Show I HKTEUAXS Oil NER ISAMIFlltC aKBTCHBB FOR THE OLD MEIIOKS j C olaln MlllUm 1 Inn > of the rrty Kennil < l t I In JIk I a IlUrlm I me In the lUltleneld ua Ullli 11e i fu pleJ I = J ONO IT PltOM r mast and e pie of Hymbol oer land and sew ot the life of a ta t hr hettlir Gallant and slmng and free Proudly we flew Ita color 1 flag of the brand bra-nd true With the eluslrre1 plar and the steadfast stead-fast barn The red the while and the blue flag 1 of the ttArIhurld Plug of the broken chain King 1 In a daydawn ntsrttd Never to pain or warn Dearly we prise I Its eolars I Wllh the heaven light nraklnl through Th elinlernl 1 stars and the stesdfat iMn Th red the while and 1 the blue flag of the sturdy falhrs tag of th loyal song lliiMli Its folds It irntlrrs harsh IM and nob1 ones Ilnldly WP wave Us color Our veins are IhrllM scow liy the atMdfast lee the luterel star The rxl trw whit anti the bias MarsMnt K Mottr s < ddl r wa out with several others on n scouting party In bite Cumberland lip They were surprised MIH distance dis-tance from their line Icy l a company of the Confederates and when ll was teen that escal was Impowlblo they Vltralnel l IbM they wou11 pot nllow Ibf4llh I Ut C l rJ rateii 10 heiq the ode of I tl t liflr sealant at any rate Drtuklni Iltl hk and vVSfU bw fW11 111M tfflt fur u iny grew lltm iJon the I grouyjl nn < l waited ilmttdly for bpS bp-S tJy1 tA til y new cut Ir1 hb i U I iR hit lAI lt t AnV RoTj three I thaA Oi rl l ants dftfrmliwd Chat no Con I date nhoull ever have any EIMI rum hli rifle beat the nun nrnund A tree thai loaf nor and hurUd It Into a small Inam Hint wind thruuKh the low land of mite nun Mr with all lu the lf others nf the lltttr land wa oaptuml and taken away from the place and AI fortune 101 Ile none of them ever rlurnrd ti > that slat where the mini I urn thrown away Call Jones In 1 flute an old xrayhalrrd man and nolwlili tandlnir the fact that he re from tin ranks and rarrled Ixllfr 1ea1ons that hi old rifle ho I now lan with n Ironic drtlre In rel > lt the plsee l where ha wu Apturod and search for the nun Ire pnyn lieti IxxllUr thai he cannot can-not It for whore ha threw It 1 Into the water the stream was very sluggish and deep and the Uillom AI Ito knew Mil wnered with two CI tor mud It uai at the fend of the stream whore here WAI unull llktllhoo1 ot n rise ore swift current that would I or-e aid to carry the old weapon down stream i Hem also declares that he nil 10 He-m able tu recoinUe the 11111I from lt > 1olnll bent and broken Whether Ihf is any chance of finding the gun ur lint the friend of Call Jota are Ko ng to afford af-ford him blue opiuirlunlty ot mlsltln the old nM and IOArcb1l1I toe the 1001 rifle which If found will fulllll the last IIOIHI uf Ihn old nildler nnd rauie him life laeah the Krotent hai > ln M that fan IHM 101 l ly com to blm |