Show A MAN OF RESOURCES Ttis 11 Olralnnl I 1 a lnlut to apnea Inml taloner The dentist didnt want to talk shop he said but he thought story worth filing so he told It Not long ago bo Mid a Western railroad president came to New York and one night was Invited to dine with some of his friend her says the New York Trl bun The dinner wa a particularly Icularly Jolly affair and when he western man reached Ills hotel he was In a merry mood 1 A his custom to place his set of falsa teeth under the pillow every night Just before going to bed and ho was ccr lain he had done so on this particular conning Nevertheless In the morning h IB was unable to find them Searching high and low In the room wo of no avail and finally he came to me for anew a-new set How long will It take you to mako hem ho asked I told him four or five day Cant listen to nn thing like that he replied I Til I give you triple money to make them In twcnty tour hours You see people from Chi ago think that money laughs at everything every-thing even time l1e I my arguing with the old fellow lid no good 1 I set to work on his ceth In alto meantime however I old my assistant to hasten around to he old man hotel and make n sclcn life search of the room The westerner nslstcd that ho had drunk no moro wino than usual nt the dinner but I was satisfied that ho was deceiving himself I had not been long at the preliminary measurements when my assistant called me out and handed mo ho teeth He had found them In tho illlow case where the owner had put hem Instead of under the pillow 1 returned the teeth and the railroad road man was so overjoyed that he did not cancel the order but told me to go ahead with Ibo teeth They might como In handy sometime ho said Ho even unbent so far as to admit that perhaps after all ho had drunk a glass of wine too much the night before and when I sent him my bill I received i check for double the amount from him |