Show THE COUNTY NEWS GATHERED BY OUR ALERT CORRESPONDENTS COR-RESPONDENTS Jp Ilent ar Ik Mrrk Itm Nrnrlr liirrr Town III < nmnll I iiMyUlnl lli TlMHV Ilil n + llrw floe r round II a tllr MHIII KAM l IvAMtk IMh Aoirqut H 1MIC 311041 TtMan Mm Aim Wllklo < In I qnlte tlok Will Vltl1im slain A trip to amt from Mil Ijike lat work The PeinornitKjf llama hell s men Ing on the evening of he 2Tlh The iou inert furnished excellent iimlr fur the bull Wednesday e enlnr IIIhop r p AInl l III connelllorn and nUTAl elder went mm Roma andy l to attend meeting HI Otto I llnjlitgli mostly I Ion lint the lafUln are preparing their r4Ilor for hurt mini tin lovely Aside ol grain now fan ripenIng ripen-ing Another blnrkmllh ehopMn I eotUM of erection Henry Itatli In l the pin irlelor Thli makc tonic 1IIIthl In our llttln town Mr Itittb cia wdl known mleiniii fit Geuige A Lowe If 1 ullh Illl two daughter nt lrwls Smith enjoying toil from hit tom w lint rduotii lath Pr Ianrt > nre wan culled Mind lly to the Htkelion boy whose kIlt wnt in Iwdlv cut mm than ago Tim uonml eat Inn tty unmtlifictory condition Ml i Iueltn CornwHI it nlecn f for MJ Atnoodr lint the Mthopt on n lilt A lawn party wet given then In honor fll tow young lad OI > wiling lat week On the evening oflliu Slot the lie puWhnti of Knma met In cauut ami npiKilnted delegate to theciinttntlon lArk City Those who went to Turk Oily were lie Peck Hart i MCormltk John llojt anil Lewis Carpenter T bait 1 take John lack rind Irntmnt Son mon f Irlk liL + tL hIb 4qj u F ton of hay was oil l In why to the top ol r u lingo stark on lOut lock place tliu other day n rope broke and the tea fell dlrrctly on the donkey nttnched III the load burying them completely At mxidll ni pojlhle they were dnit out had found quietly munching hay ni though uotldng unusual hud iapxn dUn d-Un bumlat Inn about p I in n the woe dinomul In tho ttiickiari 01 Andrew Mntllton about n inltv and II halftouth of town Mnrlun Corhe111 brotliirlnlin nml iu > ar neighbor hatt IorLOekel iiml to tliu K IIV andwlllia bucket cndwuorid to cheek the llnmci which ttimtdto have stoned In iho inliltlla 01 tint tack of twcnjlho lout Thu tinmen hall loo unfit a start fur one mni to control bowevrrAnd thoulnil tool inrrlcil them to tliu Urn and shed Mr Coruutt norLnl till ho saw It won ono o-no AlRIlI ho rrlciivil the pig and ten mat rahv nntl then loll cxlmuitrd fly I tllli flute others hAIl gathered and Lent their energies to svu the granary and hones which I wart tlirrntviifd for n time Mr Mnttlion win away froii IIOIIH The Jon folio heavily him IK liu In I n young iimn juit building up n homo Hut In the words of tho chronic iufortcr It IIIfht hno boon cone 0 < IKIK OKI Utah UKIKI l 6 16W uiTiiuTiwu WI understand that Dr Ylilck and oily have been trying the moumxln air up South Pork for tome time W IL Steven attended the territorial convention at SAlt Uke ash repre cntn the of the Itrpubllwn party Onklcy Horn to Thoma Stevens on August 24th n toy Mr hr Wllllnmi of Wan hip wa In nttiiidnnce and under herM her-M e all are doing well W 11 Stlinon And Illthop Malta of ltockport will itart the mill In Sinter bash In a few days that was owned by Kidder and Itro of lark City On last Saturday the 24lh at noon the cry of are was heard through the tricti ifrjono gathered nil the bucket they could find and inn to the ruldenco of Thunim Steven In Otto northcait partof town hero tley lound I an old ilran ihrd on lire The hOOf wm 0lined ornr p f tnppoied tohae been lined