Show A Bonanza For Pupils The Now State Commercial College J Prank Ryan principal 01 to 051 Easl 2nd South St Salt Luko City opened since January 1st Is an Instltulton destined to surpass all others in the West S 500 per month entitles a pupil tothor oughly firstclass Instruction In any or all of tho following Shorthand Graham Gra-ham or Pitman systems Typewriting Bookkeeping Penmanship Higher Mathematics Academic Course Stationery Sta-tionery books otc required for Bookkeeping Penmanship and Shorthand Short-hand furnished at a cost not to exceed lOc to IOO per month Latin Greek German French Spanish Span-ish Drawing and Architecture 5800 per monthbooks and materials not Included Shorthand Bookkeeping and Penmanship Penman-ship thoroughly taught by mall for 525 payable when course Is completed Correspondence solicited I |