Show EARTHQUAKE PROPHET BoracthlllK Alfout Dr ISuilnlf 1ulh und III ncinniluMo Work Dr Rudolf Palb of Viennn the eminent emi-nent meteorologist whose accurate pro dictions of tho recent earthquakes in the Balkan peninsula mo attracting so much attention does not HpJHy where the seismic convulsions will actually take place for the snnpio reason that Ills theory has a universal application To put his theories in m cimpli a tush Ion as possible it may be sail that Prof Fall believes first of all that the ilcepiloWn Interior of the earth h filled with a molten mass which 10 i subject to ebb and How just like the waters of the ocean Between the earth and this molten shoal which is slowly cooling there is only a hell of an average of eighteen miles In thickness upon which we mortals mor-tals UTe and love and die < < In some places the earths crust Is thicker than a c4 rnoF RUDOLF TALD In others Where it Is thinnest tho confined con-fined terrible forces of the underworld under-world chiefly in the form of gas seek constantly to escape and when the pressure of the atmosphere around the earth is lowest the gas finds an outlet Usually in welldefined districts generally gener-ally through the volcanic ventholes Ittit beyond theazitnt pressure of gas Dr Ealbiizi s UiCt1leo Lt1ho hcolio molten mass beneath us is siib joct j to the influence of tho mooi which produces waves and occasional iy great tidal waveR which sweep round the inner crust of tho world with terrific force slinking tho earth in its passage Dr Falb 1 publishes every year a list of the slays on which he expects seismic convulsions These he calls critical dny < < nd these daXiarttiioso when the mot P Broaches close to the earth This ycai from April to August tho satellite will approach at certain limeXuJoser to us than usual and will have bayi > Dr l alb this disturbing iulluonco Df 1alb is u native of Styria in Austria fie ron of a German miller vnd is now about fifty ycais of age tllis reputation as an earthquake prophet proph-et which began in 1870 was greatly strengthened In IWO in Agram The city had had a visitation of earthquakes earth-quakes which seemed as if they would never come to an end In order to calm the panic among the people the city authorities asked Prof Falb to como from Vienna to AiV9 a series of lectures He gaVo tho people comforting assurance as-surance but told them that there was ono critical day yet to ho passed namely December 11 when them would be n violent hock though it would not bo as bal as sons that had preceded it Bcceuber 10 passed and no shook but exactly at midnight his prophecy was fulfilled and he himself was almost thrown ut of tied < His fame then spread all oi Austria Germany and the world Ho Is a soibritist whose prophecies command serious scientific attention I |