Show 1 HE POLITICAL SITUATION The Importation Of tile political situnlim In IJtMi nnd or Ibe cnrainft elections here cannot bo tivercsitlnint < d Tin result will not ho u merely local onn but is uf nutionul mrmunt Tbn Utah rnabllni act was signed by the President cm the 10th of JUly of lust year Under tbu art u rnnMltn lonal cnnrpntlon WB chwn in November Nov-ember and tt rioinjilettd Its work our In the winter ThoConstltntlnn w 11 11I111uhrnlttcd 1 i torrntlfic1l1on at IIn rlcc tlon to be bed next November J f It I 18 adnplpil the President will proclaim The udmlmlon of Utah to StatrjUnorl Uter which the Legislature of the rcw State will nRtmllo and Hcct erl ntoro In dnt course this may occur t i fore Ciinrrs9 meets In Decomberor it least brfore the Semite has complct a Us reorganization When the Ktrenath of tho two part Ira in the Senate Is conMrtercd the pol Itlcal Importance of Utah becnmrs apparent The Republicans line u majority over tb DemoratB hut not over all The Sen to Is full wltn eljjb tjelght members Ir would h If It were not for the disputed election In 4 puleware It 18 lUoly that Micro will Oh < i snarl over thc mircrssorif lilrcltfs mom tiini fjite MI tliit there will bi > but ljthiy i > riiiicmbciH to pnrtici pitr In the orRnriTattiop Of llior JOlt > clght mo Hftpublionns tliity cUht < rn Democratic and six toioms to the Peoples party so culled Inelim Jog Stewart and Jones from Nevida Should tvio ItopnbllranA bs ol ctcd and J seated fiom Utah before there i a u I eiRin iu flia Delnwaro cise thert would he eightynine members t Ucpubllcans would then with toll to-ll t votes hold a oletir mBjo It It r > worn a queRMcng Irt HeJJ of F Iinl OJ irnnlzitlon tine V tm l i < niocriitB could not of cur e SfdZi8 ail Ll > t atilt Is tllpy now a oiUl nf tlio ooinmlttiC and the olllcers of the Senate the Uppubllrann as they now Lund are povvnrlesi to I oust them unless they make a combination com-bination with tbu Popullnt Senator to that end Tlat the Itepubllnans are 7fry loath to dr It Ii unlikely thereto there-to r that the will defer a reor anizu tlou until they have an unquestioned cunjorlty oyrr all Utah then In tie plrntal 81 air For till reason thorn will be a widepiend lutrrent In the eleotum which will take I lacnln November The Republicans in Utab from all accounts arc uuitrd and there U I little doubt Umt they will carry eyerythlng before them |