Show SNORTS FROM SIFTINOS I et us all boast not knack and prosperity pros-perity Is our onion The business of the police Justice maybe may-be said to be a fine art mal The frog of a railroad track ought ta be happy In flood lime The man who think he I bright I5 eldom Inclined tJ keep I darlt I you want to live long don try to llto moro than one day at n time Abuse la one of the few thing a man can Ret without earning or deiervlni II Next la n beau there Is I nothing n girl Is I prouder nt than boning n HI Her nard dog You can nlwaye Please a good man by telling him ha has a davlllih twinkle In hla eo 1 When you hood a friend dont pick out the man whose dog never wants lu follow him The mot lonesome man In town U I Ihe one that has made liberal loan to Ids acquaintance Whtn the eoaehmnn mnrrl his em I pi 5 ilnunhter 100 is I a groan The tuna r ° r ruollth V nil ho acquire an early lesson tn llt < al Ul I kory when he sees his I rwMier nrr munJcr it pie I Tho ship ot mxtrlmony 100 a compan lonway but many arc the husbands and anl vvlvo who onset find It lien Potter We had a mooting of the llrccton ot our company last night Mn 1 Potter What war the Midi Whon a man cots 10 worthless far anything else 1 he I Jut worthless enough for a ientlnvntal woman tn I make Inn a hero of and marry Texu Sift |