Show ELECTRIC SPARKS I DAILY LIST OP HAPPENINGS AND OTHKII NEWS Ml 11e ito yeuoeo Lu or llr 1 Mrk lOHilniuil Prom IVr lolel Trlrcmlill ttlputeh 1n 11 these and E a i w 1r I llilm t a cil 13 Itiv U J tl Mlnnd Im tell simi Ihikota fur thereat 01 the recent In I lion tri ihf at JarkwuiV Hole Wtn 1 i tulnvellmlr the maw Imdlrg up In II the dllDrnltr lie g co at the uqut tit I Ilte Indian Itlght tolatton td Ililla I I delphU I Sin Iranrlfrn Ane 2Ilhr eking I iinrjhaiitlvt examination ol ihenhlc eetlenltof ril CalKorul ihinchlirln llnw I tin M lnnit of nirnthnry hat I piuiioiincMl lardy Shnlto IkMighlni to I take her libra In the nlllki ol 1 Knglnnil I Ulnraiy racy 1 The mtliig Keetitarv 01 the Interior lint ileeldel 1 Ihrre tore no Inn IIfflov I tin work 01 the fnllwl tutis mineral min-eral rominlwlnntra In MuntniM unit Mnlin can I e continue after Septem Own loth when HID appropriation 1M i comeii pxlmuitetl tliarle It Illihop finds leeprwl dent ol the Ink of 1 Cnllfurnla hm inn triuuted SMX Ui Mhool and KxHollii 1111 the Hawaiian lilnd The money It I to W notch to promote the Internet fit nllIIr ollnftltntlana tuitalnetl by the late Mi Itlihop her lidtime Tlieinatprlaltioinpuitng John iiroen fort ore to Iw taken Imuk from Chl ago to limper Kerry 1a early In teplein I er rnblletplrltetl people rontrlhuleil hv nififinry fund In rlono to Ml Eat > rieldn nn eal lt The rontrllnillon of the lljltlmore Ohio rallruitd takit he form ot fret tmnt > ortatl n Iudu a111 1lre nt OKI n Neh de troet 1 tllO 000 worth of properly l I There was n terrific rainfall north wetenl Iowa Great damage hunt been I done to crop I I1 lyre r iai advanced tlln Illltlitirg hi I 8 three dayi and U now Qllvl1 C4 s 1 isTP17th MIMilrn 1tMI whet oflaHloO J Klru Hardle MI president ot the 1 gllth Ijtbor ntrly arrived It dew YOlk locAllln al a second cabin patienger and Kill lecture In thli country A Ilulgnrlan editor hai be ii Impriioned for three > store for publlihlng an article declaring that Trines Terdlnand tot morally reiponillilo for the murder tlambutolT I I Clrcel been arrangtd 1 that 1rcildcnt jCletcland will loach tho button at dray liable 0n September 18th and Hit In motion the machinery and unfurl the I I flagt of tho Cotton Stole International Cxpotltlon Atlanta The Navy department hat I been Informed In-formed by Conimlttloiier 1rlce uf Ids action In not inlutlng the Trench fag at Tamatate till rouse mieti the ale pruval of the department Tamatato It not n Trench port I Dr CG Wiley irittibnrgphyntIan I nroKititii destroy typold fotcr and I other disease germi In wnler by electrocuting electro-cuting tho water llli plinlito turn IA j powerful electric currency Into the water thereby killing nil Econ In It I Mill llinma HroclMliir eldest ol the four children William 0 Ilorkfcllcr I one 01 the tO brother who control the fctnndard Oil company U engaged to I marry Dr DntId Hunter McAlpIn Jr of New York Don of tho millionaire tobacco to-bacco manufacturer i HiiniUv mutt U I Ylctroti are retponilble for the I Chlnrte maiiacrii I I Fire letlrOed 270000 worth of property pro-perty at Cincinnati Princeton geologists may bo amnesic for klllinii game In Wyoming Fifteen llannocki laid to hate been I killed In Oregon by cattlemen I five I mofle were fatally Injured by colllilon ot tciteli nt Manhatten Reach The pretldent limed an order abolish I hog the elvlltervloo age hall 00 far ai prlntcrtnnd prciimanare concerned i I A dispatch from Mina Peru cay the i I Unlteil Flat will be Hiked to be arbl1 I I trRlor In the disputo between Peru and liulitia I 1111 King president ot the Cain In lurnnce company ot Ilttiburg nnd ono I of blue waillhlett men In tho country i I fell down elelr and wet klllwl Ho IU > M ynari old 1 and hud Icon In feeble I health for tome time I 1arli Aug 31A serious attempt hAl been made on the life of llaron AI phonon do Uothtcliild A large and heary envelope woe received at tho I bank today addreited to the baron mid way nllIOl l n M 1 Xmltiiil the con fldtlital rhilk of the writ knoah tmnker daft M Iht tlt I > rk openwt U it cxpliidnl wrtliiint fertv wring hi rluht eye out ml