Show FLASHES It seems that tilt little calt nl a tent episode mentioned by Tun UKRAIU vas not Intended lor publlcitoii though coiibldertd well tiunigh in lib way tn a ciimiung expedition juke An trror or judgment ladies l und gent gen-t emeu 4 Nejihl Hanson is on the roan Uu week throughout the county iu tin interest of the Consolidated Implement Imple-ment Co He says he wus kept so busy attending to order last Thus hay that he couldnt Uilcbrate hard enough None Units how the Hum wouid have read if Mr II bad made the trip intended N 4 One day this week some one told James Order a story of how he James had entered TUB UJSUALD biiuuttun with a Wluchesier and till intent to du the editor which the latter individual indi-vidual prevented by bolug a little previous with a slxsliooier Jim face was a stdy as ho listened to the yard awl ardently louuiu tar a little of somebodys vivid imagination a A gentleman from u ncfanlJurlnl city wlulo gazing at the Co ops three story bulldinii and nnilcing its ulr air of prosperity remarked I have stock lu twentytwo of tlnue institutions institu-tions but that Is the only one wlihh + has paid dividend + In the t lat two Kara This IH much to the credit of Spanish FIIIk as a community UM to the managers of the Co op as saga clous business men |