by tome I inmll children who II rro playing In It at I that thou rortnnately there wn no wind blonlng and the shed was all that wai continued This brlngitoour mind once more the cautlont we hae teen In I TUB Tiniit about children having acres V to the match tafe R Win Ulchardi of Park City li here w liltlng relatives 8 irut Im ftah Anpnl JS IHtt ErHTiW Tina 11oaa wa cleft d by n slight thou i rot TIIttvnlntt The lee I Itelief Mnielj loathe and tioiind a handMinieaiid l tertltiableiiiilt un Tuwdm alieinnnn The tk hn > rotnnienerd to iimif down nil the hill mid Hit lireitkliig Into the Held In pines doing more or It I tlRII Fruit Mlider < hate brrutnv gatlut iinineriuni and the fruit In I c1 better tonality limn that whlel hat breiioUored Our tome year l1 iII i-II II Wright went to Salt Uk on TaI to itttimd the IteHihllcan eon tenlhatl which tots held on the 2Slh M Ir ixy her 1M I Manhunt Il Miller and tile tit Sill Lithe otoli i ladyfather and inoiher who ale tint here on n tlili from Bootee were In IVuu lat week on n pleniuie trip Burn to the II Ile 01 Charles IL Witt tuiAUjruiii 14lh n diughttr Mother I mid child doing well while Charley li I nt happy at totted ihotiid bv lIr the It ttrrntlngvtulit A intvllng of the Democratic forty ol Itv U I culled fur Satltrdsy itfiilng i Auguit Sill lit 1 odok Intforlhe punwte ot reorganiilng the UNIIU crntlcioclet of this precinct A burg numlwr uf pltiiUlii seekers who hate brio out tint way for KJM time pant are now wending their coy beard home auto hard work liiIIng well repaid for their outing In hit de llghiful part uf uiirlulr iiiomiialn tatty 1 Wr ore carry to retort that Waller llIIolIU 010111 IL Wltllami ol chit IIIII + it I quilt hk UlllUmi welt Blur H doctor thli morning and it It I to be holed thnt tometlilng UIII In done to sate thepnln 1 roni which the vnnng moth It I now lulfirlng A uilniar meeting of the Ikmouaiii Mrly rat held In 1eoa on the evening of I the 27th and 0 T Lyons and llnlph Maxwell were electtil delegate atoll lire Anna 11 Maxwell alternate to at I lend the Democratic nullity contention tollheld I In Conltlllo on Peptemler 2ndThe The ineml r n uf the 22nd Juoriini of I vtlillcn held their rtguUr monthly muting fine on Sunday afternoon After the opening coercion Illthop Stephen Walker gate the meeting Into the handi of the Hot cutlet and the time wnioccupied by Eider 881 Pack and James Woolttcnhulme of Kama I Among lho e who went toSillair on Augntt 23rd were II II Wright and wife George Milliner I I and wife Mrt r I mien MaxwellMlti Ann IRnI and Mrt Klljabltli Mnrchnnt together wltli lomo 01 hen whono nnmea we hate not learned Thou w ho j our corn pom ont hate Mn since their return report hating hat-ing had ntery enjoyable time while un the excursion V II Tcate anI wile T II I Mulhol land nnd wlfonnd llKnilgnallofSalt lathe are nt the 1eoi Honre The party are out for pleaiuro and a riot tromthetarciol dally life Thu gentlemen gentle-men nro hat Ing OilY amount ol sport us their long itrtng of Ado and lull gamo bogs will bear wltncii I while time ladlei well they hate been enjoying them epos to their hearts content In tills health gh Ing mountain air Itcport bus It thaI pattlct who Illegally Il-legally took Dfj detained for twenty four noun and then drotu nay about forty head of cattle trout the owner many ot them milk coIn with joung calve at home will be prosecute for damagea The turtle who did title sot tceklngdnmagei mid 10 hove Wen done by thutlock but at tho proceed ingi