Show I lie Uw of I l > l < lunA > lun-A peculiarity of fulminate of mercury Ii I that It pioducea a shock to whkh all 1 oilier sultslamea are sensitive and Ui supreme value as an ixploslte rests Incurrent this fact and In Ihe known Htiblll ot all explosive tu I detonated by more 0 h IM I distant explosions Trier Is I n current of sympathetic Influence In these terrible chemical compositions that Ie I as strange aa It Is I daninrnus Wlmt le rtqulred lo produce etploilon Is I the rapid generation uf great heat along with large quntltle of ofIn In gunpondvr fcr Instance the nllrutt ot polashsallpeler which Is I the chief Ingredtont I practically Imprisoned oxygen and when It 1 Is I deconiio rd along with charcoal an Immense h1 Is I developed i which causes the case to expand Inlhonre explosion I All 1 the Year Hound |