir headquarters therm He will do the tit Rows,A a Chaos MAfHio oHTCo.. curried with a barb-wir- e fence, no rest" t ISIS Wsvl klsvsatk liras!, Ka OlR matter what kind or how much feed J. Francis, the general pamenger agent he had, of tha Burlington Route at Omaha, heh, will taka pleasure in promptly answering ProeeoutM Cfakne, Suceoeefuby letter asking for information atiout tha U rriacipu 1 nmnr Xl l.riuiM kwnMiw, Profitable of a RemAge best way to reach Kberldsn, cost of it has been claimed that the hen lays fox tickets, the largest number of eggs during her Tb world pays more for pleasure than Lrl Ukr. tome, first year, and she la more profitable Bo SIM, iwch tread. then than at any other time. This view, ft dose for according to the Poultry Keeper, ii mistaken one. The first point to be settled la, which is tha first year of a ben? If she Is hatched in the spring he will not lay until fall and If. she then ley a large number of eggs by the end ef the next year, she has really been supported two year and laid dur-in- g one year only. In other words she ha Jo be raised from chlckenhood to maturity before she begins to lay at alL Pciil:rj, bardea acd Kafcfct He next or third year will be all the 1 Ul Steel Wsb Picket lawn Ferre, ete vialPv VkQUivU more profitable for tb reason that the Unit are. PIltlESLOW Catakgaa FttAJL. flrt co.vt of raising her will be propor0 KVY Tenet Ca--, 121 Hih St.. 0e KaRfaffl--, tionately reduced each year. Ex. . Tobacco-Weakene- e No-T- o ecA-tag- es one-quart- er the-littl- - ltr Jt mild-cathartic- i vara-tionti- t, tin CLIMBS r'ahlH Fiplri IwlU finH Hog Fence, ' - |