Show IIIIKIKNN tllMUA HMi The but talt In Ihi orM ru r onto llrnlw > 5nrae Ulr re gall Ithwin IVvr ware Teeter < llalulttl Ilaaur j r i l18LIIltn thilllniii Onrii nml nil Siln l hits II IH nod MullUlf uiina HIM or no par tvipjlml It Ii KtKruiilMiHo i1v J ivrfpit ll fnrtin ne IMOWT rflnniiol Inset av costa per LorI t lot le by II Jot n HoydftiA lost i Dr Ih1c Crwm Uakui Powr WwWf Fair Illghttt A W4 OW i a 1 i I I I I I I I t I I l Palpitation oKiie Heart 1 I Shortness of Breath Swelling of Legs and Feet For about four year I ova troub led will palpitation uf thus heart liottnem of breath and swelllni ot thu legs and feit At tlinoi 1 uuulJ faint I was treated by tho beat plij olclans In Savannah Co with no re lief 1 then tried various Springs I without benefit Finally 1 tried I Dr Miles Heart Cure nlw hH Neno and Iher Vlll I Afar I I UV IlN lo fore lIt than J felt UUerl I txintlnuw taking them and I am now IM better health than for many yours Klnco my recovery 1 have ttnlnou fifty odlrllr IIlll mll pound m welfliu I hulas the state munt tiny bo of value to otuo jioor nuileror K II BUTTON War SlMloo Ho Dr Mile ll = r Core ti1oOQln tmltlra I < nnaat W not la il In will i eat All iu gliU wit It at U 6 UtUi for fc or ItvlllMMOt irnnald fUo J lnl prlet i Lj 111 UrTulWi tlSloa1 Uo DtlJlrl lud GET THE BEST Whin vim an about In i > ai a Rcwlnn Marttln i leant i be dxeiv it lv lliiilnK adveH i nwnt iI Sa l t Uli mink you usu with brat 1 ntad 1110 aa I I Most Popular lr a ms rrone Bi la II that I JIB liny ruli rIaW i < nun II I fct per 41 thnt tnso l µ > lmd a j liii a tun t yh sit catnnd n oat I Aal 1 nt p ou t a nvt KtwlnuJacltlaittintk r n to3 tk wurJ over fur Ito duI i1i du-I > V + t I ant the s re loot taucat tosilaap and U Light Running Thin U I win 10 tha world that 1 I eao eelIlI In I inovtmiilil coo atr ctii < niliiintiiliivi7 wiirklim I I nurt > llui s + u I tlnUli txmitr I la iprit > u I min ublnvtmrnl u U NEW IIOlIg AMwmtta TfMlM Uwkto fMri aN1n QWkal1uu l IfflmltJ no < > i h 1 = raw tlnd > f iTrnin wh b 1 srtrtbgardwlarl = to p1ws IUTI fOR CIHOU LARS THEIEW ROLE SEI1KG MUMECO D1aa ft Nr I 14Y roN nnt > u J > t Cornelius Park City Utah ft 1 MMiisxm a j WK itu MAGINNIS WEBER 1 J 1 1 Inns lsase r u and 1 tel CMk IOaa loss I Thrtt4lot t UTd u i COALVILLE COroP A SPECIAL COT IN PRICES I We have Cut the Prices on our tlur eilles from 30 ceut cut to 15 cents Nainsooks from ao cents cut to 10 cents White Drew Good from 13 ceuts cut to 20 cents Smuttier Gloves from 50 cent + cut to 35 cents Summer Sattine from 30 cent cut to 10 cents Iue from to cent cut to 5 cents SUlUmer Slipper fiom J Ia5 cllt to I 1 Uueball Hats from 51 cut to 50 cents v U We have a Large Stock of Ladies and Chil drens Tan Hose Mens Tan Shoes Childrens Tan Slippers Screen Doors Ice Cream Freezers Freez-ers Western Washers etc Call and see us COALVILLE COOP iFcIAT4 After a cuiefu test we ftntt thaI the grade of THKUR CROWN IJAKINO 1OWUIJR we have been making h i the best that can be mud for the price charged We have determined to manufacture the ICKKST ANI llKvr CKKAM T KTAK HAKINC IottUKK that ciii be made and though the price will be slightly advanced it will have more leavening strength and will be cheaper in the end After August 15 1895 there will be a Illne Label on the cover worded HEWLETT BROS IMPROVED HIGH GRADE THREE CROWN BAKIITG POWDER liver can goat nnteed to be equal to the bent in the market or muticv refunded and ask von to kindly give it a trial