were Illegal from fin to lust they hud to turn the chock lootu allor driving then inn roundabout way for n din tnnco of tome eight miles lnrtl should bu inrethey are right before they 1 go too far In inatlcn of thin kind stud It will I tate them time trouble I I and ex I IAn I penie I An amntlng Incident took place at the Icoa Home the other evening A party I I of Felt Inktrn are flopping nt tho hotel mid some of them hud been out tithing i ono vI horn caught crab and took It up to the home that too Indict might ice It A happy thought struck one of the ladles whose hntband was not pret mutt at that time and Abe determined 1 to I hate n joke played nn him upon his return I re-turn hutherefoio took iho crab to her bed room and placed between the Lerta her camp Irrtlowtl iheeti her huiband came Into the room I loon after dltro1 ed and ttirnedxloivii the bedcloth4 oilmen the craw ling natty I looklllg r11I brought to tight Thu gentleinn through fright juniixxl I buck gape whoop that would have I Juno audit to ono ot the noble red men and cried What It It7 Juit look there I Good Lord what Is H7 An he I I I turned towards hit wife who was ecu vulnd with Uughter ho tumbled to the l 1 Hutlil + o dhleehirtlatlrrn the jet Ill ntWTt bill v1 ttjtli 10 Tom nerve and he1II nmtent ev toil tlmi hi wlfr tarns down thhs u M riiiihv In the fmoiv fur the tok3 11tt leers It war fun fur blot nrtta < t1Mt IIIr mid they mart the moiluf U WI he look huh In gniiil I tort The ratling UIB 1 narking of wild ktV to i liiiixt nunriletnl I horcntlog Wf vrmn cominf nwl lhl week tint iffiiil now nnlll Ihirthlngwlll UdlHHV ttm i for atl hand l 11 K It VlW e tt liiiiiilfintr Y lw KIOHI UlMh Ar itt 91t31g llniroi TIHM It I Will MiinbfMiu hat heen qiltliiitilj 1 duriugtin last week fho dnnn tit ttnVi xtvlllon en tlii KIK wool atte well nlteiuUd Jiilten numUr of Itcwkport H l tent on the vnunion la I linlr nhc Jrl 2trdMl Maria llortun but gene tBtjU Like where slut eai ects to ttaf lift I + suttee time I I Jnniri lcltrcn and wife stud Mr > Winiunixiit of North Kamn pent eun I day tier Mtlng frlendi I Mix Krnnm lillitoiuli > lowly IrtOUI ° lug from typhoid filter > rrl COt It tick with oho rambcomplaint Elder Andreu IVlinon ol Vini1ilp uildii > t < iM 1 tow inrvilng here on Sunday lat Kg t w tit Mattis WAXtini Utah Angu 28 IhW I Eoarint Tuna Julie a numljet beef l ier > httv II I beet around I of lair 1 Mitt Iriirlf Young went to Irk City I for a hit on the Stilt ullen number from heir ItoV In the fcnlti i > xciii lon on the 3trd DM Id 1 Anderson came down from Idaho loot week lie will stay n week or two Uforu hercturni A birthday turprlte party ties gotten upon Mist May Judd un the IMtnbyn number other young frlendi A very pteatitnt evening wee i lent I E Olentlager hat taken contract from the U I II It Compiny to turn the itrtnni In Nicer creek Ullnll and fill In tour bridge with earth 1 JIII Iletiby had n horn and tmldle stolen out ot George Itoblnioni barn new n-ew days ago Nothing hat been heard of the thief up to this writing MM Ixjulte Koundy nnd Mr John Morton held it meeting hero on the 23th and reorganized the Primary niiocUv tlon Mra 1 lHlphl1 Iendletou ni preil I lent Mrt Hannah Olentlager 1 nt tint and kirk Joule I Hate ni second roun 1 flllor Miti lllanch Young ai secretary Mln Corn 1endleton at militant and I I Treddlo Peterson treainrer Adam I r t c trout wai down tromlark t City latl week on business Y I 1 IIOTNIMI HntTitiLti Utah August 23 I 1603 I KlUTOKTlMpl J