Show Tlo Itt Inelon No fairy amulet nor even AlmlJIn Lamp could xitial the result pr < xlued by the wonderful artl le noimieJ by the hero In the following lary which Ii 1 taken from a German lrloIIOII AmonK the effect of an HnEllih Ma man lone since lion home to his reward re-ward a Ulble was found In which the following tin rlptlon waa plalnlr writ tnnnr f II r nylnavee t Thia lull wee gUvii M me l > y Mr 1 Haiku In hue tr 1 In 191 u a reward for rmukr ascendance at the ffunday MhooL JV nflythrw yearn rtop of which I hare Rent ur > n the as It bun U n my roniunt companion During the yearn I was in fortyflr Iwtllt awl en a ement > i rlve < t thirteen wounds wa > hlpwrerke1 three time one the veMel I un which 1 salted was burial and twice we were raiwleil 1 had n fever of one kind or another fifteen tlmee and during all this time ltd HIM wan my Joy and eoniolallon |