Show MRS OLNEY CORDIALLY LIKED Kerunil last 11 f hIss Unit li IltpuUr In lajillal liorlrly Mr Olney ho I aa cordially hiked by ao clety gem rally that on every aid nro heard expreialon of pleunure and In larPlI In hr Thol slse will Iorn Ior new lisle lIon Ii I a foregunit ooncluilon for abe brlnga 10 It not munhy a gracIous HUH OLNIJV n1 of manner that would Initiro uc COM on any lino but she Ima b aldea onjoyod valuable enuueelsnoe I In lIme post two years which will ho of an Immonio advantage Mr and Mr Olnoy aro gifted In the meat admirable end delightful 1 de-lightful aooompllahment dinnergiv log Nan of the olllolai houaoholdera have entertained more frequently oat handaomely than they have by dlnntra AI wall aa In Other vvaa The sos ex erclo and sport to which Ihe now aec rotary of stale li I most devoted la I Itnnli All lait lummtr ho ipent hIs evtnlngi on the court adjoining hia homo |