Show TLSTJCK IN ALASKA TRADER BALKED IN TRYING TO DEFRAUD A GIRL rI lIor st runt tudehy nn the lakan suite llr 4iile a Cooei and shell Ilcr ClahJuCIIIn tles Irs lily Ialil II HAMILTON Is a trailer at fort Cudah on the Yukon Yu-kon river last YAP year while In Ban F r a n c 11 I c o and nschlsuct when about to return 3r re-turn to his post In that faroft noun try he secured through an Intelligence Intelli-gence bureau the services of a young Swede girl to net AI a domestic In his household at the pout agreeing to pay her 30 a month anil board lodging and transportation her wages to commence from the lime the ttrpped aboard the boat at Ban Francisco on her long journey to the north The young and unsophisticated i little Swede girl had no Idea of the 1 long and tiresome Journey she was about to embark upon thinking when abe entered Into her agreement with Hamilton that the was accepting a position po-sition somewhere all In the country Hut she made no complaint and as there was no turning back when once started she reconciled herself to the situation Upon arriving at Fort Cudahy Hamilton Ham-ilton laid down to her a code of rather strict household laws ono clause of which compelled her to be In bed at 10 oclock At Fort Cudahy the only lady resident of the place was Mrs Ned Ayleward and being the only two females of the place they naturally sought each others company and after the days household work was done the little Swede domestic was In the habit of riming over and spending the evening with Mrs Ayleward It happened hap-pened one evening through n social chill that she stopped there after 10 oclock or after her allotted time and upon returning to Hamilton house she found herself locked out She knocked and pounded at the door for half an hour but no one would ll1 her In and so finding herself locked out with tho thermometer shivering at 42 degrees below zero she returned to Mrs Aleward where she received I shelter and a bed For the night Tho next morning upon returning to re te t ftoo I sume her duties again I Hamilton met her at the door and curtly Informed her of her dismissal from his service and his house and that he was ready to settle with her but would allow her wages only from the time they started up tho river from St Michaels to the then present time which amount when summed lip and deducting n small bill I she had run In the store would not pay her passage back to San Franclico I Tho forlorn girl was thunderstruck nt this Intelligence there she was without with-out a homo or coca a bed In the middle mid-dle of a Yukon winter and no ono but Mrs Ayloward to whom she could apply ap-ply for shelter and no law to vvhlca the could appeal for her rights Mrs Ayleword took Ibo poor girl In and charitably cared for her Tho whole affair soon leaked out and reaching the cars of the miners their Indignation ran so high that they called n public meeting and resolved themiclve Into n court of Justice and Invited both the girl and Mr Hamilton Ham-ilton to attend their court The girl came and gate In her testimony bill Hamilton sent word that he Ignored entirely en-tirely nil frontier courts of Justice or mob gatherings and would not appear ap-pear Tho trial however proceeded without him a verdict was rendered and 80 odd o olces declared that the decision de-cision of Iho court would bo upheld and too by right of might If It became necessary to mo such extreme measures meas-ures uroTho The verdict as rendered gate the girl the full amount of her contract with Hamilton her wage commencing from the time she left San IVanclsco up 10 the date of her discharge n bed and lodging and Ills to pay her faro back to San Francisco again In case the should mako up her mind to return otherwise the l0 faro not to be paid and a committee was appointed wait upon Hamilton for a settlement of the same Tho committee went In force to the store and Informed Mr Hamilton ot Ibo verdict of the court looking Into the determined faces of tho committeemen committee-men Mr Hamilton realized nt onco I that their call upon him was n strictly business one and knowing that It I would bo most unwise tor him to attempt at-tempt any denial of the Justness ot tho verdict or repudiate their right 10 sit upon such cases very gracefully canto to Iho front and settled In fill of all demands but however with the remark that they could have the wholo 1 1 store If they wanted It Tho Jury In this CUSP didnt want tie tore but they did want to see Justice done to that lonely girl who had been turned out homeless In u mining camp upon a desolate frontier |