blwlag iir etue 41 I Itlo Hngem The linvallon whlli dliurhcsl thu edinil 1 I KnlKlitiof Ivihij during their ilitiMitliin atClihHCII ItRoli1l Ill nInt eil I w hen I J utla Imualn iiMliBinutlim hI Oho uuq lunantr IuucI nnarirr ills mining the bill of Uully Irocior and din harxihg ihn rmvltrr 1 The iMIlllnlnoilii eel I miners of In linn hnlll < 1l1II1I1 their pumas after a tiiprnilon foprallon for more than n month A immlr of optsrHlma barn I ogre IIII l 11ft y hart j wars mire m eenls 055 luiur at they call oull I wl 1111 tlal bleu NoTOIllMcl Rill made II pr MniMloiH hv I Unlt l Stoic MIIIIr Terrell mad to the Tuiklli Uotrrnmenl hat rwiilul III the ro twos I orlhe Mnerltn Arakellan nalnrallreil Amerlmn clllren Im prlMnml Miiriiitpiitvternl wiek > un her I IUIIOII fll IwIoiigliirttoH W0n unitary volcty y T 0tnt 7 Aujul in Ailliimlcli from Nutilr eats slum R statement had Ken irarhe1 Iwlwtiiii I rtmii amt Irlmvm Cohmiin The prior VHItUntldii I 1 I tll Lein ihargeotlho hlldixn and pay the rlnrri tioil franc jmily A iliriiiiiiitnl retelted 1 at the Halo do pertinent from MlnUler Sill al Vwu I Kornt luebees font new ntiwiKmiairtiilampi the tint Uul by Korea for domello piiriHwi The ItRIIII Riot mannfacturetl III Wathlnglon for Korean government III It I rtiMirlttl that Algernon artorh > the only ran of len Urnnla dnughter MM Nellie CImiibirlorli 1 li ton to-n wealthy toiing lady In New York Hut name lint not been mailo public Young Pnrtnrli li 1 not yet 20 year ol age According to n ilniemenljiul receltetl at Ihe ilat ilcpurlment from Coniul General Moratlnnt Mvllxmrlne Aar trail till mint tLeru rtr Ued 817814 minrei of gold during thn nut lie montlii of lbMn agalnttMOmSounceii for the lan jvilod loot ear hulk Mouth Aug 2S0t smut who gave hit iikinu ai Itorgo Wllklni NIII milled HUiI1 h JoMovof the lUtot of lice of the Montana Centurol depot nt II oclock Ihlt ullernoon All exiurtlou train woe pulling out for Anacoml when he ran up to the ticket no I v and grabbed A tAck conlanlng alga e j and before anyone cnllltt catch him htr had caught the train and woe gone A witch engine with acvernl policemen WM sons In pursuit and l afloriThot race often mile Ihepamengnr waolerl ken and lout robber arreitetl The money howcter wat not recovered ai he had I evidently patted It In a confederate I f we AuI17 Count Mnttogata tliojapanctu Ion hlrr ot Tlnanre has rttlgneil fir W Cleavar ItoblntonOorcrnor of I WMtcrn Auitratla hat riilgned I lIolnoylenrlll ddlu that theln dlnni have right to kill gusto In Vjo mlng mimic cholera exlvti Tarlloll CM llcla Thirty dealhi hate been reported re-ported b Die Ilngllih preii ilenorncf tho action ac-tion of Trance In Ole Waller case at hliihhamled periccutlon A dlirucli from Homo conlradlcti the report that the popo Intends to cttahliib a mnnilature In the United Hlatfi Mark M I Harrington Into chief of tho weather bureau at Waililnglon n 0 wai elided pros lent ot tho Unltertttr ol Wathlngton nt fiealtle Lieut Alexander McKcnxIc corps ol enginteri han been detailed ai a Dept ben 01 1110 lighthouse board vice Mn Adami transferred to New York One hundred and sixty cases of imall pox and fortyOte tlcath hata occurred up to date among the negro colanllta quarantined ut CampJennernear Iogle Van Wathlngton Aug 20Th report ol the kllllllllOI tlfteen Uminock Indian by cattlemen In the neighborhood of Diamond valley Ore In I now believed at the Indian bureau Commliilouer Drowning sans tneroli no reservation within 300 nillei of the region tthcro tho ufTalr ti ttated to have taken place and at far ai tho Indian ofllier la concerned no Indians were In the vicinity Itrjranat lltnllni Itawllnt WyoAug 20 Ilion William lle Ham llrtun of Nebrneka uddrctied a largo and enthutlattlo audience at tho i Opera Ilouiu tonight upon thvflnanclnl i q uontlon tllmclallini wai the Ihcmv II fe talked for nearly three boars being ht 1 I United mulct t largo enough nnd II patriotic pa-triotic vnongh t to nhiorbthe Iher of tho worloillt I the ratio of 10 to 1 Ho leave In the morning for Denver hence to JoI tlrnnd 1 Junction l II Salt lAke lioUo l Ida and the IacIBo l coail |