Show Tbtl inut ilellentn vunitltutlon can Mlelv titv Dr J II Mol uii Tar Willet LancIUInii It li 1 u sure itunwly for mugs low ol vole ami all throat toil lone dlieaul I Then are many nocliUnUiiixl dlHWn which vllnt Stock andriuuu irrtoiK In riinvviilene mid lut I of the armerlti I hli work which troy IIJ l quickly rcinixlle1 hl tint uio of Hr J 1ulrkl I Leaui Volcanic Oil Unlincnt Dr Prices Cream taking Powder Aw C U M Not UUwtnUf FIr Sea FUIdo I Mr 1 C II strung prinolpil ol the publliKliooli at iulenun Oil soya I hove not l fhaiuWrlainl Pain 1111111I end 1 luue mind it un I eirlltRit rCIIIOIly for ianieneM and iliht AnOIMlt UnieniM u uil > rmit rent a ipraln or other Injury or from rliwmiitlim for uhichChmul rlain < I < ail lalm i < ct I lwially lnlenue1 and unwflu lletl III alFordi arIlOft liuniwllate r llel and In II short Iima dir tia rriuanent cure i lorialobyJ0linioTltiA Son I I a llll last 1rlday night I either In Ifcho or hll 1 between 1 Coulvllle and Uchn I n ladii gold breattpln with the word Annie iMiuriUrtl on It rinder return to thin olllre and recelo reward It 11 nnWa A competent girl for general homework home-work 1010 to t salt lake Mint lien goo l took Apply In Mri 1 S HiiKhe > Uonlrlllf Hotel bffnrv Mnnilny It Sever was leather 10 hluh in now II Inc 187 Never were horn old to cheap belort 1 In thli county in now told at Cath llargiiln Store Uonlvllle U AICtd Highest ll nnr Worlds Fair DR r tlCli CREAM BAmNfi PO mIR MOST PERFECT MADE I A pure Giar < Om of Tarter Imvifcr Frel I fiom Aomerw VJ or sny other adulterant 40 YEAKS THE STANDARD u u LOOK IIEllE Compare the following if you want to see how far a dollar will go For instance 141bs Rice for 1 10 Cans Columbia t Salmon for 1 25 lbs Oat Flakes for 1 Full Cream Cheese 10c a lb Ve have jtht made a large punhaie of this Full Cream Chcc which we will sell is long as it loots it the above low price As the fruit season is now at hand we will make a special sale on Sugar to wit Sugar 575 a Sack We have other goods too numerous nu-merous to mention but will take pleasurs in showing them aiC at Prices that Defy Competition Call and examine and be convinced con-vinced Respectfully PEOPLES MER I Co ALMA ELDREDGE Manager JOHN HOPKDST riKAuu IN I General Merchandise ECHO CITY UTAH Prices for This Week Produce Iotntocs per cwt J J 00 Cabbage as Onions t llccts 1 75 aI Turnips Parsnips am Green Vegetables Radishes per doz bttnchcs Lettuce per cloz bundles Green Onions per tloz bchs Green Peas per lb String lleans per Ili IJntter per ht I7 IvKHsi per dozen 12 Jj Spring Chickens per doz Old Chickens per doz Ducks per dozen Wheat per bushel Oats per cwt Barley per cwt High Patent lflonr per cwt limn and Shorts per cwt I Utah Dried Fruits I Apples per H I > 10 Peaches 1 I 1 Plums 1 8 Apricots II I California Evap Fruits Kvaporuted Peaches ia4 I Kvnporttted Apple 13 34 I Evaporated Plums 12i Evaporated Apricots ia tf Groceries Provisions I Granulated Sugar 575 I Arbuckles Coffee 25 Green Coffee 25 Makers Chocolate 45 Sweet Chocolate 10 Raisins 6 Currants 7 Yeast Powders etc Royal per II 45 Calumet per ll > 35 Silver Gloss Starch 12 Corn Starch 10 Syrup per keg 1 75 Syrup per gallon can 85 Pickles mixed per keg i 15 Soaps etc Nickel Gent 22 bars 100 Olive Queen 18 bars i oo Pine Tar 6 cakes 25 aponificr Lye pcrcan 10 Eagle Cond Milk prcan 20 Utah lornatoes 10 Cnnnejl Corn 10 Navy Means 4 yt Lima Deans 5t J Rice 7 Corn Meal 3 Pull Cream Cheese 1234 Pure Candy Hams 13 Breakfast llacon 1204 Salt llacon 10 Lard 1Z UAbove we quote prices on a few staples in addition to which we carry n full line of Grcceries Tobacco and Cigars I Patent Medicines Hardware Crockery and Glassware also a complete line of hoots and Shoes Dry Goods Hats Caps and Clothing Your patronage is respectfully solicited Orders will receive I careful and prompt attention attetihouJOHN HOPKIN |