The primary meeting of 1 tho Democratic Demo-cratic loclelyof Ho > titllle wai held Tiiculay evening The organization wn Illcclcd with the following ofllrcn C II Went preildent Mill Olive Crlt linden and Mill N phia loon tlct < presidents Wllioniecrelaryi Mn fcman Hobton treniurcr With thus olllcert there wero four others choclI for executive committee of nine I I There Intro six or seven loads 01 hop plckera up I Kcho canyon on Thuriday Concluding I that J alit would bo n fair lft 1 aterugo for two coeks there would till t-ill lentt 150 hop plckera to thit canyon alone for thli mon C W lllTIIN UITOX Utah Auguit IwI KnirouTiHCN Tho Ixanllfnl new houte ot A II illoudquUt li 1 now completed nnd re ciltlng lu last coat ot paint Tho erection of A couimodloui idclal hall li I In contemplation in Upton Every ellort will be made to hate It completed by Chrlttman Elder Trlckton lash of Irantivllle and William Weaver ot HellO were the ipenken at the ttternoon services Sunday tail J C IIINICIUll HEKECKII Utah August 28 1M 5 EatTOa Toots William lUnd ST li tltltlng hit ion rn > ior llgnd at Irk City Joicph K 1oiler It attending the late contention In tho capital It li I well that cooler weather li approaching ap-proaching in a lilt will be absolutely neceitary to keep tho political It from boiling over Hcnefer canto largo crowd to galtair with the Summit county excursion Hut tome of our folk were much chagrlnod on tow return trip na tho train itopped a mile and 0 hall below the Mender crofting and our folks men women and i Mini hill v I null limn In ihfl rk 1 Ce t 1 h wl Ihl I t coil IlOt ownr 4lr I r pu are diiriment i I + if hit oh I > lilft u i to l ul cui inmiuene nn MtmUv te Iteptbllrauoh lleneler wrrviep I t ledli Urn Hi eo r ill the Irk l eent Illlon Hue ol the ImUie who firniirl i 11 I H In I lleiefer Hated titer day uf t hereon I iheir return trip JWle a Iot 1 uf I the irnttn li et lore and tlj Mningiuiuiurnced l on the Kill Tim I reel of hif in lojki well tie ordinance of iMpllim was two I loQttd I her oil iinday last I nine new Hi B Un biing ad le1 1 to the with Lola Ivardrn U aetltely engg l fat fa-t root prildlliig lallae < and 1s I mak t isegaleruip for frnlt tll ell here I Tim i Iftnnnemti hold a primary hmr Jute rid ind 1 vlei I le1 1 ilelivuiwi In the ratMjr Ufinotritiie co iventmii to IK 1 > 4lat fault 111 illw ilaJtidd of huh pile Taft Ir tAft Lake an the 27th for the ixlriMin of dftjulnnl Mullock to Mr Itenrge U Vie of CiHiltllle Hwlr inanr friends In lli vicinity will with them long life ateutyresletty W II tllMlTIII II WaiiMTt u Platt Augntt 2l IMi Tartea TIUM Vt1Uiiii May J wan n Wahiateh tlrltor a fedyi the lost week < > ir genial lady agent MM I Whi < don tea t i here this week for Coalville whrretlw gun 1 to take ilurge 01 the C < irWe tin on WI lire Lorry to loin Mrt boll 11011I our tmnll etiin tuuliltfi We of this end of the county ore 1t1til4lrt1rll that the rattle growmt ur eoe IIQJI bu peen orgnnlteil nt Inkle NoiUott moil ol our calll growers will Iw eUJ to Join the same Thanks Urn of Oiklry for timely Information Mn Oulller who lint turn here for tcvtnlnukt keeping house for her ion Jnraf lfli here on We < liieiday to re tur O billiard a the wm feeling very lllijt h I learned that the died the fnl hlw I IrVday at Illllnrd which wni xrry uiMen and lamentable She haves u Jinibuxl and un who hate the ym l uigVall In Ilivlr Ivmtvomenli 1 tot illllain V II Whtndon hai tHen here the pan few drays packing ready for moral J 8 II |