HEWLETT BROS Salt Lake City Utah HEALTH tsn ACCIDENT I INSURANCE Fiaallty mutual RIa OS80 San FrancKoo Cot i I KM FIVC IrMl tiil IIVV Ulll I I iir1 1 n titli 1 InJ ul i i4tni hn ta rat a srrk wl ittiialit work tln uth + 1u µ hl t its rhiruul rirNllr 111 lf jio air itrrltplilaltr I allM a ION t5 rnal loll l tin tnwk when you ate i Irk mid tlluM tu tetra H Hrit n11N ter Iniitnl rii nw I MilI rt 1 If yams u haiuf or lout sir i n 10 tuw 10 IIIMI Klan II teal tiruiMiii tiKiiltrt irtvin 9A rittiTl Ilh mrrwrtblp IIII y ii lw pro and Ii A l uf til SOirrmiHlttl LIFE INSURANCE I i > il i l In la l of IKr ItlMinu r Httlni lriiMIO i Alft s of ilMth ud mo p r Hlnoouvr tninitli fur Mvidvut and ivknrM il > iii tH ynr tnA I n > I MUI paflu I wt dvalb n 111ina iu r tor Nlulllweih looo at dMlli or violin 1 llir vwluf IS y r Mill rmutilh furiMctdeiltnrtlrknro I IF INSURED rn i a iiHM liwv all vtitr liuomp whnyo ar u k nl IIIli I < rldriil Tin riitiilTt iitrtAi 1111 tx + 1111 ITHIN h tn4 mlii nll > lh Urmt and initi in 141 Idoiil iil Ititlin ttUllon hi I I Isr Is slot male II II + tha 1 IIn1 h l Iollh Its I 11 r of l alllirli lanaiilMlmilrrr I whTph t I > hrr slits an Ulpl Is HrMni run I mid t Ui < r t mukr tee rerl ullrl aulwlrlr narns j 5 I Ihssl4ny of lt 5nw I5u 10 st mentrn 1 I ii7iili Iyute Ilrnl liut5 TWA yaws f V M l4t liloii JVar I nrusrv 14NIrmthl 1 1 lhrru pwikl tIi I riiiiiriliinV i + lnirp IAflll l tr1 1 POST TiFIoE STORE I jOA I Summit Co Utah oI Pa LYONS ieu rrol l IVal rln MIKImlif t r STHTIn 1CS1ANtr ANtr = = = SGBODL SUPPLIES If You Want i I School Books Note Books I Paper Envelopes Tablet I Blank Peps PenPencils > Ink InkRlller 1 Rulers KriMr Slates PUhiug T okl or au > thing in p that Hue give we a cali in i irt pnrchaalag pQitofffce Building I PEOA 0 UTAH Eoio ffloat fflaIRot Joy vrouiat IMIOI Choicest Meats hi the County and prices as low as the lowest PACIFIC HOTEL ECHO Hoard by day week or month Speciil rate to hunting and fi hinK pnrtica Good iccom tnodttioiK for trauHtent JOS STORKR Prop PEOA HOUSE j jIRST CLASS ACCOHHODAT10NQ FIRST TRAVELERS OR TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS Rates In Keeping With the Times Mrs Lydia E Walker Proprietress 1EOA Summit I County Utah TINSHOP J Homemade Titnvare Stove Pipe Hath luhs Garden f Sprinklers Galvanized Iron J Zuc Copier and 1 Sheet Iron I Work etc made and Repaired by i Joseph Jones 1 TINNER J Shop one block east of Stake House Cofllville Utah i OSCAR P LYONS I I Notary Public and Conveyancer I t olUitinna IrmpilviMailc on lIIIIIIIllIu flan 1Mrr fl-an Ilan rCh 411111 ICUIU IlOll MIItII1 CUUl I Illlll i I illiJlU Ji = I II Meanar eft e ounoeluo c ru a rrlnrot and N ne rtn IC I llllean = frm p = kmoiaoiM > u < iftlioiowllliiltKilp lia lladu il 1 t junuulo or not IIM ol pup Out fee nut uu ill pitm u MCttrtil I 11 u5ltey0 t > tb a DI wrote Iru tOba5nsans I with < 01 01 Mn In Iba Ii J and oJancOlI see I era Addra cAASNOWCOi r u Mawr Orncc wwworoa D cJ CAVEATSTRAlJE MARKs COPYRIGHTS r sN i OIIT IX A riTrvr ter a SmXTff e r I unlnn wrlN r i on i LNn uavrl ehr aura tt arwrIn lu I yt not bu nrfaSfi jgteWsaa I A 1lIOOT n sir 141 BSas I n snook r wsa 111 1 = naiS rl taam thou 11nnn a7y raw = 1 IOir nn wu nun Amel w J y roue lh Im nJIi OIl ms to IM IprMlaN 11 hl ulwalld b s 1 vJ xln nl lY lIIuh b Ell ItIt wunl as Yrml3 laMt la i eude l a i vuntnb 1 nu t l JJ raar nn ti krrrr oral r vntall Jul 1 Plo w n rotor end 14 I t4 I + e rblna 6uillrn o dr aw tan W mnlral N1tuibwaT |