Show CHARACTER Many a plain face looks positively pretty when lighted up by animation nnd many n heart loll been won otiS kepi by one ghnce at the right moment f7ronrodtw ft nt Hhould th forehead be rounded off At the corner you may take It 1 that tin character Is eon liberate kindly disposed dis-posed wcllmeanlne and oa a rule centruua Hair In man or woman Is I nha > a sign of energy of some kind If dark hair the energy Is I more pronounced nnd should It lie curly or wavy Intar laity Implies musical taste Women hate alwn > s smaller mouth than mm and more frequently large eyes They as a rule feel 1 more Intensely Intense-ly than man and their feelings are kIt more In check and arc less material A broad square upright forehead receding re-ceding Just slightly Is I Intarlably the sign manual of n clear vigorous mind Strength of mind Is I shown In conjun lion wllh a wellcut lightly rounded chin The eyes show more plainly than any other feature nt the face the Inlenilt ot our feelings the direction tntvar which the feeling tend Ii I dliplaird by the size 1 shape and molding of the mouth A rodhaired mortal Is 1 not such an ob Jectlonabla Individual as one would expect ex-pect from the many derogatory re murks that are passed about him You will find the redhaired one lively hail hai-l warmhearted and usually sey I ihrewd In pile of authorities the writer has always found the e > ebrons as such t Indicate nothing Whether they lo arched or straight depends on the ihar I ot the brow A law overhanging rldi of the brow usually shows pirceptl i Hut It this ride be arched Instead urI ur-I straight It Implies sensitiveness |